Hello everyone.
As I've been allowed to play a grey jedi / force user, I thought it was important to use some rules that doesn't allow for "free" force points, and the various homebrew rules that have been suggested and people have used, are perceived by many to be a bit broken as they allow the player to always be able to generate force points, which is a problem balance-wise. But the problem is that the dice system and force system hasn't been designed with this in mind which in my opinion is what creates this problem. The morality and conflict system won't have an issue with handling this. It seems there aren't that many ways to solve this, and one the ways I think it can be solved, is to use the following rules.
Grey Jedi / Grey Force User - The more general definition.
A grey jedi / grey force user, is essentially a force user who uses both the light and dark side of the force, one who follows his or her own path, with it's own set of principle, ethics and morals, and will often use a code very similar to that jedi and dark jedi/sith.
The code in question is usually something in between the two. For the grey jedi or force user, it's the intent and justification of using the force that matters.
Inner conflict between light and dark is what maintains the balance, and the balance is very important for the grey jedi/ grey force user, as going too far from his/her own grey path of moral ambiguity, will mentally strain the force user when attempting to use the force, and if too far, then it will become more difficult to access and use the force. In other words, the internal struggle is the key to the balance.
On the a fundamental level it requires more will and discipline to be able to wield both the light and dark side of the force at the same time, even when being seperated.
You are strongest when in balance but weaken as you are pulled to one side and being too close to either side weakens you further - the rules below reflects this.
When at or between 1-100 morality the force user must successfully commit force points to power the force power in question.
When at or between 30-70 morality - the force user can use both LS/DS without using strain and destiny points
When at or between 45-55 morality, +1Wound Threshold (WT) and Strain Threshold (ST).
When at or between 30-44 morality, +1 WT, At 56-70 morality, +1 ST.
When under 30 or 70 above morality, must flip DP to use Light Side (LS) and DS respectively, with regards to which side the force user is most at.
When under 20 suffer -1WT penalty and -2WT when under 10.
When above 80 suffer -1ST penalty and -2ST when over 90.
To successfully commit force points
, the same amount of force points to be committed,
be scored as successes on a willpower or discipline check, using discipline if the user has it.
Another mechanic that could be added, would be force alignment:
Whenever points force points are committed, the morality score is immediately adjusted!
The issue with players always being ensured automatic force points, I think resolving it by using a willpower / discipline check, is a more elegant way of solving the issue.
This system, seems good at rewarding and reinforcing balance and punishes imbalance. Should work for any Balance centric Force traditions.
The only real drawback of the system, is that you have to do more dice rolls, however it also opens up a completely new avenue.
Because consider what happens if the willpower or discipline check fails, not just having zero succesess in total, but actually getting a failed roll, and with it being an ability or skill check, it's possible to also assign bonus, setback, difficulty and challenge dices.
Although, I think adding additional dices should be carefully considered before adding to the check as it could potentially make it much more difficult or maybe too easy. But definitely something that opens some interesting territory, at least in my opinion.
I assume the use of other dice than ability, force and proficiency dice, in this example.
Justin Case, young Jedi Consular Sage, with a willpower score of 3 and a discipline score of 1, and a force rating of 2. Has now gone on the path of the grey jedi.
He's in a tight situation where he needs to move two very large rocks, combined silhouette size of 1, luckily he has his force move upgraded a bit, so he just needs 3 force points.
He rolls: 2 light side and 2 two dark side - he only needs three of the points.
As he has discipline, he rolls 2 ability dice and 1 proficiency dice - he scored 4 successes and 1 advantage. As the GM has ruled it's a difficult situation, and have assigned 1 difficulty dice, which comes out as 1 failure and one threat, negating 1 success and 1 advantage. So his final score is 3 success, just enough to make him able to use his force power. However, as there are two of each sided force points, he needs to choose which points to use. As he's helping some people escape from a collapsed cave, it seems fitting that he goes with more light than dark.
I really need some constructive feedback on this one, as I want to make it fair, interesting and at least somewhat balanced. Hopefully, others could use this as well.
What do you guys think?
Corrected topic!