Terrinoth Magic Items and Beasts

By IamGazrok, in Realms of Terrinoth

Like the rest of your work, this is an amazing resource. I know you're not using the Genesys rules, but I hope the team that's been working on the Terrinoth bestiary takes a look and uses this as a guide to critters we need Genesys stats for.

Question regarding the home-brew mixed in: Are these marked in any way? If not, it might be useful for other GMs if at some point down the road you clearly indicate which of these critters are your own creations or imported from other properties. Just a small request; you've done so much work already!

Fair point...now that Im sharing with others. I think Ill just separate out the homebrew in folders or put (HB) where it varies maybe. Not first priority...but I'll work on it. (And reference the system used to differentiate)...

I wouldn't mind trying the Genesys system, but there's no way I'd be able to convince my players of it. We only game once or twice a month, and I'm doing good if they remember the rules of D&D, let alone learning a new one.

Edited by IamGazrok

Easier than I thought. The items folder is now only Terrinoth-specific. No homebrew or D&D.

Done so for Monsters too! (basically, there's a Connections feature, where I can simply uncheck them from the folder)....

23 hours ago, SavageBob said:

Like the rest of your work, this is an amazing resource. I know you're not using the Genesys rules, but I hope the team that's been working on the Terrinoth bestiary takes a look and uses this as a guide to critters we need Genesys stats for.

Question regarding the home-brew mixed in: Are these marked in any way? If not, it might be useful for other GMs if at some point down the road you clearly indicate which of these critters are your own creations or imported from other properties. Just a small request; you've done so much work already!

From a Quick glance i Think All the beasts are cowered in ROT or in my conversion

But ill run it though later tonight always looking for more critters to convert 😀

We're still shy a few expansions, so as we get them (mostly Descent), I'll be adding to it as well. the nice thing is, my entries will be date stamped on the site, so should be able to see new ones that way (and sort by recent). Your work is fantastic, by the way! I'm still going through it!

Edited by IamGazrok

Great website @iamgazrok

There are 3 monsters on your site not yet converted to Genesys in some shape or form :)

I can see i still need to do a proper Carrion Crawler i do have one as a small worm but not a big one :)

Also a Leviathan which is tbh kinda a boring monster to stat and the Monkey God.

The monkey god i have used in a adventure called "tales from the docks of Ottris" might be fun to include it as a monsters.

Thanks for the inspiration.

Both the Leviathan and the Monkey God , I likely wouldn't even bother statting out. Really the only recourse is to flee the area for either of them...lol. I believe I've seen some expansions (either out already or soon to come) that don't have those I've listed, and I still need to go through yours fully).

there were some others I didn't see in your pdf though, that were in ROT...

Aymhelin Scion, Dimora, Quicksand Elemental, Runegolem, Spined Thresher, the Dispossessed, Gurak Tol, Leonx, Catfolk, Mahkim, Djinni, Uthuk .

(a lot of them weren't just easy to find though, as the names were buried in the text for some of 'em, especially the mounts)...

But man, that thing looks almost ready to publish! Have you shared it with the Terrinoth Explorers Facebook group yet? Betting they'd love to see it!

Edited by IamGazrok
5 hours ago, IamGazrok said:

Both the Leviathan and the Monkey God , I likely wouldn't even bother statting out. Really the only recourse is to flee the area for either of them...lol. I believe I've seen some expansions (either out already or soon to come) that don't have those I've listed, and I still need to go through yours fully).

there were some others I didn't see in your pdf though, that were in ROT...

Aymhelin Scion, Dimora, Quicksand Elemental, Runegolem, Spined Thresher, the Dispossessed, Gurak Tol, Leonx, Catfolk, Mahkim, Djinni, Uthuk .

(a lot of them weren't just easy to find though, as the names were buried in the text for some of 'em, especially the mounts)...

But man, that thing looks almost ready to publish! Have you shared it with the Terrinoth Explorers Facebook group yet? Betting they'd love to see it!

Im not on facebook :) guess im just old. Feel free to share it if you like.

alot on your list are in the ROT but as you said its not easy to find since its spread all over the book. This was how i went through your list. Just looked at the description from the disposed and maybe ill redo it. Seems more like a will o' wisp with some added horror of spectral hands maybe not good as a monster even more like an encounter with rolls to not get lured into the mist.

TB=Terrinoth Beastary
GCRB=Genesys Core rulebook
ROT=Realms of Terrinoth

Arachyura - TB p. 3
Aymhelin Scion ROT p. 178
Bane Spider GCRB p. 147
Blood Ape TB p. 5
Bone Horror TB p. 5
Broodwalkers TB p. 6
Carrion Crawler (not present)
Carrion Drake TB p. 7
Cave Spider TB p. 8
Chaos Beast TB p. 9
Crow Hag TB p. 8
Dimora ROT p. 191
Feral Dragons ROT p. 152
Ferrox ROT p. 165
Fire imps TB p. 16
Ice wyrm ROT p. 237
Infernal Hulk TB p. 27 (noted as Ynfernael Hulk)
Ironbound ROT p. 153
Leviathan not present
Medusa TB p. 20
Merriod ROT p. 228
Monkey God not present
Plauge Worm TB p. 23
Quicksand Elemental ROT p. 248 and TB p. 15
Reanimate ROT p. 166
Runegolem ROT p. 154
Shambling Colossus TB p. 25
Skeleton tbh just use the reanimate :)
Spined Thresher ROT p. 216
The Dispossessed for this i would use same stats as a wraith
Volucrix Reavers TB p. 27
Wendigo ROT p. 238
Wraith ROT p. 167
Wyrm of the Deep ROT p. 231
Zombie for this i would use reanimate
Gurak Tol ROT p. 202
Leonx ROT p. 180
Razorwings GCRB p. 147
Beastmen GCRB p. 147
Djinni ROT p. 248
Dragon Hybrid ROT p. 151
Dragons ROT p. 195
Flesh Moulder TB 0. 17
Uthuk ROT p. 213 (called a beserker here)