Here follow several unclarifications, which I met during recent games:
a) Moment of an activation of the hero's special ability:
At which exact moment are activated abilities of these heroes: Fulgrim's "conversion" ability and Magnus's bombardment ability?
The written timimig "at the start of battle" or "when the hero X enters battle" means amoment BEFORE drawing combat cardsor a moment AFTER drawing combat cards?
Those abilities reduce a number of opponent's units, so that they could influence a numberod drawn combat cards.
b) Fortification and Dorn's marines.
Is area with fortification token (received via Fabricator General hero ability or viaReinforce order) considered fortification? What if in such an area is also present RogalDorn with at least one his marines - may they count their rank 1 higher (or is thisability allowed only in "real" fortifications)?
c) Does Mortarion's or Dorn's (decreasing/increasing marines rank) ability activate BEFOREor AFTER drawing combat cards. In other words, may this "change" of rank influence number of drawn combat cards?
d) Coexistence battle (Chaos = defender, Imperium = attacker). If all Imperium units in that battle have to rout, what will happen? As an attacker they have to stay in origin (= target) area. Are they eliminated or is only placed an Imperium routed token to that areaand those Imperial units survive?
e) Coexistence battle and change of initiative.
It is a change of initiative step. The Imperial initiative token has overtaken the Chaostoken. Imperium player is still current player. One coexistence battle is resolved during which the Chaos initiave token is moved 2 spaces forward, so that is now closer to the endthan the Imperial one and is placed on the "Event phase" space. What happens now?
Is there another change of initiave step (because the Chaos initiative marker has overtaken the Imperial one)? Then another coexistence battles might occur. But who is nowthe current player: Chaos or Imperium?
This situation occured at the end of game on the Vengeful spirit. In one area Horus with 3marines, in the other area Emperor, General and Dorn with 3 Custodes and 2 marines. Last event card was drawn (Titans stride the earth), which enabled another battle betweenheroes. But current player had to choose whether he will fight or not. If Chaos were the current player, he would not fight, while if Imperium was the case, the battle wouldsurely follow.
Thanks for your answers.