Best expansion after Road to Legend?

By WarRealm, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hello all, I have Road to Legend to be able to start campaigns with my players, but what expansion other than Sea of Blood would be best to add new characters and monsters as well as dungeon tiles to the game, and which one ties in the best to Road to Legend

I notice Altar and Well mentioned a lot but Tomb of Ice looks very cool to me!

Sea of Blood adds very little to RtL in the way of dungeon tiles (only a couple tight corners), though does add a bunch of new dungeon and rumors that can integrate. There are no heroes/skills/etc so if you're looking to expand RtL, don't buy SoB.

I *really* like ToI and think it's one of the best expansions for both vanilla and RtL. It adds a handful of very unique heroes, Feats, very creative dungeons (ones that go from inside-to-outside, and also has the largest single tile to date), interesting monsters and abilities (invisibility and swallow are great). A really good buy IMHO for both vanilla and RtL games.

Not to downplay the other games, they add really good Treachery and monsters, I just think ToI did really well on the creative side.


Actually, there are skills in Seas of Blood, but that's somewhat tangential.

Like shnar, I like Tomb of Ice best in general, though I'm less certain it's the best expansion to integrate with Road to Legend.

If you get the first printing of Sea of Blood you will get one additional Hero - Nara the Fang. This should still be easy to get hold of I bought Sea of Blood a couple of weeks ago and got the new hero.

Road to Legend half-assumes that you have Altar of Despair and Well of Darkness, what with the treachery upgrades and dungeon levels allowing you to pull monsters from those expansions. Personally, I prefer Altar of Despair because of all the brutal new monsters and abilities it adds (I play Overlord), but they're both quality. It is worth noting that Altar has far more and more interesting monsters than Well. I'd agree that Tomb of Ice is likely the best expansion, as the heroes get something awesome in Feat cards, and the Overlord gets something awesome in monsters with stealth (they cause so very much pain and frustration).

I honestly can't separate the heroes and dungeon tiles out in my mind, as I basically got all the expansions at the same time. If I recall correctly, however, my players, given the choice, use a whole lot of the heroes from Altar foremost, and Well right behind it. As an Overlord, let me say to hell with Tahlia from Altar.

Personally, I'd recommend getting them all, but if you have limited funds, I'd buy them in this order:

  1. Tomb of Ice
  2. Altar of Despair
  3. Well of Darkness

Thanks for all the great input I think then that Tomb of Ice will be my next go around

The problem with ToI is that other than the couple of spawn cards in the deck, you will never see ToI monsters in dungeons / encounters. WoD and AoD will each add another starting forces option to the OL in dungeons, so they work better with RtL.