Knockback in Sea of Blood

By RebekahWSD, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

While there is some disagreement about how knockback works, this is a more specific question about knockback in outdoor encounters. Can heroes or monsters knockback their opponents off the board in outdoor encounters, effectively killing them? Last night, one of the heros runs across the water, and proceeds to knockback the main monster off the board. Is that possible? Or, more like, is it allowed, since it seems possible, if not really kosher.

Second question!

The Beastman fetish allows one re-roll on the players turn. Does that include rolling to see what's in a treasure chest? I'm unsure if that works, or if it's just for attacking, getting rid of burn tokens, etc.

Thank you.

RebekahWSD said:

1. While there is some disagreement about how knockback works, this is a more specific question about knockback in outdoor encounters. Can heroes or monsters knockback their opponents off the board in outdoor encounters, effectively killing them? Last night, one of the heros runs across the water, and proceeds to knockback the main monster off the board. Is that possible? Or, more like, is it allowed, since it seems possible, if not really kosher.

Second question!

2. The Beastman fetish allows one re-roll on the players turn. Does that include rolling to see what's in a treasure chest? I'm unsure if that works, or if it's just for attacking, getting rid of burn tokens, etc.

Thank you.

1. No
...the attacker may immediately move each affected target figure up to three spaces away from its current location. The figures must be moved to spaces that do not contain other figures or obstacles that block movement. ...
There are no spaces off the board. You can't move a figure to a non-space and still be following the Knockback rule.
Further, although it costs only 1 MP to move across the boundary between on-board and off-board, there is no actual connection. Off board is not "1 space" away from on board. So you can't count '3 spaces' during a move off-board.

2. Yes
Beastman Fetish
Once during your turn, you may reroll a single die.
FAQ pg17
Q: Can the Beastman Fetish be used to re-roll a die that was originally rolled by another player during your turn, such as another hero using the Tunic to reduce collateral damage?
A: Re-roll a single die rolled by any player on your turn.