Larger models and proxy models

By player4026253, in Painting

I'm quite new to the FF star wars game as i usually play WH40K, but after playing and subsequently becoming obsessed with X-wing i'm thinking of getting started with legion. I've been busy researching the game mechanics and trying to find a good, all round tactical force that would be nicely balanced for any play style, but also be perfect for tournaments. This lasted for all of ten seconds and then i decided what i REALLY wanted was an imperial army so i could crush the rebellion. And have Vader. And some scout speeders. Ooh and that hoover tank, that looks cool!

You can probably tell tactics had gone out the window by this point and now i was going by the rule of cool. After looking around a bit more I've noticed other people have ATAT's among other things this was something i had previously seen in X- wing with pocket star destroyers. This is something i would love to do but have no idea were to start. So i guess the big question is what models do you use to proxy larger units or units without models?

There exist some model kits from revell, bandai and the like. There you can get models for larger vehicles and spacecraft in correct scale or a bit smaller.

If you want units or characters not in the game there exist a couple of people that design 3d printable designs or print on demand selling services. Google shapeways or skullforgestudios for example

On 6/1/2019 at 11:09 AM, player4026253 said:

You can probably tell tactics had gone out the window by this point and now i was going by the rule of cool. After looking around a bit more I've noticed other people have ATAT's among other things this was something i had previously seen in X- wing with pocket star destroyers. This is something i would love to do but have no idea were to start. So i guess the big question is what models do you use to proxy larger units or units without models?

3D printing is a great way to exactly what you want, but it can be slow and expensive and requires specialized tools and expertise.

If you want the 'easy' solution, this doc can be helpful to find toys and models in Legion scales:

Thanks for the doc very helpful! It's appreciated. I totally agree about 3D printing and to be honest even if i could afford one, i'd probably still be trying to work out how to switch it on; as i am usually bewildered by anything more complex than a word document.

Still I've had a think since starting this topic and I'm wondering about scratch building and kit-bashing . This wouldn't result in cannon accurate models [unless you are very talented and could build an x-wing to the correct scale in a fashion not unlike the sagas original prop makers,] but may result in something very interesting. And besides Disney's making up new stuff all the time. Your model may just be something from the wider universe that has remained off-screen until now.

Wh40k and WW2 era kits seem the way to go and maybe deodorant bottles according to an old issue of white dwarf [ill try to find a link or something if possible but not promising anything.]

One thing that works well is kitbashing toys star wars or not that are close to scale with Star wars model kit engines and other bits. Good luck!