Seattle System Open: Wedge,Luke,Braylen,Jake

By wurms, in X-Wing Battle Reports

Was gonna take Kagi,Vader,Whisper as that is my current favorite list to fly.

A friend convinced me to run my backup list 'Rebels Without a Beef':

Wedge Antilles (52)
Servomotor S-Foils (0)

Jake Farrell (36)
Marksmanship (1)

Luke Skywalker (62)
Servomotor S-Foils (0)

Braylen Stramm (47)
Total: 198

View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0

Its a combination of @Biophysical Wedge,Luke,Thane,Jake he took to finals at a hyperspace trials and @MegaSilver wedge,Luke,Braylen,AP5 that he took to top 8 in atlanta. Ive been practicing with Jake and he is really good with Wedge.

Game 1 vs Palp shuttle, vader and maarek both with prockets.

I have luke and braylen 1 straight up middle toward palps. Wedge and jake fly on left, his vader and maarek coming down my right.

I boost jake, who focuses wedge who then links a boost, and reveals a blue 2 straight that lands him range 1 of palps side. I get wedge, braylen, and luke all full modded onto palp shuttle and bring it to 1 hull, while losing both shields on luke. Palp dies next round, luke turns away and avoids any damage.

Couple rounds later he talon rolls vader into range 1 braylen, jake and wedge. Vader dies. Rest is cleanup on maarek.

Win 200-24 (half of braylen)

Game 2 vs DreaLoks

Local-ish player i fly against at some tournies. Flew all this way and pair up against a

He 2 straights his loks down my right side. I slow roll braylen and luke middle-left-ish. Jake and wedge left side.

I see he makes a mistake flying to a rock and his scurrgs cant 2 harp next round, and so I b-roll luke towards them. He tries the 2 sharp anyway and clips a rock. Wedge, Luke Braylen drop it to two hull. Next round its ps killed, and I 3 bank Luke out of dodge. Braylen takes a beating but survives.

Luke and Wedge are now behind his list. Bryalen with 1 hull left lights up range 1 on a scurrg before he eats it while luke and wedge and jake put damage on drea. Wedge ps kills the hurt scurrg, and drea falls soon after.

Win 149-66 (Braylen and half of jake)

Game 3 vs quad phantoms

I listened to mynock podcast and Farmer said he doesnt like rocks on his end of the board when flying QP. So I did just that in this game.

Seemed to work as he decloaked from left side to right side while my squad slow rolled up the board. I saw he had to 1 bank in, putting the phantoms in a diamond formation. I was certain the back one was gonna be out of range.

Wedge fires first and damnit, he is range of all four.

Wedge,Luke,Braylen,and jake all fire on front phantom and it lives on 1 hull, UGH!!!! wedge dies too, double UGH!!!

Now that front phantom becomes a blocker, so I have to go fast with luke. Luke and braylen both fire on another phantom and it lives on 1 hull. UGH! Luke dies too. Double UGH! From here I pretty much loss already. I get range 1 shots from jake and braylen but my dice aint working and cant finish off any phantom.

Loss 52-200

Game 4 vs wedge,shara,jan ors

Jake was mvp in this match. On first big engagment, shara 2 sharps toward wedge. Jake focuses wedge up who links to a boost. Wedge has a 2 bank blue dialed and lands out of sharas arc and range 2 of his wedge and then locks. We each exchange wedge shots plus luke has him too and his wedge is down to 2 hull remaining.

Next round Luke Wedge and Braylen turn to Jan Ors and eliminate her.

His wedge dies the following round. And then Shara shortly after thanks to focuses from Jake to wedge who locks shara for full mods.

Win: 200-60? i think (half of braylen and half of wedge)

Game 5 vs Arvel,Jake,Norra Ywing ion,Craken,Blount

Arvel comes in hot and range 1 luke drops him to 1 hull. Wedge takes a couple damage. Braylen finishes off arvel next round and then just stays behind jake for a few rounds while Luke and Wedge battle Cracken and Blountt and Norra. Wedge gets cracken, then blount gets wedge. Luke puts some damage on Norra.

Im winning the match, opponents Jake is on 1 hull and I take a gamble on a 3 sharp to attack Jake. I clip an astroid with luke and roll a hit. That brings Luke to half points. I make and blunder and it cost me the game as time is called. What a stupid mistake by me. Not sure I will ever let this game go. Its gonna linger in my mind for awhile.

So that is my 2nd loss.

Game 6 vs Two aggressors with dorsel and vtg, tie adv tempest with fcs, and two ion cannon Nu gunboats.

This was a nailbiter. I ps kill and aggressor. Then get a gunboat to half. Luke gets ioned but safe for next round. I lose Wedge as well.

Rest of the game is sort of a mess. He keeps ioning braylen, Luke dodging arcs and plinking away. Jake trying not to die, lol. Last round Luke talons and finishes a gunboat. If luke takes 1 more damage he is halved and I lose the game. Luckily that doesnt happend because a giant rock is giving luke 3 green dice.

Win 99-83.

I finish 4-2, 25th overall and am happy with my performance. Both opponents that beat me ended up top 16, so that makes me feel a little better. If only I didnt land Luke on rock in game 5. That hurts.

This list is amazing and hits HARD. Wedge,Luke, and Braylen all fully modified, and Jake basically coordinating Wedge. Love it.

Edited by wurms

Cool list, congrats on the results!

3 hours ago, wurms said:

Took same list, only crack instead of marksmanship on Jake, to hyperspave qualifiers. Went 5-0 and punched my ticket to worlds.

Congratulations and a nice read. The list sounds cool i might just give it a spin myself.

2 hours ago, Cpt.Kirk006 said:

Congratulations and a nice read. The list sounds cool i might just give it a spin myself.

It is very fun. Jousty when you need to joust, and crafty when you need to ace play. I flank with wedge while jake trails behind him to give him double mods. Luke and braylen work the middle. If people go for wedge (which most do), that makes braylens day sooooo much easier cuz he never has to turn around, just 1 blues for days.