The Three Trial - Nightmare - Solo - HELP!!!

By Boromore, in Strategy and deck-building

Really struggling on this. My normal trio of Glorfindel (Sp), Boromir (Ta) and Aragorn (Lo) are failing to quest hard enough. Combat is fine, so I can normally complete the Trial of Strength in 2 rounds (or slow it down if needed), but I just can't quest hard enough on the other trials - especially if locations start to stack up.

Ok, I do tend to tie one hand behind my back as I aim to play contemporary (or progressive, if you prefer) - which for The Three Trials Nightmare, includes cards up to Deluxe AA-4 (Treachery of Rhudaur), plus Saga Treason of Saruman.

But I'm prepared to bend my own "rule" on this one. Beaten the normal quest on 1 and 2-deck, and nightmare on 2-deck, but nightmare 1-deck is just too much. Any suggestions?

I would try a S Eowyn, L Imrahil, and T Eomer Rohan deck. Blood of Blood of Numenor and Gondorian Fire would be you combat solution while the standard Rohan stuff handles questing.

Hi - thanks. Had dabbled with Sp Eowyn, Sp Glorfindel and Ld Halbarad, but I'll take a look at the three you suggest.

First I recommand a sequence order with the trial: first the one who need you to clear the location, so you can travel first turn to that location and have the fewest threat possible in the staging area. After that the intuition one. You will have plenty of time to build your hand and your board. And you finish with the strenght, so when you beat the last enemy you will face back the three boss... and can continue to attack them. This way you will not have to suffer some of their attacks.

So you say you have a problem to quest? It seem not to have anything to due to the quest but rather with your deck. If you want to quest well you need to have allies to do so and way to play them. You are not playing leadership so you don't have any way to get resources and that may be the issue here. And playing tactics in solo is still so disappointing.

@Wandalf the Gizzard -> You may like your own deck but I don't see why will it fit more than others decks for this scenario. It seem neither the best deck against the scenario (Rohan is a cool deck but not a top tiers and it doesn't seem to be the best line-up), nor the best deck to answer his problematic (questing).

But if you just look for solid deck here is my list (in french, but with ringsdb links: , and I usually manage to pass the three trials with the first half of the decks (there is just a problematic between playing Erestor and the location who avoid to have more than 5 allies, could be a killer if it come up at the end of the scenario).

Good points, @Rouxxor ! The type of deck I suggested isn’t actually mine, though. Just one I’ve heard a lot of people had success with against The Three Trials. ;)