Supported Catwalk

By Skaflok, in Runewars List Building


List overview. I created this one as a highly mobile force with support that on some occasions can act like an anvil. Aliana can do her usual shenanigans with leonx and also threatens enemy ranged, while cats run around and look for a flank opportunity. scions probably should have armor or tempered steel instead of vicious roots, but with them on some occasions they can immobilize enemy for good.

Leonx Riders [18] 2x1
Metered March [2] -
Rank Discipline [4] -
Remove Unit [24]
Leonx Riders [18] 2x1
Metered March [2] -
Rank Discipline [4] -
Remove Unit [24]
Leonx Riders [18] 2x1
Metered March [2] -
Rank Discipline [4] -
Remove Unit [24]
Leonx Riders [18] 2x1
Metered March [2] -
Rank Discipline [4] -
Remove Unit [24]
Aliana of Summersong [33] 1x1
Packleaders Spear [8] -
Ambush Predator [3] -
Remove Unit [44]
Aymhelin Scions [25] 2x1
Raven Tabards [2] -
Vicious Roots [3] -
Remove Unit [30]
Aymhelin Scions [25] 2x1
Raven Tabards [2] -
Vicious Roots [3] -
Remove Unit [30]

Interesting idea. It will be hard to bring all the Leonx to bear on targets, because they'll get in each other's way. I wonder if you would have better results running 1x3s with column tactics, so they can come in fast and hit hard.

Archers will clean the list out, but you can use Alliana to catch archers early and let the Leonx deal with melee units.

2x1 scions are a little awkward, but will randomly swing big. You could drop them to one tray blockers and have more points to put into the cats. You could also put corruption rune on them to do extra bane slinging, but without Malcorne their range would be unreliable.

I'd give it a run though. Unconventional lists are fun!

with those scions I thought about Legionnaires with pilae who were tough and able to do short charges, then hold ground for cavalry to swing.

I tended to ignore single scions, but 2*1 are nothing to ignore, and their charges can hit hard.

had I not needed two (albeit quite small) anvils, I'd take darnati or archers, but archers and leonx can fight well in rather different configuration.