We're having our own little community project to keep IA alive in Germany. But we need some help.
Many players complained about Take Initiative. It is too strong / it decides too many close games. A recost and a ban have been on topic many times.
Yes, Take Initiative is too cheap for what it does. But making it more expensive makes the situation even worse (in my opinion): Negation doesn't work anymore, when Take Initiative is more expensive. And most players would use it anyways, so the only effect would be, that the average Command Deck would have less options for other cool cards.
The problem is: It is extremely overpowered, if a player knows for sure, that he has the last activation in one round AND the first activation in the next round. E.g. IG moves out shoots twice, next round shoots twice and moves back. That way he can deal so much damage without being in danger at any time.
FFG's designers solved that problem with Take Initative / Negation. Other possible solutions, that come to my mind:
- Initiative is rolled at the start of each round. That way, noone knows, what will happen, and you don't risk your IG for a 50% chance of being killed.
- The player, that has the last activation in any given round, automatically does not have the Initiative in the next round. That way no single deployment can activate twice in a row, without giving the opponent any chance to react.
What do you think? Don't change that Initiative System? Roll each round? Last activation last round => not the first activation next round? Other?