RTL (Or any set really) - Set Dungeons and Hero Information

By twak2, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi all,

Playing an RTL game as Overlord at the moment and we're about 1/2 way through silver lvl (I'm still 60xp ahead - yay me!).

Anyhow the players have yet to tackle any Rumor Dungeons and skipped the Legendary Dungeon in Copper, but are now looking at getting into the Legendary Dungeon for Silver - The Fool's Rapids.

The question I have is this:

In this Dungeon the last level is Set and there are certain things the Heroes need to do which activate things etc, generally by standing on encounter markers etc. As an Overlord should I tell the players in advance what everything in the level does and how to get through the "tricks" - basically let them read the level descriptions/special rules. OR do i just read them the greyed flavour text as they discover/do things and let them try and figure it out themselves?

If I give them full disclosure then the level will be MUCH easier than if they have to work it out as they go..

At the moment all they know is that there's a good reward guarded by an Imortal Blind Giant (the basic blurb from the body of the rules).

Same applies to rumor levels and the overlord's keep final level, all the quests in the original set etc etc.

Your thoughts?


twak2 said:

Hi all,

Playing an RTL game as Overlord at the moment and we're about 1/2 way through silver lvl (I'm still 60xp ahead - yay me!).

Anyhow the players have yet to tackle any Rumor Dungeons and skipped the Legendary Dungeon in Copper, but are now looking at getting into the Legendary Dungeon for Silver - The Fool's Rapids.

The question I have is this:

In this Dungeon the last level is Set and there are certain things the Heroes need to do which activate things etc, generally by standing on encounter markers etc. As an Overlord should I tell the players in advance what everything in the level does and how to get through the "tricks" - basically let them read the level descriptions/special rules. OR do i just read them the greyed flavour text as they discover/do things and let them try and figure it out themselves?

If I give them full disclosure then the level will be MUCH easier than if they have to work it out as they go..

At the moment all they know is that there's a good reward guarded by an Imortal Blind Giant (the basic blurb from the body of the rules).

Same applies to rumor levels and the overlord's keep final level, all the quests in the original set etc etc.

Your thoughts?


The 'normal' leves are easy of course - you have to read out the whole level card so the heroes know even the stuff which seems like it should be hidden.

However the 'special' levels (rumours, legendary and OL's Keep) don;t have cards, so it is less clear what to do. Since there are no special rules, the standard vanilla rules apply.

DJitD pg16
When the heroes encounter a named monster, the overlord player must explain any different or special stats the monster possesses. The overlord player is not required to reveal any special abilities the monster may have.

So, its 'flavour text' and Named monsters stats to be revealed.

Thanks, that's what I was thinking too.

How do other groups play it?

twak2 said:

How do other groups play it?

Thus far I have largely played it very confused and uncertain, but aim to play it like Corbon described.

I play it the way Corbon described. The final level in a Rumour or Legendary Area plays like a vanilla dungeon in the sense that you only read the stuff in the boxes designated as "read out loud." You also disclose extra HP, armor, etc the monsters may have, but not any special abilities.