Silly enemy question

By Daverman, in The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth

I've been working on painting my figures and am nearly done, only have the wargs, barrow wights and troll to finish... but I'm not likely to finish them all before a game tomorrow night when we will resume our campaign on scenario 5.

Without spoiling any specifics (like "hey there's a troll in scenario 6") what figures should I work on first? I'd love to have what I'm likely going to need ready.

Hi I can't recall the specifics of that scenario but I'd focus on Goblin Scouts, Ork Mauraders and Ruffians as they seem to be the mainstay enemies of most scenarios I've played.

Edit: Notice that you've finished those enemy groups so you should be good.

Good luck 😁

Edited by Ancient Virus

I'm going to guess

Ruffian > scout > archers > warg > troll > wight

2 hours ago, Thaeggan said:

I'm going to guess

Ruffian > scout > archers > maurauder > warg > troll > wight

Added the missing enemy above

54 minutes ago, Majushi said:

Added the missing enemy above

so hard to notice when they are in a pile and all the same color

For what you have left, in order of most common to least common:

Wargs > Wights > Troll

However there might be a random element with enemy spawns so don’t be surprised is you see wights before wargs.

Edited by MeeKey

Thanks for the replies! Didn't need anything I hadn't already painted but I have the Wargs and Troll finished, and got started on the Wights.