Lietenant minis question

By daddystabz, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

My local group has just started our RTL campaign and one of the things they did not like is the huge size of the lieutenant map pieces. We have been using D&D minis to represent the lieutenants for now. I have been looking into the lieutenant minis that have been produced and I am considering buying them but first off I have a quick couple questions.

What assembly is required for these minis?

Do they come already assembled on a base or at least come with a base to glue them into?

Thanks in advance!

The smaller figures don't require assembly except affixing them to their bases (which can be done sans glue if you bend the base piece a little). The larger figures have a little assembly. I've picked up the troll guy and the dragon guy (can't remember names). The troll had his arm you had to glue on, and the dragon had two wings to glue and his unicorn-horn (that keeps falling off).

It's about average for these types of miniatures.
