Solo Bossk OP?

By Ywingscum, in Star Wars: Outer Rim

So I played my first 2 games solo, I played Bossk as he’s my favourite character. His ability is pretty strong and against an AI seems OP. Can I really use his ability every encounter phase until I catch up to the AI?

I got really confused for a moment until I realized you were talking about his new ability from completing his personal goal. :D

Did you win both games? I've only beaten the AI once in solo mode with Doctor Aphra and it was crazy close. I've played as Bossk once but it was against another player and I did get my personal goal but I was ahead at that point and when my opponent was finally ahead of me I was on the wrong side of the galaxy to utilize it.

Bossk's ability looks really good but I would think it would be hard to use. You have to hunt down and catch the AI to engage them, and even with a dice advantage in combat you are not guaranteed a combat win (my first 4-player game will attest to that!). I think it's a strong ability but on paper it doesn't look OP to me. I am guessing your experience with it was different or else you wouldn't be asking.

IG-88 is my favorite but I am interested in playing with Bossk more. I think he is more suited to aggressive bounty hunting over the other hunters!

Yeah his ability on his upgraded side. Both games were 10-9 loss then a win. I ko’d The AI(Lando). Then it had to stay there on it’s turn. And I clocked him again.

Super fun games. And his ability is only good if your behind. But your also geared up because of his first side.

cant wait to try out the others.

but getting bounties is so satisfying

The character I've had most success with in solo mode is Ketsu Onyo and destroying patrols that aren't adjacent.

Hmmmm, not tried it against 2 AI characters yet....

I'm not sure I'd consider it 'OP', as it's a single player and you're choosing to play that way...but yeah, Bossk should basically be able to get upgraded, then mug the AI for it's Fame. You would however still have to be able to generate that last Fame point before the AI is able to do it.

That’s likely why both games were 10-9 haha. Can’t wait to try other toons, to see

Bossk's ability combined with the secret transport on Mon Calamari is pretty nasty in a 2 player also. Plus with his ability to heal, he has no real fear for taking his time building his strength with gear and mods then using the goal ability to catch up on fame and shut the other player down while doing it with defeat after defeat. My opponent felt it was a little OP I know. Jury still out though until more play through.