So this sparked in my mind off a different topic. I broke down each unit and tried to come up with every combination possible that it could shoot (I did not account for units that have taken wounds, you can do that yourself.) I didn't account for grenades, because that added more variables than I wanted to deal with. Flamethrowers were also hard, but keep in mind that their target will have 1-6 minis so you can calculate accordingly. I did calculate a "perfect" Snowtrooper strike (squad +1 + flamethrower + frags) against a full squad of 6 miniatures. And that strike, when you can pull it off will generate an average of 8.125 hits. Anyway the lists are current through Bossk and Sabine. I haven't done the vet units and the creatures because I didn't think I had enough information to work with yet. Dioxis Charges with Bossk were tricky, they do upfront damage and then damage at the end of the round, but if the target dies before that damage is done then they don't do that damage. Charges from Bossk, Sabine, Sabs and Proton units I only calculated what they would do to each unit they damage rather than cumulative in a round.
Anyway, I hope someone finds this useful.
3 Wounds per shot was arbitrarily chosen as the target because of the discussion that spawned this.
The point cost was calculated as the minimum expenditure to get that combination and does not account for any other upgrade than the ones being calculated.
avg > 3 | sharpshooter 1 | no cover possible |