Is the DC-15A Blaster Carbine considered a carbine or a rifle for the purposes of attachments? Obviously it has carbine in the name, but all of the wiki sources consider it a rifle.
DC-15A Rifle or Carbine? (RotS)
For this system, it'd be a carbine.
As is frequently the case, take what's on Wookieepedia with a grain of salt, especially for material where the source is not the films themselves. Useful as it is, Wookieepedia is a fan operated website, and articles there can be subject to fan notions that have little to no concrete material to back them up. Or worse yet, refuse to update in the wake of newer information that contradicts previous info; classic example was the article on the HWK-900, which WotC had being as fairly large while actual LucasArts records that FFG was able to review for their minis game showed the ship to not be that much longer than a Y-Wing and the interior to be pretty cramped. And yet Wookieepedia admins refused to let the page be updated with that information, citing that FFG (and by extension Lucasfilm) were "wrong" on the HWK-900's dimensions.
1 hour ago, Donovan Morningfire said:For this system, it'd be a carbine.
It should be noted that this makes it twice as bewildering why FFG went along with making the standard stormtrooper E-11 a rifle rather than a carbine. Oh well, now that Solo gave us the E-10, there's a suitable rifle for them to tote around anyhow...
2 hours ago, Ahrimon said:Is the DC-15A Blaster Carbine considered a carbine or a rifle for the purposes of attachments? Obviously it has carbine in the name, but all of the wiki sources consider it a rifle.
The way to think about it is ALL Carbines are Rifles. But not all Rifles are Carbines. A carbine is just a shorter rifle that gives up some range to make easier to use in confined spaces like cities.
8 hours ago, penpenpen said:It should be noted that this makes it twice as bewildering why FFG went along with making the standard stormtrooper E-11 a rifle rather than a carbine. Oh well, now that Solo gave us the E-10, there's a suitable rifle for them to tote around anyhow...
Likely the weight of tradition.
Even since the initial WEG days, the E-11 has been described a blaster rifle when based solely upon appearance it would be a carbine, with a large number of GMs (myself included) house-ruling them as such.
On 5/18/2019 at 8:22 PM, Ahrimon said:Is the DC-15A Blaster Carbine considered a carbine or a rifle for the purposes of attachments? Obviously it has carbine in the name, but all of the wiki sources consider it a rifle.
That's because due to WEG getting it wrong decades ago, the Wiki is wrong. In my humble opinion of course.
The DC-15A is the predecessor to the E11. The E11 was considered a "rifle" in WEG even though a carbine was offered, and others followed suit. The E11 should have been called a carbine, which is a small-sized rifle. The movies used a Sterling SUBMACHINEGUN to make the weapon and it could even be put in a holster at the hip with the stock collapsed, like a PISTOL. It could be fired one handed if needed in a pinch. There's actually an argument that it's a submachinegun, but that category of weapon has never existed in the Star Wars universe for blasters. So, yeah, carbine all the way, not a full sized rifle.
I've always changed any references to calling the E11 a rifle to carbine in whatever system I've used.
Strictly speaking, a carbine is (according to the semi-official definition) merely a shorter and lighter version of a full rifle. Now, there isn't a hard standard for it, so it's kind of subjective, meaning that something gets to be a carbine mostly due to simply being called one, though the trend of "shorter and lighter" has held true over the years (mostly).
In the case of the DC15 and DC15A, the DC15 is the standard issue rifle made at the beginning of the war with all of the issues that came with it: big, heavy, conduction issues, and generally not as well tuned for mass field use. Thus, the DC15A was made in order to address the issue: smaller, lighter, cheaper, overall more forgiving for a wiser range of troops, while the DC15 became the weapon of marksmen and those favoring power over reliability and ease of use.
The way I see an E11 is a standard rifle, where as some of the more specialized versions would be carbines. Overall, outside of stats, it's super subjective and up for interpretation, which is why I just go with what it is typically referred to in the canon. In the game, the E11 gets to be a rifle because it makes sure that Storm Troopers still have some teeth in combat, otherwise a Party could just stay at long and out range them (which my Party has tried to do before with minion groups).
Another aspect of confusion is that the weapons have different names throughout the run of books. In the core books, the weapons have the classic names: the long one is a DC-15A (found in the example section of the rifle description). The shorter on is a DC-15S (found in the example section of the carbine section).
When EA released their version of BF2, they changed up the names. these are the versions found in the RotS era-book. The DC-15A Blaster Rifle became the DC-15 Blaster Rifle. The DC-15S Blaster Carbine became the DC-15A Blaster Carbine.
Thanks EA!
It would be nice if they just included carbines under rifles for the purposes of attachments. Oh well. Thank you everyone.
2 hours ago, Felswrath said:Another aspect of confusion is that the weapons have different names throughout the run of books. In the core books, the weapons have the classic names: the long one is a DC-15A (found in the example section of the rifle description). The shorter on is a DC-15S (found in the example section of the carbine section).
When EA released their version of BF2, they changed up the names. these are the versions found in the RotS era-book. The DC-15A Blaster Rifle became the DC-15 Blaster Rifle. The DC-15S Blaster Carbine became the DC-15A Blaster Carbine.
Thanks EA!
Could have also just been a slip at FFG. They IDed the RPS-6 Missile Launcher, but then gave the numbers that seem more in line with the PLX-1.
2 hours ago, Ahrimon said:It would be nice if they just included carbines under rifles for the purposes of attachments. Oh well. Thank you everyone.
IIRC, most cases of an attachment fitting a rifle but not carbine are longer/heavier barrels. For these, it makes sense that they do not work on carbines.
14 hours ago, Ghostofman said:Could have also just been a slip at FFG. They IDed the RPS-6 Missile Launcher, but then gave the numbers that seem more in line with the PLX-1.
Truth be told, I think a lot of the weapons change throughout various sources. Up until 2015's BF, I had always seen the DLT-19 portrayed as a sniper.
1 minute ago, Felswrath said:Truth be told, I think a lot of the weapons change throughout various sources. Up until 2015's BF, I had always seen the DLT-19 portrayed as a sniper.
To be fair though the dlt-19 as heavy rifle as statted at least still works as a Designated Marksman type weapon. Which would be enough for Battlefronts "sniper."
And I don't consider Battlefront a great source anyway. Lots of reused assets and other corners cut for the sake of Battlefront related reasons.