Bossk is my all time favourite character. I’m old, but goes back to when I was a kid. Long story anyway his ship is a ship you can fly? That gets me excited. I thought you started with generic no name ships? So you upgrade to named ships? There’s no campaign right? Each game is stand alone? How long is a game? So odds are I could upgrade to Hounds Tooth for half the game?
Hound’s Tooth
Hey, I got the game at celebration and played a bunch of games. Yes the Hounds Tooth is one of the possible ships you can fly.
All players start with a generic ship, but one of the decks is a ship deck with multiple different ships in it. When you buy a ship you get the unnamed version. (IE: YT-1300, HWK-290, etc). Each ship has a "ship goal" (just like each character has a personal goal). Upon completion of a goal you flip that card over and it gives you 1 fame plus an extra ability. For example, if I remember right to go from a generic YV to the Hounds Tooth you need to recover damage and then spend some credits to flip the card and gain 1 fame. The flipside can be seen in today's article.
As for how often, it depends on how fast you chase a ship. In every game I have played, I have always gotten a new ship and used it for most the game. But I always play Aphra and go for the Ark Angel. Friend plays Boosk though, which is why I vaguely remember his stuff. Book is in car though so forgive me if wrong. Will check today when we play.
Oh, Bossk is a playable character! Well then.
and thanks for the reply. It’s appreciated
On 5/1/2019 at 1:34 PM, Ywingscum said:Oh, Bossk is a playable character! Well then.
and thanks for the reply. It’s appreciated
Doctor Aphra
Boba Fett
Jyn Erso
If they ever do an expansion, I’d love to see these as playable characters:
Tobias Beckett
Aurra Sing
Sana Starros
5 hours ago, BanthaPoodoo72 said:If they ever do an expansion, I’d love to see these as playable characters:
Tobias Beckett
Aurra Sing
Sana Starros
Worth noting that Dengar, Hondo, BoShek are all contacts in the game. Hondo and BoShek can join crew and are bounty targets.
Ah, thanks! I don’t have a copy of the game yet so good to know.
On 5/3/2019 at 1:37 PM, MajorSmexy said:Worth noting that Dengar, Hondo, BoShek are all contacts in the game. Hondo and BoShek can join crew and are bounty targets.
I wonder if an expansion with those characters would just tell you to remove the target/contact pieces if you play them.
On 5/8/2019 at 11:27 AM, phxcmd said:I wonder if an expansion with those characters would just tell you to remove the target/contact pieces if you play them.
This idea probably wouldn't work for contacts, but an expansion that adds current bounties as playable characters could also include bounties for every other playable character but require you to interact with the person playing them. Hunting them down, defeating them with a roll of dice, and hauling them back to whomever they're indebted for fame, reputation, and credits. On the captured player's next turn, they would escape with a new generic ship and gain fame, but lose credits, cargo and reputation.
12 hours ago, Arttemis said:This idea probably wouldn't work for contacts, but an expansion that adds current bounties as playable characters could also include bounties for every other playable character but require you to interact with the person playing them. Hunting them down, defeating them with a roll of dice, and hauling them back to whomever they're indebted for fame, reputation, and credits. On the captured player's next turn, they would escape with a new generic ship and gain fame, but lose credits, cargo and reputation.
I was thinking something similar but imagine they would do an expansion where you just have a way to take the playable characters that aren't being used and add them in as bounty tokens/encounters. I think that would add some fun variety. Plus the excitement/frustration of then potentially picking up a bounty for a character who isn't even presently in the Outer Rim so to speak.
EDIT: Oh! Or building on my previous mentions maybe a variant with the above plus a stack of tokens for characters that didn't get put on planets, and every turn there is a potential for a token to swap out to represent travel of the NPC's into and out of the Outer Rim.
Also, since this thread additionally turned into a potential expansion characters discussion, obligatory Dash Rendar mention.