Which are best exp. to play with base D.?

By Jonz, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hello all guys.

I would like to know which are best expansions to play with base Descent.

Consider i would like to buy Road to Legend expansion also, and i would like to know which expansion combines best with RtL.

Another hit i like is the customizable OL deck.Which exp. present that feature?

Thank U all.

OK, I would definitely NOT suggest getting Tomb of Ice based on your post, since it has very few Treachery cards (overlord deck customisation), and integrates rather badly with Road to Legend.

Either of the other two would work fine. Have a look at the rules to each on the site before choosing. Both have Treachery cards. Personally, I prefer Well of Darkness for everything except the new monsters: Altar of Despair has better monsters, but is weaker in pretty much every other aspect.

I actually think ToI integrates quite nicely with RtL. The only thing lacking is an alternate monster list for all the base missions and that's not hard to house-rule (and has been done over on BGG). But the heroes work great with RtL, Feats work well, the added dungeons are very creative (indoor-to-outdoor tiles is a nice touch) and the monsters are cool (nothing beats swallowing heroes whole).
