The shorter rotation cycle that SWLCG needed

By Wh0isTh3D0ct0r, in Star Wars: The Card Game

So, in today's L5R LCG article FFG announced that they have shortened the card cycle rotation. So instead of rotating out older cards when the 8th card cycle is released, it has been shortened to the release of the 5th card cycle. As many others do, I firmly believe that if they had done this with the Star Wars LCG the game would have lasted much longer, as it would have been easier for new players to buy into the game. Plus, certain broken combos would have cycled out much sooner. But instead, the SWLCG got canceled before we got even one rotation.

One can only hope that in the future, we'll see a second edition of this awesome game. I miss playing it. I still have the whole collection, but now my binders just collect dust. 😞

The debatable need for short rotation was the least of what killed this game. The interminable delays between new product - remember when there was literally an entire year between one cycle and the next? - were several orders of magnitude more responsible. Speaking for the community that played at Team Covenant's store in Tulsa, with each such long gap between releases, the player base shrunk, and never recovered even when new product finally did release. Then Imperial Assault came out, the few holdouts still playing the LCG every week moved onto it (and later abandoned it for Destiny, but that's a bitter tale for another day), and that was all she wrote.

Destiny Killed that game because the set system was too rigid for what competitive players wanted. Plus the delays.

I highly doubt that the set system was too rigid for what competitive players wanted. People have different tastes and some competitive players certainly disliked the pod system, but I have seen no evidence that this was a widespread issue. The delays on the other hand were ridicoulus and would have killed almost all non AAA card games.