Question..the printed text on this card says:
"Draw 3 additional cards at the beginning of the resource phase.
At the end of the round, discard all cards in your hand."
Is this a forced action? Or we can trigger it only when we decide.
Question..the printed text on this card says:
"Draw 3 additional cards at the beginning of the resource phase.
At the end of the round, discard all cards in your hand."
Is this a forced action? Or we can trigger it only when we decide.
From the FAQ, 1.36...
Triggered abilities are abilities on cards that have a bold trigger word such as Action or Response . These abilities are only applied when they are triggered. Passive abilities are abilities on cards that have an ongoing effect without a bold trigger word. Because passive abilities don't have a trigger they are always active and cannot be "triggered".
This implies that the ability is not optional, as there is no way to trigger it. So each resource phase you must draw 3 additional cards, and discard your hand at the end of each round.
If it was optional it would likely be worded as "Resource Action: draw 3 additional cards in the resource phase and discard your hand at the end of the round. "
Edited by icabodThere are effects which treat a text box as blank. Mostly, when a character has damage. That results in e.g. a core Gandalf which has not to be discarded or your Erestor effect which isn't anymore. :)
It's forced, so you have to do it.