Lebatron said:
Can we start a new thread already
Gettin kind of tired of this one.
hm, a new thread named "the german u-boat that sunk the designer`s boat" would be sweet, from my opinion, lol :-)
Lebatron said:
Can we start a new thread already
Gettin kind of tired of this one.
hm, a new thread named "the german u-boat that sunk the designer`s boat" would be sweet, from my opinion, lol :-)
blumax1981 said:
For what it is worth, FFG just assured my that FOB is still on track for a summer release, lest there is some SNAFU at the factory or in transit.
How do youknow and if that's really true how come we haven't had any new information since mid-April????
No news from FFG? Wow, so surprised. Nothing at Origins. No talk on the boards. No previews. And they wonder why ToI gets no love?
FFG games have great production value. They're (usually) very fun and entertaining games. But when it comes to PR and marketing, they get a failing grade.
If the game really is still coming out "this summer" (and the longer we hear nothing, the more I fret that it's a red herring), why not tease a new tank, or new card every week? Why not amp up the anticipation by leaking some of the new rules tweaks? Why not come on the boards and say "hey, it's really coming folks!". Instead, we get.....<sound of crickets>........
I've got my game on pre-order. And when it shows, it shows. I'm not hyping it with my friends. I'm not nearly as excited anymore. But it could have been SOOOOOO different.
I'll take great games over PR any day. A battle rushed is a battle lost. Patience, patience...
Scammer said:
No news from FFG? Wow, so surprised. Nothing at Origins. No talk on the boards. No previews. And they wonder why ToI gets no love?
Really? Nothing at Origins? I'm surprised about that as well. I would have thought they would have displayed a box, banner or something.
AnglePark said:
Scammer said:
No news from FFG? Wow, so surprised. Nothing at Origins. No talk on the boards. No previews. And they wonder why ToI gets no love?
Really? Nothing at Origins? I'm surprised about that as well. I would have thought they would have displayed a box, banner or something.
Back in the day, Origins used to be a great wargamers convention, but those days are long gone. I live in Columbus, and Origins has been here for something like the last tens years + now. I've ventured down to a couple, and there is almost no wargame presence there anymore save for folks gathering in the players halls to play against one another. GenCon isn't much better from a wargamer's point of view either, although FFG does have a nice representation there.
I actually would have been quite suprised to have heard that there was some news about FotB at Origins. A friend of mine went down this year and told me that there was nearly nothing for wargamers there. Origins has been quite heavily geared toward fantasy gamers for some time now.
I'm just happy that FFG has done ToI in the first place, and am thrilled that the ToI flame still flickers there with the company. DoW does a great job supporting M44, and there are still some A&A board games alive and kicking out there. FFG is doing a super job with WoW as well, but other than that, wargames seem to be a small time market anymore.
hm, fotb was labelled "at the printer" since it was first announced in mid april (2010).
now it was "updated" being "at the printer". i firmly believe there are production issues at the chinese factories working for ffg. as far as i know, workers over there are increasingly getting upset working 12-16 hours a day while getting poorly paid. but who knows? we have to wait and see...
Cipheron said:
hm, fotb was labelled "at the printer" since it was first announced in mid april (2010).
Well, that's not too bad. Again, I'm just glad to have seen the announcement that it's even in the works.
In the meantime, I fully intend to poke as much fun at the slowness of the situation as I possibly can, short of being thrown off these boards.
It passes the time...
Another week and not a peek...
Again, just so nobody takes me the wrong way, I've been waiting so long, and hoping that ToI wasn't discontinued that I'm perfectly fine waiting as long as it takes. I just like to have a little fun in the meantime, poking fun at the general situation to pass the time while waiting for that new product to come out.
I'm an old grognard, and I'm thrilled as punch to even have new board wargames come out. When FFG finally gets around to them, they're usually worth the wait.
So all of my comments are meant to be of the good natured variety.
ToI is a super game and worth the wait.
I would rather see them take there time and get it right than rush through it and spoil what could be a great expansion. Please let FFG fully test play the new expansion before they release it. Let them (main folks designing the expansion) all agree on what it will be and not have what happened when the Normandy expansion was released.
Like I said, I rather see them take there time and get it right the first time.
Since I have not played anything out of my Normandy expansion yet I'm not sure what you mean about it. Other than the thread about Bloody Omaha I participated in, and my suggestion to make running down Hegdrows take 3 movement points. What else is wrong with it other the the heg problems and flamethrowers getting to shoot vertically up cliffs?
Lebatron said:
Since I have not played anything out of my Normandy expansion yet I'm not sure what you mean about it. Other than the thread about Bloody Omaha I participated in, and my suggestion to make running down Hegdrows take 3 movement points. What else is wrong with it other the the heg problems and flamethrowers getting to shoot vertically up cliffs?
I thought the Normandy expansion was pretty good myself.
kaufschtick said:
Check back in the coming weeks is what I thought I read, but I guess it must have been a misprint.
They must have meant, "check back in a month or two for previews".
Or maybe they meant, "check back at the begining of college football season for previews".
Another thing they could meant might have been, "check back in the weeks just before Thanksgiving or Christmas".
I'm now a sad TOI fanboy again because some of it already became true.
I must admit that my prediction of July 10, 2010 for Fury was wrong. Sorry you stalwart TOI fans. The one thing this wait did was give me time to purchase Axis and Allies Miniatures starter/boosters. Thanks for the recommendation, I forgot who suggested it, sorry. Any news on FOB release yet?
blumax1981 said:
I must admit that my prediction of July 10, 2010 for Fury was wrong. Sorry you stalwart TOI fans. The one thing this wait did was give me time to purchase Axis and Allies Miniatures starter/boosters. Thanks for the recommendation, I forgot who suggested it, sorry. Any news on FOB release yet?
July 10th might be correct! You just might be off a year.
Himmelweiss said:
kaufschtick said:
Check back in the coming weeks is what I thought I read, but I guess it must have been a misprint.
They must have meant, "check back in a month or two for previews".
Or maybe they meant, "check back at the begining of college football season for previews".
Another thing they could meant might have been, "check back in the weeks just before Thanksgiving or Christmas".
I'm now a sad TOI fanboy again because some of it already became true.
Yeah, college football season isn't too far off...
I just want to hear something, any little something will do.
yeah, by now it's really getting a bit ridiculous. "Check back in the coming weeks", and I quote, does not mean "in 3 months" by any definition or in any language. I can perfectly understand there's been some kind of delay, but it would be only common decency to tell us about that after so many months while we were told we'd hear more in a matter of weeks.
Boardgame News said its scheduled release is for quarter 3 2010. At least it was; i didnt see how recent the article was. So hopefully that means within the next 2 months then.
Kingtiger said:
yeah, by now it's really getting a bit ridiculous. "Check back in the coming weeks", and I quote, does not mean "in 3 months" by any definition or in any language. I can perfectly understand there's been some kind of delay, but it would be only common decency to tell us about that after so many months while we were told we'd hear more in a matter of weeks.
hm, that`s exactly my opinion. well said dude. it seems to me that either fotb was announced too early or they have production issues over there in china. either way, the marketing policy for fotb - maybe the most expected expansion for toi ever - is really poor. i purchased toi three years back in hope to get one day a eastern front expansion. and now i`m really not sure what to expect from this forthcoming expansion. greetz from germany!!!
The latest word is that they're having logistics and quality control problems. These issues are out of FFG's direct control. I would prefer to have a high quality expansion equal to the earlier sets instead of warping, pealing boards and unpunchable admin chits.
Kingtiger said:
yeah, by now it's really getting a bit ridiculous. "Check back in the coming weeks", and I quote, does not mean "in 3 months" by any definition or in any language. I can perfectly understand there's been some kind of delay, but it would be only common decency to tell us about that after so many months while we were told we'd hear more in a matter of weeks.
Well technically, there are 52 weeks in a year. So if they knew the first preview was going to be in say, three years, then that translates into a mere 156 weeks.
So by stating that they'd like us to check back in the coming weeks, who's to say whether they meant 3/4 weeks, or hundreds of weeks? They just said weeks.
Now if they'd have said check back in the coming months, we could've really been in trouble, in that case!
I'd have to say we should see something before Obama's current term is up.
How do you know and secondly, why not tell us something is up and the previews have been delayed?
You don't need to see any previews.
This is not the game you were looking for.
You can go about your business.
Move along.