2 questions regarding Rise of the Empire combat - overkill and invading dmg recovery

By thinkbomb, in Star Wars: Rebellion

a) Overkill (assigning more damage to a unit than the unit's max health) seems to be a thing given the damage recovery actions.

We kinda winged it on our first go with the game saying "you can do that only if you have left-over unassigned damage" ... as in you can't dump 20 dmg on a star destroyer just to be sure.

... is that correct? Or are we reading too much into the overkill options.

b) Invading Health Recovery ...

I'll give the scenario where we started wondering about this ...

  • Empire attacks first with 2 Ties. deals dmg to the 2 xwings, they still have a corvette
  • Now it's the rebels turn to attack since they're on the defensive. Rebels get stupid lucky rolls. X-wings recover both dmg. 2 hits delivered to both Ties and they receive dmg
  • Since it's the end of the round, both ties are destroyed without a chance for recovery.

Is this just baked into the game balance of "defender's advantage", or is there a way for the attacking army to bank those dmg-recovery symbols?

I don't fully understand question a, but maybe this example could answer your doubt. You roll 4 red hits and the defender has a Star destroyer with already 2 damage on it and a Gozanti without damage. If you want you can assign the 4 damage to the Star Destroyer to get pretty sure it will be destroyed, instead of assigning it 2 damage and 2 to the Gozanti, giving it the chance to remove 1 damage and another chance for it to attack.

Regarding question b, the attacker doesn't have a chance for recovery in the first round of combat (it can only block damage with a tactic card). That is why the advanced tactic card that makes you invert the order of attacker and defender for that combat exists.

1 hour ago, Lemmiwinks86 said:

I don't fully understand question a, but maybe this example could answer your doubt. You roll 4 red hits and the defender has a Star destroyer with already 2 damage on it and a Gozanti without damage. If you want you can assign the 4 damage to the Star Destroyer to get pretty sure it will be destroyed, instead of assigning it 2 damage and 2 to the Gozanti, giving it the chance to remove 1 damage and another chance for it to attack.

Regarding question b, the attacker doesn't have a chance for recovery in the first round of combat (it can only block damage with a tactic card). That is why the advanced tactic card that makes you invert the order of attacker and defender for that combat exists.

Awesome, thanks!

And yeah, that was what i meant to say with question A = ignoring other units and assigning more damage to a bit unit than its health limit.

On 6/18/2019 at 6:59 PM, Lemmiwinks86 said:

I don't fully understand question a, but maybe this example could answer your doubt. You roll 4 red hits and the defender has a Star destroyer with already 2 damage on it and a Gozanti without damage. If you want you can assign the 4 damage to the Star Destroyer to get pretty sure it will be destroyed, instead of assigning it 2 damage and 2 to the Gozanti, giving it the chance to remove 1 damage and another chance for it to attack.

Regarding question b, the attacker doesn't have a chance for recovery in the first round of combat (it can only block damage with a tactic card). That is why the advanced tactic card that makes you invert the order of attacker and defender for that combat exists.

Good day.

I have a further question on the same topic.

Regarding question b, what happen if:

- the empire is the attacker

- with the tactic card of the first round, the rebel player deal damage to a unit

- with his first dice roll, the empire player obtain double light sabers of the correct color to negate the damaged dealt by the rebel player's tactic card.

Can the empire player remove the damage from his unit? Or are damages done by tactic card non removable?

Also can damage dealt at round X be negated at round X+1, or can you only negate damages of the current round (which mean the attacking player can never negate damages basicaly)

Thank you

On 6/27/2019 at 1:16 PM, player3096811 said:

Regarding question b, what happen if:

- the empire is the attacker

- with the tactic card of the first round, the rebel player deal damage to a unit

- with his first dice roll, the empire player obtain double light sabers of the correct color to negate the damaged dealt by the rebel player's tactic card.

Can the empire player remove the damage from his unit? Or are damages done by tactic card non removable?

Yes, he can remove that damage. As soon as the advanced tactic cards are revealed, they are resolved, so that damage is assigned right away and before dice are rolled.

On 6/27/2019 at 1:16 PM, player3096811 said:

Also can damage dealt at round X be negated at round X+1, or can you only negate damages of the current round (which mean the attacking player can never negate damages basicaly)

It doesn't matter in which round of the combat the damage was assigned, as long as the unit is there, the damage can be removed