2 lieutnants in one town!

By Dexnus, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi Descent Players,

Unfortunately we have 2 lieutnants besieging Tamalir. Can the heroes attack both one after the other in ONE GAME WEEK?



According to the FAQ:

Q: What happens when there are multiple lieutenants in
the same space as the hero party? If the heroes (or the
overlord) choose to attack, are both lieutenants present at
the same encounter?
A: Each lieutenant is an entire encounter unto himself. If
the heroes choose to attack a lieutenant when there are two
or more lieutenants in the same space, they must choose
one to encounter. The overlord may attack the hero party
with one lieutenant at a time. Only if the heroes are still in
the same location at the end of the encounter (if the heroes
win or the lieutenant flees, or if the space in question is
Tamalir) can the next lieutenant attack.

Basically, I'm reading this to say that the Heroes can only choose to attack one Lt in their turn, but as the Lt.s have seperate movement during the OL turn, they can each attack the heroes... as long as the heroes don't move.

Yes. There's a section in the FAQ that details this (i.e. can heroes restock between fights, etc).


Nakarashi said:

According to the FAQ:

Q: What happens when there are multiple lieutenants in the same space as the hero party? If the heroes (or the overlord) choose to attack, are both lieutenants present at the same encounter ?
A: Each lieutenant is an entire encounter unto himself. If the heroes choose to attack a lieutenant when there are two or more lieutenants in the same space, they must choose one to encounter
(at a time). The overlord may attack the hero party with one lieutenant at a time. Only if the heroes are still in the same location at the end of the encounter (if the heroes win or the lieutenant flees, or if the space in question is Tamalir) can the next lieutenant attack.

Basically, I'm reading this to say that the Heroes can only choose to attack one Lt in their turn, but as the Lt.s have seperate movement during the OL turn, they can each attack the heroes... as long as the heroes don't move.

Nakarishi is misreading this. You definitely can attack both Lts in the same turn, just each is a separate encounter (and if you TPK on the first your week ends so you don't get to attack the second).

The Q? above is asking about whether both Lts fight together in the same encounter . The answer is in this context and would be better written if it had 'at a time' added.
Apart from the fact that the requirement for attacking a Lt is to end in the same location as the Lt, and the heroes have done this for each Lt. The game entirely breaks down if teh heroes cannot fight more than one Lt in a turn. At least ne avatar starts within 3 spaces of Tamalir andcan have 4 Lts so could chain the Lts onto Tamalir and guarantee a successful seige.