By Hawkstrike, in X-Wing Organized Play

I'm being transferred to the DC area (Arlington/Crystal City) this summer. I don't know where I'll be living yet. What are some local stores that run regular X-wing OP events? Any regular game nights or weekend game days?


(PS -- I also do OP Star Wars Legion and Warhammer Underworlds)

You have a lot of options, this is what I know of, although there it probably more:

Those are the stores that I know have active X-Wing communities. There are plenty more game shops with other specialties, even a few game cafés. Have fun!

Edited by Opsmason

There’s also the NOVA Open at the end of August: https://www.novaopen.com/

22 hours ago, Opsmason said:

You have a lot of options, this is what I know of, although there it probably more:

Those are the stores that I know have active X-Wing communities. There are plenty more game shops with other specialties, even a few game cafés. Have fun!

Curio has 12+ players, playing every tuesday. Huzzah has a good crowd, too. Lab plays monthly usually, but there are pickup games. Can't speak to maryland, but if you are living in arlington, probably curio is your best bet for weekday games. huzzah has a hyperspace trial in august.

Also just moved to Arlington. Looking for X-Wing, Legion and Destiny. I've found the Facebook groups for the last two, and idea where to find people online to organize games of X-Wing? Will be checking out Curio soon as I can.

Huzzah looks great for both X-wing and Legion; I missed the event there today due to house hunting. I did stop by Curio which seems very tight for playing X-wing.

I'm also trying to find the NOVA X-wing Facebook group if there is one.