I don't know if it's maybe my group, my GM skills, or if the system is missing something... I ran Star Wars for a couple of years, and never had this issue with the Force... Games without magic have not been an issue, so I believe the system itself is great... so trying to figure out a way to make it work...
I have two casters in my group. One generally uses his powers only for healing, restoration type spells, etc (Divine caster). Not had any issues with this.
The Primalist however I've had a harder time keeping powers in check. It's not anything the player is doing - he is not trying to be overpowered and is more likely to be me that is the issue... but again, I'm not 100% I care for the magic system after playing it for 6+ months (every other week). I'm having issues with the difficulty dice/effects in that it seems like the powers are not difficult enough. The primalist has Cunning 4 and 3 Ranks in Primal, so is rolling 3Y + G and in order to have any real chance of failing means having 4P+. Which makes sense statistically. With an item/implement, he will always do what he can to keep the difficult at 3P if he can. To put this in perspective, the players at this point have 250XP as we play every other week for 6+ hours at a time.
Has anyone else tried a different magic system they could explain that makes the magic system a little bit more restrictive/easier to control? Again, I think the system itself is great for non-magical environments