So with mission 2 now down, its onto the 3rd in this 4 mission, storyline.
This uses the same map as before, but 'rotated' 90 degrees, so the planet is in the bottom 'right' corner (east). There's no asteroids, but there are sets of 2 fuel tanks, 1 cargo container and 1 turret. Starting at 2/1/1, shifting to 4/2/2 at 3 or 4 players, and up to 6/3/3 at 5 or 6 players.
At 1 to 3 players, there's 1 imperial hanger (only the hanger), with a shield module on it. At 4 to 6, there's a 2nd hanger.
Along the 'west edge' of the map, put 3 range rulers, marking spots 1-9 (going from south to north). This is where some imperials show up at, others come out of the hanger bays.
Turn length 12 turns, Hostile terrain.
Primary mission goals are
1) destroy all the turrets (or turret if at 1-2 players)
2) destroy the hangers
3) Destroy both Gamma and Delta squads
Bonus +1 if no fuel tank has been destroyed, and an additional +1 for all, if all imperial forces were killed.
-1xp penalty if any fuel tank did get destroyed..
Imperial forces at 3 players are;
Starting out round 1 - Alpha squad, 2 tie fighters. If in mission 2, no imperial force from Helios or Falcon squad, or the Lambda escaped, they are in a Patrol formation and AI. If anyone did they are in Attack AI.
Round 2, coming out of hanger 1 (or 2), 2 tie bombers of Beta squad
Gamma squad shows up in Turn 4 - 1 elite tie interceptor from the hanger.
Delta squad, showing up in turn 6 - 2 tie advance prototypes
Omega squad, showing up in turn 8 - 1 Tie aggressor.
Additionally, if due to Helios/falcon/the lambda escaping the base got alerted, you add in
Round 3, Charlie squad, 2 regular interceptors along map edge A
Round 5, Falcon squad - 1 tie defender elite, also on map edge A.
Once it shifts up to 5 players, the forces go up to
Alpha - 3 tie fighters
Beta - 1 regular and 1 elite bomber (AT PS5 +)
Gamma - 2 elite interceptors
Delta - 1 regular and 1 elite Advance prototype (at PS5+)
Omega - 2 possible elite aggressors. the one at 2 player is shifted up to an elite at PS4, and add in a 2nd at PS 6.
Charlie shifts to 3 interceptors, with one as an elite at PS 6
and Falcon shifts to 2 defender elites.