Hi, I am a GM and my story is a clue-based story. The last clue they found was a lightsaber with a rare Etaan crystal. So they have planned to go to the planet of Etai. The fun thing about Etai is there is no info on it, so basically I can make up whatever I want. I found a fan-made website with some info. I'll post a link below. My ideas for the planet so far is:
1. the planet is barren and riddled with crime.
2. The form of government would be lawless, and everyone would do anything they wanted. The people in power would be restrictive, dictator, slavers, who controlled the mines.
3. The only form of sustainable, uncorrupt government is a clan of humans, who control who comes in and out and controls the other mining factions with force.
4. similar to the article, this clan will not take kindly to untrusted newcomers and will not be afraid to use any force necessary to stop someone from taking a Crystal.
5. The clan will be armed with Etaan crystal based weaponry, which will do more damage than the standard version fo the gun, and Etaan crystal deflector shields.
6. my plan is to have the group want to go into an ancient mine, to find an ancient sith sanctuary that lightsaber they have was from. In order to be allowed access to the min, the group, would be forced to leave their imperial escort behind ( long story) and somehow gain the trust of the human clan by doing some kind of mission ( clearing out a mind of raiders, or helping them take out a rebellion) for them to be allowed entrance to the cave.
7. they could also try to destroy the human clan and gain access that way. thinking maybe have a base for them and having a leader.
What I need help with is how to bring this situation alive, making the city (Etaan) feel like an "underground" city riddled with violence and crime. I'm trying to find a way to balance all of the crime with the human clan and make it feel real while keeping the group's options open. also, I'm trying to find a name for the human clan. I'm also trying to find a way to map it all out, with the tunnels and the city. Any ideas are appreciated.