I repeat, I had nothing at all to with the other thread, or the E-Bay rumor.
Were those previews in the coming weeks, or was it the coming months?
kaufschtick said:
Is that FoW?
Yes, that is a Flames of War miniature.
Yep, cause I posted it. Not that I actually believe it...but.
Personally, I think the seller did himself a disservice by adding that statement to his auction because most people won't buy something that has a chance of being discontinued... especially a game system.
For me, TOI is the best WW2 game to come down the pike since Advanced Squad Leader. As much as I lov ASL< I'm about to unload the enitre lot on Rbay in lieu of obtaining more TOI. The ASL counters are gettin harder to read for an old fogey like me and besides.. TOI is so much prettier when its set up.
Like many here, I too wish FFG would take a little more time to pop in here and say hello.
Thats my two cents
Jed Remington said:
For me, TOI is the best WW2 game to come down the pike since Advanced Squad Leader.
I agree. Where playing dynamics and versatility are concerned, ToI is at the top of the pile.
Even should FFG discontinue the game, I will keep playing it.
KlausFritsch said:
Jed Remington said:
For me, TOI is the best WW2 game to come down the pike since Advanced Squad Leader.
I agree. Where playing dynamics and versatility are concerned, ToI is at the top of the pile.
I couldn't agree more.
If I though it'd help, I'd sneak into my work, smuggle out the automated electronic defibulator, bring it home and hook it up to my copy of ToI...
"Breathe **** You!
Won't someone please think of the children.....................
Oh no, now I've gone and done it.
Well, this is the kind of thing that can happen.
I walk into The GuardTower, and there sits Conflict of Heroes: Price of Honour.
Well, the money I was saving for FotB, it just burned a hole right through my pocket....
kaufschtick said:
Oh no, now I've gone and done it.
Well, this is the kind of thing that can happen.
I walk into The GuardTower, and there sits Conflict of Heroes: Price of Honour.
Well, the money I was saving for FotB, it just burned a hole right through my pocket....
I just got my notice today that my copy shipped from Academy. If FFG would get their TOI crap together, I'd never spend another dime on any other WWII game. Ever. I'd even stop buying M'44 stuff if TOI had regular releases.
No worries, though—even if they discontinue the game it WILL continue. I'd step up and start producing a quarterly Wave of Steel, and I'm sure the community won't let it die. The ASL community stepped up and kept it going, and I'd be willing to do the same for TOI. But, I still have faith in FFG, even though I'm stunned at this point—truly stunned—with the lack of information and support.
.......and I prepaid my copy in June...(June of 2010)
blumax1981 said:
.......and I prepaid my copy in June...(June of 2010)
You pre-ordered FotB back in June?
I feel for you man.
Inspector Kemp:
A riot is an ungly thing... undt, I tink, that it is chust about time ve had vun."
AnglePark said:
That it is.
And, come to think of it, the pauses between the releases gives me the time to have the entire army painted by the time the game arrives.
Since I am an optimist, I'll start looking at Japanese color schemes once the Furry Bear is here.
By the way, does anyone have an idea what color to use for the skin on Japanese figures?
KlausFritsch said:
AnglePark said:
That it is.
And, come to think of it, the pauses between the releases gives me the time to have the entire army painted by the time the game arrives.
Since I am an optimist, I'll start looking at Japanese color schemes once the Furry Bear is here.
By the way, does anyone have an idea what color to use for the skin on Japanese figures?
Are we there yet?....Are we there yet?...Are we there yet?................................................
blumax1981 said:
Are we there yet?....Are we there yet?...Are we there yet?................................................
It ain't happenin', bro…
…it's as dead as Achmed the Dead Terrorist.
"Silence! I KEEL YOU!"
AnglePark said:
…it's as dead as Achmed the Dead Terrorist.
Well, at least it seems to be in a bit of a coma... but I am certain it will come out of it and provide us with fun stuff to do.
KlausFritsch said:
Well, at least it seems to be in a bit of a coma... but I am certain it will come out of it and provide us with fun stuff to do.
I'll always get TOI to the table, and produce my own stuff for it, but I truly believe it's on life support at this point. I'll put some pics on BGG of some of the stuff I'm working on, including a new campaign scenario book and accompanying cloth map for my gaming group.
It's been 32 weeks since FotB was announced. Even with production issues, which should have been resolved within a month or two, that's a clear sign FFG is giving printing/production priority to other games. Games that have been announced AFTER FotB have moved faster, and much further, in the queue.
And for those of you who may remember, there was an "accidental" listing for a game session of FotB at GenCon 2009, so it's actually been in the pipeline for a year-and-a-half or more.
I hope I'm wrong, but the tea leaves are giving a clear—although bitter—message. At best, TOI is no longer a priority for FFG. At worst, the rumors are true…
Just thought this board might be interested in the below message I received from FFG.
Hello Paul,
The game is listed as 'At the printers' - while a game's future may be nebulous when it's in the 'In Development' status, we only ever put it at the Printers when a game has a printing contract, signed and sealed. I'm pestering the marketing people for more info to be put up, but it's (last I checked) early spring of 2011.
Tide of Iron remains a solid seller - it's not getting canceled! It's also (unlike many games we do) completely our product, which means that timing and content is our call - all licensed games involve another company's review and approval process, which can sometimes both speed up releases (we want a new expansion every _____ period of time) or delay them (We understand you just spent 4 months on this. We don't like it, do a different version incorporating ______)
Hopefully that allays some of your concerns!
Paul said:
…but it's (last I checked) early spring of 2011.
So now "official" word is spring.
And now it appears "At the Printer" doesn't actually mean at the printer, just that a printing contract has been finalized. Which means the production "problems" may have nothing to do with the printer. Which means FotB could still be sitting on someone's desk. Which means…
GenCon 2011.
Spring 2011 puts it at the printers for over a year. It was at the printers when they announced it. Honestly I give a **** about FotB. I want maps and units. How bout some smaller offerings like army packs and map packs that could be on the shelf in short order? I still say the way to sell this game is with battle packs. Make a paper map of the battle and add 1 or 2 new unit types in a blister pack. Kinda like what M44 did. Sell the thing for $20 bucks.
Great news. This means that hopefully we will get a pacific expansion, maybe an eary war expansion (ie. france), maybe we will se design series II...
Cyscott1 said:
Spring 2011 puts it at the printers for over a year. It was at the printers when they announced it. Honestly I give a **** about FotB. I want maps and units. How bout some smaller offerings like army packs and map packs that could be on the shelf in short order? I still say the way to sell this game is with battle packs. Make a paper map of the battle and add 1 or 2 new unit types in a blister pack. Kinda like what M44 did. Sell the thing for $20 bucks.
Good idea. I know I would buy them. They could offer them in a small box and then you could collect them. Ready to go scenario with pieces and map made easy to set up. .
Grand Stone said:
Great news. This means that hopefully we will get a pacific expansion, maybe an eary war expansion (ie. france), maybe we will se design series II...
I believe you're on to something, we should see those in about 9 to 10 years.
11 at the most.
Maybe 12.
Could be 13 if there are delays.
The way things are going...(heads off to the kitchen for a beer)...could 14, but no more than 15 years tops.
Paul said:
Just thought this board might be interested in the below message I received from FFG.
Thank you for sharing this bit of news!
kaufschtick said:
The way things are going...(heads off to the kitchen for a beer)...could 14, but no more than 15 years tops.
PERFECT! That'll be just in time for my retirement, so I'll have plenty of spare time to play. Grab me a brew while you're at it…