1) I trade everywhere.
2) If you have NEG refs you send first NQA or we don't trade.
3) If you have similar refs to me or we have traded before we simul-send, if you have lower refs than me(-5 or more) you send first. I have no problem sending first if you are a level above me.
4) If there is a * after the number of what i have it means i'm a little reluctant to trade it, if it is under the wants have those are my more priority wants.
5) If you're needing starter or character only rares, i'm not listing them but i do buy at least 1 of every starter that hits the shelves so i might just have it, just ask if necessary.
6) PM me with offers, you may leave me a bump and give yourself a free +1 to your post count if you wish, but i mainly respond to pm's.
7) For other contact info, hit me up at:
AIM: NJBrock22
MSN: [email protected][always on]
Yahoo: njbrock22
i'll mainly be on 1 of those sometime durring the day, will accept matches on Yahoo if requested.
8) I have 2 wants lists, 1 is character wants the other is non-character wants. I usually offer better for the character wants.
9) ok enough of the rules, lets get it on and have fun.
Refs: +54/-0 [you can be assured i will NOT rip you.]
*Also i apologize for the cluttered character list, but thats how they appear in my binder for those who might trade with me in person.*
Newest Stuff
Seth** x2
Yi Shan* x3
Heel Snipe x2
Lotus Garden x1
Block 2 & 3 stuff...
Rose** x1
Sakura** x1*
Taki:.: x1
Taki:: x1*
Abyss* x1
Tira:: x1
Xianghua** x3
Xianghua* x1
Cody** x2
Dee Jay** x3
Dee Jay* x1
Ken:.: x1
Maxi** x2
Maxi* x1
Fury x2
Nightmare:: x2
Jubei** x2
Sankuro* x2
Tam Tam* x1
Ukyo*** x1
B. B. Hood* x1
Felicia* x1
Lilith* x1*
Morrigan x1*
Q-Bee* x1
::Dhalsim:: x2
Donovan* x2
Gill** x1
:.:Guile:.: x1
Lord Raptor* x1
Rikuo* x1
Sasquatch* x1
Heel Snipe x2
Piling it On x1
Resolution Through Force x1
Assets of Power x1[all for trade]{minus SoC}
Delta Red Insignia x1
Explosive Earings x2
Mamahaha x1
Scarlet Thunder x1
Soryuji x1
Squared Circle x2
Styx x1
Syi Salika & Loka Luha x1
Talisman of the Elements x2
The Unbeatable x1
Vimana x1*
Xianghua's Sword of No Name x3
Yasakani no Magatama x1
Orichalcum x1
Treasured Gift x1
Dark Blade x2
Bird of Prey x2
Canary Waltz C Minor x1
Circle Breaker Feint Divide x2
Dropping Embrace x1
Fury x1
Heavenly Dynamite x2
Kasumi-Suzaku x3
Phoenix Dance x3
Pirate's Tactics x1
Soul Swing x1
Ultimate Undead x1
Giradot's Leadership x2
The Makai Realm x2
No Eggs x4
Strife's Patronage x6
Bringing the Master to his Knees x4
Disdain x2
Growing up in the Ghetto x3
Irresistible Force x2
Offer a Duel x2
Tae Kwon Do Strike x3
Temporal Ascension x1
Treasure Hunt x2
You've Wasted enough of my Time x2
Egg Clutch x2
Gerdenheim's Research Notes x2
N.Y. Subway Station x1
Queen of Victory x1
Evasion Technique x3
I Wish you Good Luck x4
+B x1
Bad Spray x4
Beast Hurricane x4
Demon Pheromone x2
Descending Slash x3
Hades Cannon x2
Harmonic Wing x2
Heaven Lift x5
Iceberg Circular x1
Insanity Trap x4
Killer X x1
Kuchu Tatsumaki Senpukyaku EXTRA x4
Mi-Na Frankensteiner x4
Rera Kishima Tek x1
Rolling Buckler x2
Run Through x2
Shunpu Kyaku x3
Soul Catch x1
Swallow Slam x4
Sweeping Slash x3
Thunderstrike x2
Ukyo's Short Slash Attack x3
Upper Arch x2
Zephyros Wheel x1
The Best Defense x2
New Information x2
No Quarter x2
Prankster x4
Shadow Art x2
Son of a Farmer x1
Superiority x2
Terrible Discovery x2
Unpredictable x1
Disciple of War x1
Personal Style x6
Cammy*** x1*
Chun-Li::: x1
Chun Li*** x1
Elena* x1**
Ivy::: x1
Juli* x1
Juni* x1
Kula* x1*
Lien** x1
Luise* x1
Q-Bee** x1
R. Mika*** x1
Alba** x1
Billy* x1
Charlie*** x1
Chester* x1
Cody:: x1
Gen* x1
Greed* x1
Guile:: x1
Iori** x1
Jubei* x1
Mr. Karate* x1
Rock*** x1
Strife* x1
::Vega:: x1
Yang* x1
Yun-Seong*** x1
Block 1
Chun-Li** x3
Chun-Li* x1
Taki** x1
Dhalsim** x2
Ken** x2
Mitsurugi** x2
Ryu* x1
Sagat** x1
Ivy** x1
Ivy* x1*
Setsuka** x3*
Tira** x2
Balrog** x1
E. Honda* x1
Raphael** x2
Cammy** x1
Cammy* x1
Lien* x3
Mai* x1
Nagase* x2
Nakoruru* x1**
Akuma** x3
Alba* x2
Dudley** x2
Fei Long** x4
Gaira* x3
Galford* x1
Hanzo Hattori* x1
Terry* x1
Ukyo* x2
Yoshitora* x1
Aisel Nedrossel x1*
Chi-chiushi x1
Combat Gloves x2
Justice Blade x1
Rekki-Maru & Mekki-Maru x1
Super Deadly Ninja Bees x4***
Rage of 8 Maidens x1[iori]
FOP's x1 of each[3x Contemplation of Existance & 4x Order and Law]
Shadow Healing x4
Omega Sword and Elk Shield x2
Requiem x4
Skull Necklace x2
Buster Wolf x2
Concealed Sabre Swallow Swipe x2
Deadly Ninja Bees x2
Demented Moon x1
Earthquake Slash x2
Shakunetsu Hadoken x1
Spinning Bird Kick x4
Yoga Blast x2
Deadly Rage x2
Dirty Pool x2
The Enchanting Ninja Maiden x2
Fierce Competitor x1
Gyulkus x2
Skullduggery x2
World's Strongest Woman x2
A Perfect Cut x2
Angel Step x2
Ashura Senku x1
Deminishing Returns
Hibernation x1
Only the Strong Survive x1
Photographic Memory x1
Punishing Defense x2
Ready For You x4
Ring Barrage x3
Sidestep x4
Someone has your Back x2
Soul Reprisal x3
Spun Around x4
Yatta! x1
City Square x4
Eye Patch x1
Symbol of Authority x5
Temperance x2
Vega's Claw x1
Ambe Yataro x1
Assault Type Beta: Al Tarf x3
Big Punch x2
Blind Dive x1
Blood Scroll x1
Bo Smackdown x1
Calamity Symphony x2
Camellias x1
Drill Headthrust x1
Dudley's Low Fierce Punch x3
Exorcism x2
Flying Barcelona Attack x1
Guardian's Judgement x4
Heavenly Prayer x2
Heaven's Guardian x3
Heavy Shadow x1
Hyakuretsu Kyaku x2
Jodan Sokuto Geri x1
Judgement Blast Slash x1
Ken's Tatsumaki x1
Knee Bazooka x2
Poison Bite 105 x1
Poseidon Crest x1
Poseidon Tide Rush x1
Psycho Crusher x1
Psycho Double Knee Press x1
Reverse Spiral x3
Rolling Attack x2
Ryu's Shoryuken x2
Shadow Banishment x3
Shadow Hunter x1
Shoulder Rush x3[on trading block]
Spinning Cross Slash x4
Thrust Throw x2
Tiamat's Rampage x4
Tiger Shot x1
Wind Hole Vortex x3
Angel Twirl x3
Interpol Training x3.
Silent Movement x1
The Soul Still Burns x6
Air x1
All x1
Earth x1
Good x1
Life x1
Void x1
Water x1
Astrid Starter x1[VERY VERY HIGH]
Zi Mei Starter x1[VERY VERY HIGH]
Yi Shan Starter x1[VERY VERY HIGH]
Raging Gnome x3[VERY HIGH]
Yuri's Super Uppercut x4[VERY HIGH]
Execution Technique: Third Rite x4[Very High]
Padma x1[High]
seichusen-godanzuki x4[High]
Sardine's Beach Special x3[High]
Valentine.. x1[High]
Eiserne Drossel x2[High]
The Georgous Team x3[high]
Calming the Mind x4[High]
Fury of the Ancients x4[High]
Amy's Assistance x4[Med-High]
.:::Cammy:::. x1[med-high]
Switching Weapon Styles x2[Med-high]
Ostrheinsburg Castle - Twilight x2[Med-High]
Rejection x1[high]
Tensei-Ranka x4[med-high]
Hozanto x2[med-high]
Wrath of Heaven x4[Med-High]{Yoshitora Idea}
Gianzende Nova & Frischer Himmel x2[Med]
Howling Spirits x2[Med]
Artificial Soul x3[Med]
**Kyoshiro** x1[Low]
White Gi x1[VERY low]
c/uc wants[please offer something from this list]
SoulCalibur IV
Alaraph Achernar x3
Alphard Maliki x2
Beacon of Evil x2
Corrupting Force x3
Dark Bite x2
Distracting Taunt x4
Eagle Talon x3
Enraged Golem x4
Father's Tragedy x2
Gloomy Side x4
Hades Ax x3
Hungry for Battle x4
Iron Tower x1
Jolly Side x4
Lowdown Neb x1
Memories of a Nightmare x1
No Longer Controllable x4
Nobility of the Wolf x1
Oratorio Halcyon x4
Ready for the Battle x1
Reborn Slasher x1
Soul Smasher x2
The Hero King x4
Theemin Menkar x3
Titan Ax x2
Torn Hero x3
Ancient Ensnaring Sleeve Technique x4
Bracers of Horus and Set x2
Crown of the Forgotten Secret x2
Forbidden Lore x4
Grappling Knee Strike x3
Know When to Talk... x1
Lao Xie's Grinning Death x3
Lives for Battle x1
Pommel Smash x4
Relentless Assault of Set x3
Ritual Magic x4
Robes of the Grandmaster x1
Sandstorm Throw x1
Sweeping Tail Strike x4
The Forgotten Technique x3
The Twilight Witch x4
Trained Far and Wide x4
Undisputed Ruler x1
SF: Warrior's Dream
Calm and Centered x1
Chain of Command x1
Come Through in the Clinch x4
Criminal Past x1
Dash Low x1
Dedication x1
Know Wrong From Right x1
Look Inward x2
Lynx Tail x1
Malevolent Genius x2
Moving On x1
Past Shrouded in Mystery x1
Rising Rage Flash x2
Total Global Domination x1
Vanished Father x2
Warrior Princess x2
SNK: Flames of Fame
Aquakinesis x4
Billiard Player x4
Distractible x4
Fast Food Lover x4
Fire Kick x2
Kim's Neck Crunch Drop x2
Rising Tackle x4
Shadow Exit x4
Superlative Gymnast x2
The One May Army x2
Will for the Fight x4
SC3: Flash of the Blades
Drifter x1
Forethought x4
Lumber Axe x2
Mountain Sweep x3
Questionable Motives x2
Rapid Ares Style x4
Stained Honor x4
Willow Splitter x1
SNK: King of Fighters
Shooting Capoera x3
The Angel of Evening x3
SF Deadly Ground
Naruto x3
Mentally Unstable x4
Sadistic Glee x4
other sets
Chain Throw x1
Confrontation x4