Curious artwork in MoR

By Lightningclaw, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Manor of Ravens includes 3 end caps and two extenders. The A sides of these extenders are identical to the ones in the base game, Labyrinth of Ruin, and Lair of the Wyrm.

However, the B sides of those map bits are unique. They are cleaner (lacking the bones, cobwebs, and bloodstains) and the end caps are lit by a torch.

Strangely, the Manor of Ravens quest guide doesn’t include any of these new map bits. Granted, it’s just artwork (it may have never been added to whatever software the team uses to design maps), but it seems funny. Very neat detail, anyways.

At least they aren’t useless in the final version of the quest guide, like the transition tiles in Labyrinth and Lair.

Left: Manor Of Ravens. Right: Base game.


Edited by Lightningclaw

I saw this already, and I'm not sure the use of it.