Défi Alpha Condor 2 - Quebec City - June 1st

By Silver_leader, in X-Wing Organized Play

Hello fellow players from the North of the North America !

Living in the Quebec province, I realised just now that a major X-wing event (bigger than HS trials, but smaller than Nationals) is organised but haven't been publicised here. So here I go:

The Millenuim Condor Baladodiffusion Podcast is organising an annual Event Called the Défi Alpha Condor. The first edition got 49 players from all around the Quebec province and was played in Montreal. This Saturday, the 2nd edition will take place at Quebec City, and actually, there are 64 people that have registered to a maximum capacity of 70.

The event will take place at the Boutique l'Imaginaire, in the Place Laurier Shopping Center. And since it's in a shopping center, fiding food will be quite easy :)

There will be a lot, and when I say a lot, it's a lot, of fan-customized prizes, from all around the world, from Carolina Krayts to Gold Squadron Podcast, including local Frog Squadron Stuff ! I even have seen some cards made in Australia.

For those interested and haven't heard of this tournament, you can find Millenium Condor Baladodiffusion and the Défi Alpha condor 2 event on Facebook, and send them info ! The registering fee is 30 $ at the door, cheaper when paid in advance.

BTW, the tournamenet is played in the Extended Format, 6 rounds, and finalists after that. Beginning at 9AM EST.