2 hours ago, Maui. said:The abilities do resolve at the start of the engagement phase. HP/Roark put into effect "engage at i7 instead of your initiative." Torkil puts into effect "engage at i0 instead of your initiative." Both replacement effects are now active targeting the same ship, but because they both replace the same effect only one can be resolved. HP/Roark's replacement effect resolves first (at initiative 7) which prevents Torkil's replacement effect from resolving.
/sigh The effects are competing with each other for which one is in effect when the game reaches the point of the Engagement Phase where the ships actually start engaging, which takes place after the Timing of both pilots and Heightened Perception. Since all 3 enter the ability queue at the same time and are resolved in player order at the start of the Engagement Phase, Second Player using HP/Roark or Torkil cancels out First Player using HP/Roark or Torkil.
You're interpretation requires abilities to only partially resolve before moving onto the next one in the ability queue. That isn't how it works since the rules themselves do not support it.
First Player HP/Roark/Torkil at the start of the Engagement Phase "This is the Initiative that ship "x" is engaging at."
Second Player HP/Roark/Torkil at the start of the Engagement Phase "This is the Initiative that ship "x" is engaging at."
Engagement Phase moves onto the actual engagements at I7/6/5/4/3/2/1/0 with the effect put in place by the Second Player dictating when ship "x" engages.