a) Overkill (assigning more damage to a unit than the unit's max health) seems to be a thing given the damage recovery actions.
We kinda winged it on our first go with the game saying "you can do that only if you have left-over unassigned damage" ... as in you can't dump 20 dmg on a star destroyer just to be sure.
... is that correct? Or are we reading too much into the overkill options.
b) Invading Health Recovery ...
I'll give the scenario where we started wondering about this ...
- Empire attacks first with 2 Ties. deals dmg to the 2 xwings, they still have a corvette
- Now it's the rebels turn to attack since they're on the defensive. Rebels get stupid lucky rolls. X-wings recover both dmg. 2 hits delivered to both Ties and they receive dmg
- Since it's the end of the round, both ties are destroyed without a chance for recovery.
Is this just baked into the game balance of "defender's advantage", or is there a way for the attacking army to bank those dmg-recovery symbols?