favourite books / acessories from all the three cores?

By gmcc, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

so i'm trying to get allies and adversaries books , as well as completing my 3 core book collection.

after that what u guys recommend or have more fun with ? im trying to get the acessorie books and the dices , but after that im not sure :D

some tips from veteran players . thank you

I personally enjoy Edge of the Empire line more, but it really depends upon your group's interests.

All the career sourcebooks are good for giving the players more options by doubling the the available specializations from 3 to 6.

Plus, they often have extra rules for certain situations. The Bounty Hunter book (No Disintegrations) adds Investigation rules for instance.


So, it’s sort of a tough choice as almost all the source and profession books are awesome.

My gut would be to say either

1. Pick a sourcebook that reflects the career YOU want to follow - “Fly Casual” was my first as I was planning on playing a smuggler

2. Pick a sourcebook that reflects the tone of the campaign you plan on running - if you are going to use mass combat roles then go for “Lead By Example” or “Far Horizons” if you want to lean how to run a business

3. Pick up a location or era sourcebook that helps flesh out your campaign - “Dawn of the Rebellion” (or the incoming “Rise of the Separatists”), “Strongholds of Resistance” and “Lords of Nal Hutta” were all great

4. At this stage, I would avoid the published adventures (except the beginner sets and follow-ups on the FFG website). I have them all and enjoyed reading them and got some inspiration but don’t see myself running any of them without some major work and rewriting and personally think that there are better ways to spend cash at this point.

hope that helps, good luck!

Edited by DangerShine Designs

I’ve got all but one splatbook from the F&D line(seeker book), three splatbooks from EOTE, and just the commander splatbook from AoR, in addition to the three CRBs. Also have Chronicles of the Gatekeeper, Suns of Fortune, Lords of Nalhutta, Nexus of Power, Dawn of Rebellion, Allies and Adversaries, and the AoR and F&D GM screens.

Judging from my purchases it would seem I like the Jedi and Edge stuff more than the Galactic Civil War stuff, and that would be true.

So, it really just depends on what aspects of Star Wars you’d most like to focus on. You can't go wrong just picking up the EOTE CRB and starting there. You won’t be making Jedis with that one but you can definitely manage just about any type of mundane characters with it, and you can still make a decent force sensitive character like Luke from episode IV. EOTE is the most flexible of the three by my estimation and the place I’d recommend everyone new to the system to start.

Edited by AnomalousAuthor

Edge of Empire for favorite line followed closely by Age of Rebellion. I've always had a lot of fun with privateer campaigns in various RPG systems.

I'm also a massive spaceship stats geek so my favorite books are often tied to my favorite ships within those books. Lords of Nul Hutta (I love the Kossak class), Strongholds of Resistance ( I also love the MC30C and playing naval officer type characters), Stay on Target (Pretty much all of my favorite Legends fighters that have appeared in FFG Star Wars were in that book and I sometimes like playing fighter pilots..), and Fully Operational (I love playing Engineer/other type hybrid characters and designing ships for games)

As for most others, EotE is my preferred setting, closely followed by AoR. However, one of my players chose a Force-sensitive career, so F&D came in handy for me as GM.

If your budget is limited and you can't accept my obvious answer " buy them all, mate! ", then I'd say get the source books for the careers your players have chosen, and - if you play before the Battle of Yavin - get Dawn of Rebellion.

I also value the adventure books very much, as I'm not very creative in story design and depend a lot on pre-written stuff.

Edited by PzVIE
grammar correction

The AoR GM kit is pretty much required reading for replicating Starfighter action at the Yavin scale and up.

I have a love/hate relationship with the FaD Core, Endless Vigil, and the FaD GM kit regarding lightsaber construction. Each book presents a different method ensuring that every character type can build a lightsaber with competence. Thing is, you kinda need all three options on the table to ensure that every character can. Just go with one option, and you're nerfing certain character types.

It depends on what your group wants to play in. I started with age of Rebellion since military mission are easier to so as episodic. After that I started both Edge and Force and Destiny games. They are both I'm going stories with no breaks.

You don't need all three core rulebooks but you need one.

What kind of campaign do you and your players prefer?

Scoundrels hustling around? Get all Edge of the Empire.

Military campaigns? Get all Age of Rebellion plus Dawn of Rebellion or Rise of the Seperatists and the coming Collapse of the Republic if you want a Clone Wars campaign.

Jedi? Get all of Fate & Destiny.

Need dice? Get the Beginner Game for your chosen line and the Force Awakens Beginner Game because that one also has a galaxy poster map.

Hey welcome to the galaxy of Star Wars!

Easy answer there isn’t one really. Hard answer there isn’t one either.

What kind of campaigns you plan on running? That would depend on the books one should get.

I have all the books thus far. So I can really say. I would stay away from the adventure books unless you have a hard time coming up with adventures.

ya really only need the core books the others do add neat information.

As other have mentioned I would recommend starting with books that people have chosen for careers.