Spokane, WA. Hyperspace Trial. Aug 10. 64-player cap

By stonestokes, in X-Wing Organized Play

Join us in downtown Spokane for our Hyperspace Trial event!

Hyperspace format, 200 point lists. We will be using Best Coast Pairings ( www.bestcoastpairings.com ). Once we get the event on there, you can load your list ahead of time. Check in starts at 8:00 am. Extra playmats welcome!

It will be either 5 or 6 rounds of Swiss pairings, depending on the number of players, plus a cut to the top 8 players in single-elimination.

We have 64 player slots available for this fun and exciting premier event, and we are taking preregistration now. You can register in person, by phone, or by PayPal. Entry is $25.

Phone: (509) 456-4607
PayPal: macklen@unclesgames.com (Please include a note indicating which event you are registering for.)

Here is a link to the event Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/578352669329119/

T he event will be at Uncle's Games in downtown Spokane. We are 15 minutes from the airport with several hotels nearby. The downtown area of Spokane is very walkable with lots of food options. August is a nice time of year to check out the nearby Riverfront Park. Uncle's Games shares the building with Auntie's Bookstore (yes, really) which is a very cool independent bookstore. 

Edited by stonestokes

Oh, this sounds fun! That's a bit of a ways from Eugene, but I won't be teaching that month...

Edited by fantomenos
17 minutes ago, fantomenos said:

Oh, this sounds fun! That's a bit of a ways from Eugene, but I won't be teaching that month...

Cool! We hope to see you there! It should be a blast.