Weakness Deck and Random Weaknesses

By MadTownXWing, in The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth

Am I missing something or is it really necessary to make a weakness "deck" and randomly pick your weakness(es)?

Based on the section in the RRG (112 Weaknesses pg 27) it seems like there is absolutely no mechanical difference between the 20 weakness cards and so in my mind there shouldn't be any need for randomization. I'm aware that there might be differences in the future and/or effects that reference specific weakness cards but I don't believe any of that exists right now (I've only played the first 4 adventures if that makes a difference).

I'm curious about this too - why remove the weakness cards from your deck between adventures?

You can get extra weaknes cards during the scenario. So you actually clean up between the scenarios and continue the next one with just one weaknes in the deck.

It happened to me a few times; where I mistakenly ended up starting next adventure with 2 weaknesses. Do get used to removing. I think the shuffling just makes it... a bit more fun, because otherwise picking seems a bit odd - selecting your weakness? That said, the randomization here barely matters, for now.

FFG could release expansion content someday:

If your discard pile contains the "Tired" weakness then....

I like to blindly add the weakness to my deck. Adds some nice flavor when i attempt an important test, but find out that I'm Cut Off.

8 hours ago, steveisbig said:

I like to blindly add the weakness to my deck. Adds some nice flavor when i attempt an important test, but find out that I'm Cut Off.

I like that idea. I'm going to steal it.

I was playing a solo game and got to the picking weakness part of setup. It went something like this in my mind: Aragorn is burdened, wonder why that is ....... And Elena is ..... lazy... Guess that mystery is solved.

On 5/9/2019 at 1:01 PM, shoreless said:

I'm curious about this too - why remove the weakness cards from your deck between adventures?

So you get to cycle through all of the great art on them! Seriously, the Weakness cards have the best artwork in the game. Rotate them.