Would you mind an app for this game? If so what elements would you want on the app?
I think just having the scenario and codex on an app would be find. You can still play without them. I think it would be a cheaper way to add more to the game.
Would you mind an app for this game? If so what elements would you want on the app?
I think just having the scenario and codex on an app would be find. You can still play without them. I think it would be a cheaper way to add more to the game.
Heh. An app to AH 2nd edition would be most usefull
in 3rd there is Little reason for it. There would be very limited game speed increase by using app.
The speed up the mythos phase. passing a bag around and drawing 2 tokens (one at a time) is a pain.
That may be one, but in our games it does take really Little time to draw those. Only when we run out of toks and have to pit them back to the back, there is small delay. The mythos phase takes 10 seconds per player. Two to draw token, other player executes it at 4 seconds while the player draws his secon token that another players executes. About 8 to 9 seconds and pass the token back to the next. Repeat.
I was thinking the adventure cards and the codex cards. THis could even allow easier home made mods.
Yes, the management of the encounter cards (including the shuffling of clue cards) and everything done with/by the deck holder, along with newspaper cards (so that you wouldn't keep track of how many of those are left, as it should be), and the codex...
We spend most of the time reacting to stuff that happens to our investigators during this game and very little time actually doing stuff (taking actions). Having an app to take care of the things we don't have much of a control and that feels like a chore, would speed up the game immensely, not to mention the setup (it takes a lot of time to arrange all those decks, and then to sort them out and store them back).
I don't mind drawing tokens from the Chaos Bag, though, there's a tactile element to drawing those, no need for an app to do that for me.