Character Creation

By steveliv001, in Shadow of the Beanstalk

When do G-Mod and Cyborgs choose their Body Mods? Before or after spending Starting XP?

RAW I think it would be before, as picking archetype is an earlier step.

I think my confusion was driven by:

1) Some parts of Archetype can never be chosen until after career has been chosen (e.g. Natural picking 2 non career skills to receive their 1st rank)

2) RAW says 'begins play with' which suggests a more natural place is the Step 7 (when buying Gear), or even later (i.e. immediately prior to play starting)

I guess the maximum XP Spend difference will come from a Cyborg taking Enhanced Reflexes (+1 Coordination, +1 Vigilance). Assume these are both Non-Career skills (and that we are sticking to max 2 skills ranks at end of character creation) then getting to 2 ranks in both these will cost either:

a. Costs 30 XP if Enhanced Reflexes provided the 1st ranks (2 * (2*5+5))

b. Costs 20 XP if Enhanced Reflexes provides the 2nd ranks (2 * (1*5+5))

10 XP might not seem huge - but given the benefit from some Characteristic increases are only felt at Character creation (e.g. wound/strain thresholds, and Soak) if feels like a reasonable difference.

I'm probably being over sensitive to this... but I've never run a Genesys system before & will have some analytical people in the group who will spot this! (Programmers and Actuaries...)

For g-mods it doesn’t matter, since g-mods don’t increase skill or characteristic ranks. As for cybernetics, I see it as before XP—they’re additional “this archetype starts with ranks in X skill” and not post-XP bonuses.

Thanks - I'll run with your suggestion.