Air brush, which brand?

By FrogTrigger, in Painting

wait for this kit to come on sale for 100.00. The airbrush is meh but i had an old air tank sitting around and hooked it up. I have had no issues with it. Also i recently got a iawat eclipse and love it.

This is mine http:// K8e4nPl.jpg

For an airbrush the advice I've been given was get an Iwata if you're in the US and a Harder & Steenbeck if you're in Europe, the quality of those should be similar but sourcing parts will be easier, although from what I've heard the H&S is slightly easier to clean, I've got a H&S evolution myself, bought it December, and while I've used it a bit, I still haven't had the time to properly try it out yet, so I'm no expert, but I did do a lot of research before buying it.

As for a compressor you don't need something specifically for an airbrush but you do want something with at least a regulator and a moisture trap. I've got an AS186 for about $80 works like a charm

I got a Cult of Paint (H&S) Infinity off of kickstarter.

Bought about a dozen adapters and a regulator with moisture filter, then I hooked it up to my late father in law's shop compressor.

Works a charm, except for the racket when it needs to top up the tank. In hindsight I should probably have spent the better part of my starter money on a quiet compressor rather than the airbrush itself.

I use Iwata and they are highly recommended.

Now, you might get away with a tire air compressor but tires and air brushes need very different psi. You'll need a very good regulator that you most likely aren't going to get on anything meant for cars.

Be safe and get a cheap air brush air pump. It doesn't even need a tank but it does need to not blow up the air gun in your face.

Not sure how many CFMs go through an airbrush, I wouldn't think it's a lot. I don't have an air brush, but in automotive painting you must sustain CFM for a good finish. Also I have always been told to get the VERY BEST drier you can afford when painting. It needs to be efficient and have capacity. A dedicated air hose. Your compressor should always have a blow off valve on it for safety. Pressure switches do fail.

Long way from an expert but, a good airbrush on a cheap compressor is a bad idea. You are much better the other way around. You want something with a tank and you want to pick up a moisture trap. Noise can be an issue as well. A friend of mine recommended this one, nut I never used it myself.

I went for a larger unit from a hardware store because the aim is to go from airbrush to spray gun for bigger projects and I paint outside anyway.

For brushes, Iwata, badger and master all make good airbrushes, but you may want to consider picking up a couple of inexpensive ebay airbrushes for learning and for putting weird materials through.

Hope this helps.