5$ dollari campaign

By Shooock, in The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth

Where is written campaign dlc price will be 5 dollars?

Edited by Shooock
7 hours ago, Hannibal_pjv said:

That has been in Mom 2nd edition. Not sure if the price for this game has been confirmed. It could be higher in here. Who knows.


I do actually recall seeing the price listed in the article you’ve linked to, but FFG has definitely revised articles after posting them in the past when information was inaccurate or not yet meant to be confirmed.

Right. I thought for sure I had seen it too, but could not find it again on any sources. Maybe if I rewatch the Battle Cast video, the gentleman's video will have a shot of the original article...

On Friday, April 12, 2019 at 6:22 PM, TheWiseGuy said:

@TheWiseGuy states that the price is $4.99 in the video here, but I think the original article showed this add the price as well. Maybe he can help us cite our sources.

Whatever it costs, we're all buying it!