Phase 2 of ECs?

By zixition72, in L5R LCG: Organized Play

Hi all!

With the launch of the new roles and RRG are they going to release the list of phase two of the elemental championships schedule so people can book time off to attend events? All i seem to see are individual stores posting their own events but it would be nice if FFG updated their organized play page more frequently so people could plan stuff.

If anyone knows anything feel free to let me know :).


Got word back yesterday that phase 2 Elemental Championships will use the same kits at phase 1 due to an internal complication at FFG and they were unable to make phase 2 kits.

I host an Elemental Championship this Saturday and have been told to expect a kit in asap. Yes even now, Thursday I am patiently awaiting the kit to arrive. The FLGS is going to let me know when they see it so I can reassure my crowd when it's here.