Upgrading Tamalir

By Kartigan13, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

My question is simple, can the heroes upgrade Tamalir after fleeing or completing a dungeon and ending up there? My guess was no, but I can't really find a rules reason why and all the RtL rulebook says is "If the heroes end a given week's party action in Tamalir....." So must they train or take a move action into Tamalir to purchase the upgrades, or can they do so after every dungeon if they end their week back there? Thanks in advance, I feel like I'm missing something but I can't seem to find it.

Also on a totally unrelated side note did anyone notice this new FAQ ruling?

Q: How do the weapons that allow one die to be re-rolled
(Ripper, Bow of the Hawk) work when an attack is aimed
or dodged?
A: If a 1-die re-roll is used, then that's the only re-roll
the player gets. However, the player may instead aim to
upgrade it to a full normal re-roll. A 1-die re-roll, however,
will cancel out an opposing re-roll just like normal (as in
the case of aim vs. dodge).

Do I understand them correctly to mean that the Ripper is thus un-dodgeable by the Overlord (or if he plays the card no one re-rolls anything?). Anyone else find that kind of counter intuitive to the way Lyssa's and Trenloe's abilities function? Kind of random, just wondered what others thought.

Kartigan said:

My question is simple, can the heroes upgrade Tamalir after fleeing or completing a dungeon and ending up there? My guess was no, but I can't really find a rules reason why and all the RtL rulebook says is "If the heroes end a given week's party action in Tamalir....." So must they train or take a move action into Tamalir to purchase the upgrades, or can they do so after every dungeon if they end their week back there? Thanks in advance, I feel like I'm missing something but I can't seem to find it.

The only sapient point I can think of is that dungeon activity (and particularly fleeing it) may not fall into the "party action" for a given week. I'm not sure about that, but it might give you a lead to your answer.

Kartigan said:

Also on a totally unrelated side note did anyone notice this new FAQ ruling?

Q: How do the weapons that allow one die to be re-rolled
(Ripper, Bow of the Hawk) work when an attack is aimed
or dodged?
A: If a 1-die re-roll is used, then that's the only re-roll
the player gets. However, the player may instead aim to
upgrade it to a full normal re-roll. A 1-die re-roll, however,
will cancel out an opposing re-roll just like normal (as in
the case of aim vs. dodge).

Do I understand them correctly to mean that the Ripper is thus un-dodgeable by the Overlord (or if he plays the card no one re-rolls anything?). Anyone else find that kind of counter intuitive to the way Lyssa's and Trenloe's abilities function? Kind of random, just wondered what others thought.

What I get from that answer is that IF the hero uses the one-die reroll from the item, then no other reroll effect can be applied. This isn't random to me, it's consistent with the existing rules which say that only one reroll effect may ever be applied to a given roll. Lyssa and Trenloe's abilities would also do the same, unless I'm missing something.

It might be worth asking if the player is allowed to change his mind on the use or non-use of this reroll ability. ie: if the Overlord asks whether the hero will reroll and he says "no", and the Overlord proceeds to play Dodge, is the hero allowed to change his mind and use the re-roll to cancel Dodge? If he is, then you're right the attack is undodgable. I would recommend the OL simply not bother dodging that weapon (save it for another attack.) If not then the OL can ask every time, although that would get tiresome IMHO.

Either way, this sounds like a good way to spend a Crushing Blow if the heroes get cocky about it.

Kartigan said:

My question is simple, can the heroes upgrade Tamalir after fleeing or completing a dungeon and ending up there? My guess was no, but I can't really find a rules reason why and all the RtL rulebook says is "If the heroes end a given week's party action in Tamalir....." So must they train or take a move action into Tamalir to purchase the upgrades, or can they do so after every dungeon if they end their week back there? Thanks in advance, I feel like I'm missing something but I can't seem to find it.

Also on a totally unrelated side note did anyone notice this new FAQ ruling?

Q: How do the weapons that allow one die to be re-rolled
(Ripper, Bow of the Hawk) work when an attack is aimed
or dodged?
A: If a 1-die re-roll is used, then that's the only re-roll
the player gets. However, the player may instead aim to
upgrade it to a full normal re-roll. A 1-die re-roll, however,
will cancel out an opposing re-roll just like normal (as in
the case of aim vs. dodge).

Do I understand them correctly to mean that the Ripper is thus un-dodgeable by the Overlord (or if he plays the card no one re-rolls anything?). Anyone else find that kind of counter intuitive to the way Lyssa's and Trenloe's abilities function? Kind of random, just wondered what others thought.

FAQ pg15
Q: Can the heroes Visit buildings, purchase Tamalir upgrades, or fight lieutenants if the party marker is placed in Tamalir after ending /fleeing a dungeon?
A: No.

So basically they have to end the move/train part of their week action already in Tamalir (and not fight a Lt and get TPKed because that immediately ends their week).

If the OL plays a dodge their will be no rerolls from Ripper etc - no rerolls at all for the attack, by either side.
In practice this is mostly the same since the dodge card is most commonly played on an attack with an X when a reroll already applies - so the only thing needed is to cancel the X rerolling.
IMO this is a KIS ruling and a good one.

Thanks a lot for the answers guys, my eyes must've glazed right over that answer Corbon, I really need to read things more carefully and less speedily when I'm looking for an answer.