Roll in FOST dice. Are they character dice?

By LHyoda, in Star Wars: Destiny

Do the additional FOST dice count as character dice? For effects of Pacify or Vandalize?

Also, if Phasma or megablaster is removed, do the FOST get removed?


Yes, they're still character dice. Which makes Vandalize great with Phasma, if you're playing yellow with her.

No, they don't get removed if Phasma dies or the Megablaster Troopers get removed. This is because they aren't the dice associated with that card. They're just extra dice that you were allowed to roll in. The same goes for the Runaway Boomas, which let you roll in an extra of their dice. Only the die associated with activating the card goes away if the support is removed (with vandalize or whatever), not the extra that was rolled in through a power action.

These extra FOST dice are great for using Fighting Pit's power action. Free reroll of one of your FOST die, with a chance to do damage, and no damage coming your way.

" Power Action - Reroll an opponent's character die. Reroll one of your character dice. Then deal damage to those characters equal to the value showing on the other character's die."

Good call, Fizz. I hadn't thought of that.

Had it used against me last week. Had to commend my opponent on the play.