Looking for Belgium Players

By bram3, in Warhammer Invasion Community

Hi all, as the topic title states I am looking for Belgium Players. I am living in Leuven, and want to set-up a fixed play group!

Feel free to pm me or post a reply!

i am not from belgium, but maybe i can help. contact me at [email protected]

As I can't find any P.M. system, I'll post here :

There are a few Belgian players at Liege. You can find us every thursday at Objectif-Jeux : www.objectif-jeux.be

Well you'e got a gaming club in Ghent called Thunderbolts that has some players (and occasional casual tournaments)


and then you've got the gaming store Highborn in Aalst that seems to have a few players (and they organize a tournemant next week)