Secrets of origin of the cogitators are lost in turmoils of age of strife. This STC template dominates Imperial computational technology.
There are two cogitator templates, mechanical and digital:
-Mechanical are reliable, slow, cumbersome, single task oriented.
-Digital are delicate, fast, small, intricate and multi task oriented.
Common Imperial portable Cogitator devices
Calculance array
, Scarce, Rogue Trader: Tools page 144
"Grand mercantile initiatives are attended by a swarm of scribes and ledgers, and the greatest can only thrive when supported by machines such as the calculance array. It is a noisy, man-sized stack of chugging, promethium-fueled rod-cogitators, often mounted upon a tracked platform. Its machine spirit accepts reams of figures, and other data, ordering them and spitting forth parchment summations and predictions upon command.
It provides a +10 bonus to all Commerce Skill Tests."
Mechanical cogitator, mechanical display
Hadd-Pattern dataloom
, Very rare, Rogue Trader Tools page 144
"A limited data-engine and geometric display that has proven useful to those faced with challenging problems of logic or fragmentary information. It gives a +10 bonus to Logic skill Tests, and at the GM’s discretion may reduce the time taken for research or investigations, provided that the investigator has the Tech-Use skill."
-Datalooms can be stacked together to increase performance. 4 Datalooms are able to handle information flow of standard Imperial world, 30 data-looms can handle information flow of secter and with 64 looms you can decipher secrets of warp.
Digital cogitator, MIU interface, Display
Remuneration engine
, Very Rare, Rogue Trader Tools, page 146
"A tool and symbol of status for wealthy factors and brokers, the optics and prongs of this heavy device rapidly stack, count, and assay the worth of diverse currencies.
Any attempt to cheat by Sleight of Hand or similar method of distraction suffers a -30 penalty where a Remuneration Engine is used. Its temperamental machine spirit requires the constant attention of tech-adepts, however."
Mechanical cogitator, mechanical display, sensor
Locke-pattern Long-range auspex
, Very Rare, Into the storm, page 136
"This is a larger and more powerful version of the hand-held auspex devices used by Imperial agents, usually mounted on a large, transportable chassis for added stability. Though bulky, it can scan huge areas of terrain as well as the sky above and the ground below to detect movement patterns, vox signals, seismic disturbances, and other programmed criteria. Its onboard cogitators analyse and display detected information. The Long-range Auspex counts as an Auspex in all respects, save its range is 5 kilometres and it can penetrate walls up to a metre thick. Good Craftsmanship versions increase the range to 10 kilometres, and Best versions grant a +30 to Awareness Tests made with the device, instead."
Digital cogitator, sensors, display
, Rare, Rogue trader page 144
"The diagnostor is a sophisticated medical device used among high ranking planetary officials and other powerful individuals. It can detect and diagnose almost every ailment known to the Imperium, and can be incorporated into medical kits, servo-skulls, and other dedicated servitors. Rogue Traders who are often away from proper medical assistance feel that such devices are essential on their voyages.
A Diagnostor provides +20 to Medicae or Perception Tests to determine an ailment. Any success indicates the proper medical countermeasures."
Digital cogitator, sensor, digital display,
Ocular catechizer
, Inquisitor's handbook, page 127
"A device favoured by ranking adepts, sages and Administratum officials, these arcane and intricate-looking eyepieces are designed to magnify objects and help identify and analyse visual patterns and data. They are somewhat temperamental instruments, requiring stillness and concentration to use; their machine-spirits are notoriously easily vexed, much to the pain of the operator.
Using these devices gains a character a +10 bonus on Literacy, Lore and Search Tests where the close examination of objects, symbols and deciphering written
text is involved. Other Actions cannot be attempted while using an ocular, and if a failure by four or more degrees is rolled on a Test involving the device, feedback through the eyepiece inflicts 1 level of Fatigue on the user. The eyepiece can also record its impressions to an attached data-slate for later study."
Digital cogitator, sensor, miniature display
Calculus logi upgrade
, D
, page 182
"These bionics are internal cogitator implants which aid in data retention and processing. The user can rapidly sift through stacked
dataslates and parchments, applying intuition to vast reams of data far beyond the capabilities of a normal man. This implant grants
the user a +10 bonus to Literacy, Logic, and Scholastic Lore tests."
Mechanical/digital cogitator, cybernetic,
Locator matrix,
DH2, page 183
"Micro-cogitators implanted at the base of the skull allow the user
to be aware of the direction of the planetary poles, the Acolyte’s
present location to within a few metres, relative velocity, altitude,
time of day, and other valuable information. The user must still
have access to maps and other planetary data in order to benefit
from this information, however—knowing one is at a specific
location on a planetary surface has little meaning without knowing
what is over the next rise, or what is the direction needed to reach
a given destination."
Digital cogitator, sensor, cybernetic
Cogitator system
, Inquisitor's handbook page 146
"Machines created to sift and consider data, to calculate and to process the sacred language of algorithm, these devices range
from small portable models to larger logos tabernacles and matriculation-engines integrated into manufactora, star ships
and archive centres.
Using a suitable cogitator grants a bonus on Literacy, Logic and Lore Tests when having to compare or sift through large
volumes of data.
These cogitator systems analyse and process vast quantities of data (planetary tithe records, genotype reconstructions,
and so on). Most also feature auto-quills to print data-scrolls, machine-spirit shrines and symbiotic operations-savants or
holo-projectors incorporated into their structure. They grant a +20 bonus on relevant Tests. Proper rites and rituals must
be observed during cogitator operations on this scale or they will become subject to severe inaccuracies and glitches,
perhaps even possession by malign spirits.
These portable units are capable of analysing the information from data-slates and similar sources, and provide a +10 bonus
on relevant Tests."
-Can be mechanical (cumbersome, slow, reliable) or digital (small, fast, fragile).
-Used to analyze information stored to imperial data-storage. May be specialized to certain areas of information on cost of variety of information. Bonuses and penalties up to GM, but rule of thumb +5 specialized bonus bringas -5 to other topics.
Cogitator, power source, MIU, touch display
Void Abacus,
ITS page 140
"While the search for priceless archeotech is one of the most profitable endeavours a Rogue Trader can undertake, there are those who dedicate their lives to the suppression and elimination of many wondrous items from the Dark Age of Technology. One such item sought after by both camps is the Void Abacus, most famously unearthed on the cursed Munitorum planet of Soloman in the Markayn Marches but also recovered in the bowels of many an ancient hive spire or nameless space hulk. For these can do something very valuable indeed—when integrated into a ship’s auspex and propulsion systems they can allow a ship to make accurate void jumps four or five times longer than normal without a Navigator’s aid. This allows many more types of ships to travel safely, something the Navigator’s Guild cannot allow.
While the Guild cannot directly outlaw their use, they can act to buy, destroy, or sabotage any and all they can find.
That they will arrange for the same fate to befall to any vessel found using one is an open secret as well. Having an Abacus networked into a ship’s systems allows the crew to safely plot warp jumps of up to 5-10 days in duration with an Ordinary (+10) Navigation Test."
Vessel/habitat components including major cogitator systems
Star vessel/fortress bridge or habitat HQ
-Command center directing power, life support and defenses of conglomeration of STC components.
Cogitators (both mechanical and digital), MIU, data-chest, hololithic sensor displays and controls, weapon systems controls, vox comm controls, flight controls, life sustainer controls.
Imperial Tacticae Vault: (Strategium),
Power: 1 Space: 1 SP 1 Very rare
Filled with cogitators, a holo display and other tools needed to thoroughly brief your men on the mission ahead. +10 to commands rolls for commanding the actions of ground troops. +50 achievement points from military themed objectives."
: Holithic recorder, vox system,
Improved Navis Nobilitae Sanctuary
Power 1 Space 1 SP2 Very rare
"A more spacious meditation sanctuary for the navigator to use while piloting the vessel through the warp. Includes complex cogitators to assist in calculations as well as all the luxuries the Navis Nobilitae are accustomed to. +10 to all checks made for navigating the warp."
Resonance chamber, Cogitator unit, Luxury Quarter
Auto-stabilized logis-targeter
Pow: 5 Space: 0
Extremely rare RT page 207
"More than simply an auger array, the Logis-Targeter uses near heretical cogitator circuitry from the Dark Age of Technology to ensure extremely accurate weaponry.†
External: This Component does not require hull space. Although it is external, it can only be destroyed or damaged by a Critical Hit.
Image of the Void: Increase the ship’s Detection by +5.
Targeting Matrix: All Ballistic Skill Tests to fi e the ship’s weapons gain +5."
-Dark age of technology component which replaces augur arrays.
Digital cogitators, MIU, hololithic sensor display, hololithic crosshair display.
Cogitator interlink
Pow: 1 Space: 1 Extremely rare,
ITS page 161
"Though the creation of true artificial intelligence is one of the darkest heresies of the Adeptus Mechanicus, this wasnot always so. The Men of Iron were the most infamous example of such technology, but the Dark Age of Technologygenerated many others. The cogitator interlink is designed to amplify the starship’s core cogitator, enhancing the ship’s operations considerably.
Sophisticated cogitation operation: This starship’s Crew Rating gains a +5 bonus." (archeotech)
-The ancient cogitator interlink is designed to amplify bandwidth between the starship’s drive's cogitator and cogitators distributed among other components, enhancing the ship’s operations considerably.
Cogitator sphere
Pow: 6 Space: 1
-Efficient and heretical archeotech cogitator configuration that grants excessive bonus to machine spirit housing it.
-Cogitator interlink and Auto-stabilized Logis-targetter are two halves of forbidden cogitator sphere and hereteks dabbling with forbidden science of AIs are always willing to purchase them.
-Theoretically star vessel that has Auto-stabilized logis-targetter, Cogitator Interlink and Void Abacus would be able to autonomously travel between star systems.