Story 3 mission 3 play test

By LTuser, in X-Wing Battle Reports

So with mission 2 now down, its onto the 3rd in this 4 mission, storyline.

This uses the same map as before, but 'rotated' 90 degrees, so the planet is in the bottom 'right' corner (east). There's no asteroids, but there are sets of 2 fuel tanks, 1 cargo container and 1 turret. Starting at 2/1/1, shifting to 4/2/2 at 3 or 4 players, and up to 6/3/3 at 5 or 6 players.

At 1 to 3 players, there's 1 imperial hanger (only the hanger), with a shield module on it. At 4 to 6, there's a 2nd hanger.

Along the 'west edge' of the map, put 3 range rulers, marking spots 1-9 (going from south to north). This is where some imperials show up at, others come out of the hanger bays.

Turn length 12 turns, Hostile terrain.

Primary mission goals are

1) destroy all the turrets (or turret if at 1-2 players)

2) destroy the hangers

3) Destroy both Gamma and Delta squads

Bonus +1 if no fuel tank has been destroyed, and an additional +1 for all, if all imperial forces were killed.

-1xp penalty if any fuel tank did get destroyed..

Imperial forces at 3 players are;

Starting out round 1 - Alpha squad, 2 tie fighters. If in mission 2, no imperial force from Helios or Falcon squad, or the Lambda escaped, they are in a Patrol formation and AI. If anyone did they are in Attack AI.

Round 2, coming out of hanger 1 (or 2), 2 tie bombers of Beta squad

Gamma squad shows up in Turn 4 - 1 elite tie interceptor from the hanger.

Delta squad, showing up in turn 6 - 2 tie advance prototypes

Omega squad, showing up in turn 8 - 1 Tie aggressor.

Additionally, if due to Helios/falcon/the lambda escaping the base got alerted, you add in

Round 3, Charlie squad, 2 regular interceptors along map edge A

Round 5, Falcon squad - 1 tie defender elite, also on map edge A.

Once it shifts up to 5 players, the forces go up to

Alpha - 3 tie fighters

Beta - 1 regular and 1 elite bomber (AT PS5 +)

Gamma - 2 elite interceptors

Delta - 1 regular and 1 elite Advance prototype (at PS5+)

Omega - 2 possible elite aggressors. the one at 2 player is shifted up to an elite at PS4, and add in a 2nd at PS 6.

Charlie shifts to 3 interceptors, with one as an elite at PS 6

and Falcon shifts to 2 defender elites.

For the rebels, we have


Grood, PS5, Fire control system, Heavy laser cannon, Munition's failsafe and Hull upgrades. Ordinance of Plasma and Advance proton torpedo, and EPT of Intimidation.

Spot, PS5, Sensor Jammer, Ion cannon, Munition's failsafe and Shield upgrades. Plasma and Proton torpedo for Ordinance. Debris Gambit and Intensity for Elite talents.

Wilt, PS5, Sensor Jammer, Ion cannon, Stealth device and Shield upgrades. Advance proton torp and Plasma torp for ordinances, and EPT Of Intimidation.

Doc, PS5, Mangler cannon, Stealth Device for mods. Ion and Plasma torpedo for ordinance, and EPT of Predator.


Gruff, PS5, R3 astromech, Hull upgrade and munitions failsafe mods. Ordinance of both a plasma torpedo and proton torpedo. EPTS of Lone wolf and Determination.

Jinn, PS6, R3 astromech, Stealth device and Shield upgrades. Plasma torpedo for ordinance, and EPTS of Saturation salvo and Outmaneuver.

Chaka, PS5, R2 astromech, Stealth device and Shield upgrades, Proton torpedo for ordinance, and EPTs of Determination and Predator.

Squeaky, PS5, R2-D2 astromech, Vectored thrusters and a shield ugprade for mods. Plasma torp for ordinance, and the EPTs of Outmaneuver and Intensity.

and the 2 new ones of

Drogo, PS4, R5-K6 astromech, Engine upgrade for mods. Proton torpedo for ordinance, and the EPT of Predator.

Tin-bok, PS4, R7-T1 astromech, Vectored thrusters and Shield upgrade for mods. Plasma torpedo for Ordinance, and EPT of Outmaneuver.


Shunt, PS5, R5-K6 astromech, Sync turret, Stealth device and extra munitions for mods. Ordinance of Seismic and Proton bombs, and Plasma and Ion torpedos. EPT of Wingman.

Dozer, PS5, R5 astromech, Sync turret, Vectored thrusters and Shield upgrade mods. Ordinance of Proximity mine, Seismic bomb and Plasma torpedo, and EPTs of Expert handling and Outmaneuver.

Unca, R3 astromech, Twin laser turret, Munitions failsafe and Stealth device for mods. Ordinance of Seismic bomb and Proton torpedo. EPTS of intimidation and Predator.

Crack, PS5, R7 astromech, Sync turret, Stealth device and Shield upgrade for mods. Ordinance of Seismic bomb, Flechette and Seismic torpedos. EPT of Intimidation.

and the new one of

Cmoz, PS4, R7-T1 for astromech, Dorsal turret, Vectored thrusters and Shield upgrade mods. Ordinance of Proton torpedo, proximity and Cluster mines and EPT of Determination.

For when substitute 'base campaign ships in' we have


Snoopy, PS5, Ion bomb/seismic bomb, proton torpedo, Expertise and Etahn Abat pilot traits/epts, Ion cannon turret, R2, Stealth device and shield upgrade


Shatter, PS4, R4D6 astromech, Seismic or proton torpedo, Vectored thrusters, stealth device and EPT of Predator (replaced Marksmanship which was lost).

And the B-wing

Twitch, Plasma torpedo, Predator EPT, Shield and Stealth device modifications, Accuracy corrector, PS4. Does not yet have a cannon.

And for allocation of those ships for the first 6 hopeful runnings at 3 ships (may just do 4 and see if i need to re-tool)..

We have Spot the B-wing, Squeaky and Gruff in an X-wing starting the testing.

Then it goes to Grood (B), Chaka and Jinn (X). (2nd run)

Then Wilt (B), Drogo and Tin-bok (X). (3rd run)

Then Doc (B), Shunt and Dozer (Y) (4th run)

Then Twitch (B), Crack and Cmoz (Y) (5th run)

and lastly, Snoopy (Y), Shrek and Shatter (X) (6th run).

Due to how things went in mission 2. Enemies escaped to warn the imperials, so Charlie and Falcons quads will shw up for Running 4 and 5. All the other 4, do not get those 2 enemy groups.

For when i am at 5 ships testing..

First is nothing but X-wings, Gruff, Squeaky, Jinn, Tin-bok and Drogo.

Then 4 Y-s (Crack, Unca, Dozer and Shunt) and 1 B (Doc). (2nd run).

Then a mix of 2 X-wings (Shrek and Shatter), 2 Y's (Snoopy and Unca), and 1 B (Spot). 3rd run.

For the 4th running, we have a similar breakdown, with Wilt for the B, Gruff and Jinn for the X and Dozer and Shunt for Y's.

5th run will have B-wing Grood, X-wings Squeaky and Chaka, and Y-wings Cmoz and Crack.

And the last running will have all 4 B-wings from my Play test group (Doc, Spot, Wilt and Grood) and the main group's B-wing Twitch.. SO this will be fun with nothing BUT b's!.

Like with the 3 ship testing, there are 3 runnings at 5 ships, which will see Charlie and Falcon squads make a showing. They are 3rd, 4th and 6th..

Well, my first play test was a dismal rebel loss..

1 st running at 3 rebels:

Will be using the B-wing Spot (PS5), and the X-wings of Gruff and Squeaky (both PS5). As such, NO imperials are shifted up in their PS (NEEDS to be at 4 or more players before this happens), so the imperial forces are; 2 tie fighters in Alpha (starting), On patrol. 2 Tie bombers in Beta (round 2 from hanger 1), 1 Tie interceptor Elite (turn 4, from hanger 1), 2 tie advance prototypes in Delta (round 6, also from Hanger 1) and 1 Aggressor in Omega (turn 8, also from Hanger 1. There will be 2 fuel tank/cargo/turret clusters, and only the ONE hanger bay.

Squeaky lines up in the middle of the 'north' edge, while Gruff and Spot line up on the North-east edge.

Round 1), Gruff plans 3 straight, 4 straight for Squeaky and 2 right bank for Spot.

Both in Alpha squad 5 straight and evade.

Rebels move, with both Spot and Gruff locking Turret 2, while Squeaky locks PM3. Squeaky's shot gives it 2 hull damage, while Spot and Gruff kill their turret.

Alpha 2 then takes 1 shield off of Squeaky in return fire.

Round 2), Beta squad shows up on the Hanger bay.

Squeaky plans a 3 straight, 2 right bank Spot and 3 bank for Gruff.

Alpha squad both 3 banks right, and focuses. Both in Beta too far to lock, and then 2 straight and focus.

The rebels move. Gruff gives a console fire critical to Alpha-2, while Squeaky wastes a torpedo on Beta-1 (whiffed). Spot misses Alpha-1.

The imperial's return fire, smacks squeaky upside the head, taking all his shields, and giving him 2 hull damage.. OUCH.

Round 3), Squeaky plans banking 1 to the right to regenerate a shield, 3 left bank for Gruff and 3 straight for Spot.

Alpha-1 does a 4k, Alpha-2 turns 1 left, and fails to clear his console fire crit. Beta-1 and 2 both lock onto Squeaky, then 1 straight and focus.

The rebels move, with Squeaky regenerating one shield and locking onto Turret 1, Spot locking Beta 1, so does Gruff. Between them, they give the bomber 4 hull damage, not enough to kill it though. Squeaky gives 4 hull to the turret (also not enough to destroy it).

The imperial's return fire kills Squeaky (OUCH), and ****** both shields off of Gruff.

Round 4), Gamma's elite interceptor shows up on the hanger. Gruff plans a 4 straight to close in and try and take out the hanger's shield generator, while Spot plans a 2 right bank.

Unfortunately things don't work out for him as the imperial's movement causes a road block, forcing him to bump into them. Alpha-2 takes a 2 nd hull damage from his Console fire critical. Gruff's torpedo smacks all 3 shields off the generator. Spot however misses it.. Then imperial return fire misses both Gruff and Spot.

Round 5), Spot plans a 2 straight, 2 right turn for Gruff.

The imperials move, some more bumps, and eventually the rebels move. Gruff turns, locks Turret 1, while Spot once again bumps. His shot finishes off the Shield generator, while Gruff misses the turret.. Its return shot however crits him for 2 hull, and he takes a 3 rd from one of the fighters.. OUCH..

Round 6), the rebels feel they won't win, so plan 1 straights so both can try and hyper out.. However, with Delta's Tie advance prototypes showing up, Spot once again bumps.. Then Gruff fails to enter hyperspace, then dies to their fire.. Spot loses his first shield.

Round 7) Spot enters hyperspace, before any imperial can fire on him..


For the next outing, as both Jinn and Chaka have stealth devices, here's hoping they survive the first few rounds, long enough to close in and destroy the hanger bay..

Forgot to include the XP earned..

Spot would have earned only 2xp. 5 for Gruff, but that would have been chopped to 0xp AND the loss of his most expensive EPT from his EVA roll, and 1 for Squeaky, which likewise would have been chopped to 0, and the loss of his most expensive upgrade, from his EVA roll..

All in all, the DICE SUCKED for the rebels!!!

2 nd running at 3 ships

Using the B-wing Grood (PS5), and the X-wings Chaka (Ps5 also) and Jinn (PS6). As all have stealth devices, hopefully they will be harder to kill so swiftly. Both X-wings line up in the center, hoping to sprint towards the hanger bay and kill it with torpedos before R4-5 time frame. Grood lines up on the north-east like Spot did, so he can try and kill Turret 2....

Round 1) both X-wings plan 4 straights, 3 for Grood.

Alpha squad both 5 straight and evade.

The rebels move. Jinn and Chaka both lock Alpha-1, while Grood locks Turret-2. Jinn gives Structural damage crit to Alpha 1, making it easier for Chaka to kill it. Grood destroys the turret.

Return fire from Alpha-2 and Turret 1 misses.

Round 2) Jinn plans 2 straight to avoid running over PM4, while Chaka plans another 4 straight, and 3 straight for Grood.

BETA shows up on Hanger bay. Alpha-2 does another 5 straight and focuses this time. Both in Beta too far to lock anyone, so 4 straights and focuses (too far to protect action the Hanger or turret 1).

The rebels move. Jinn bumps Alpha-2, Chaka and Grood lock Beta-2. Their shots combine to give the bomber 4 hull damage. Jinn destroys PM4.

Beta-1 shoots Chaka with his main guns, taking one of his shields And neuters his stealth device. Beta-2 misses, Alpha-2 has no shot. Turret-1 takes a 2 nd shield off Chaka.

Round 3), both X-wings plan 4 straights again, 3 left bank for Grood.

Alpha-2 does a 3k. Beta-1 locks Chaka then banks 1 right and focuses, while Beta-2 locks Grood then 5ks..

The rebels move. ALL rebels lock the Hanger. Jinn causes it 3 hull with his torpedo (even with the shield generator giving it a 2 nd evade die, it rolled 2 blanks!) 3 more come from Chaka, and Grood's torpedo gets the kill. This means neither Delta or Gamma will show up (no hanger for them to come out of), and as its early, Omega won't come in via hyperspace.

Beta-1 also no shot (too far), but Beta-2 takes 1 shield off of Grood. Alpha-2 takes 1 shield off Jinn and neuters his stealth device. (so both X-wings now have theirs neutered).. Turret-1 misses again.

Round 4), Grood plans a 2 right turn, 3 right turn for Chaka and 4k for Jinn (will stress).

Alpha 2 does a 3 left bank, and focuses. Beta-1 locks Jinn then 5ks., while Beta-2 locks Grood again then 2 straights and focuses.

The rebels move. Grood locks Turret-1, Chaka PM1, and Jinn takes his stress. Jinn misses his shot on Beta 2. Grood deals 2 hull to the turret, while Chaka destroys a 2 nd mine.

The imperial return shots, strip all the remaining shields off of Grood.

Round 5, the rebels moved around and finished off the last turret, so all mission goals (Primary) are now met.. however the imperial return fire, kills off Grood. Chaka and Jinn can now try to escape.

Round 6, both are close enough to the planet's edge, they can 1 bank to get just outside it's atmosphere and hyper out.. Both successfully do so, before any imperial counter shots come.

Solid rebel win, as the dice were with me this time..

4xp for Grood, who would have lost his EPT from his EVA roll, 5xp for Chaka and 3 for Jinn. Rather low.. May have to add in a line item of if they neutralize the turrets/hanger bay before any reinforcements OTHER than beta squad show up, all gain +1xp..

3 rd running at 3 ships

Using B-wing Wilt (PS5), and the X-wings Drogo and Tin-bok (Both PS4). SQL on Wilt.

Both X-wings line up central, like in mission 2, while Wilt lines up on the NE corner like Grood did in mission 2.

Round 1) Like in mission 2, both X-wings plan a 4 straight, while Wilt goes for a 3 straight.

Both fighters in Alpha perform a 4 straight and evade.

The rebels move, with Wilt locking onto Turret 2, Drogo boosting to his right, and Tin-bok locking mine 3, then boosted to the right himself, via his droid. Wilt's torpedo deals 3 hull to the turret, while Tin-bok deals only 2 hull to the mine, prompting Drogo to have to finish it off vice shooting one of the fighters.

Alpha-1's return shot strips one shield from Tin-bok, while Alpha-2 and both turrets miss their counter shots.

Round 2) Beta squad shows up on the hanger. Both X-wings plan a 3 left bank, while Wilt goes for another 3 straight.

Alpha performs a 2 straight, with Alpha-1 bumping Tin-bok, and 2 focusing. Both in Beta too far to lock, then roll a 2 straight and both focus.

The rebels move, with Tin-bok bumping into Alpha-2 before completing his bank, and Drogo locking turret 1. Wilt barrel rolls to his right after moving, and then shoots and ionizes + 1 hull Beta-2. Then Tin-bok misses Beta-1, while Drogo destroys Turret-1 in one shot (Three crits and a hit vs no evades).

The imperial's counter fire sees Beta-1 missing, Beta-2 taking a shield and the stealth device off of Wilt, Alpha-1 and 2 have no shot, Turret 2 also has no shot (Wilt's too close the others too far).

Round 3), Wilt plans a 2 right bank, 3 right bank for both X-wings.

Both in Alpha perform a 4k. Beta 1 locks Drogo them banks 1 to his left and focuses. Beta-2 locks Wilt and then straights 1, bleeds his ion off and focuses.

The rebels move. Drogo and Tin-bok lock the hanger, while Wilt again barrel rolls to get out of Beta-2's arc, or hopes to, but barely is still in it. His shot to try and re-ionize it fails (three blanks vs 1 evade and 1 focus). Drogo hits the hanger for 3 hull, while 2 more come from Tin-bok. No where near enough to destroy it.

The imperial's counter shots, see Beta-2 taking 2 more shields off Wilt, Tin-bok loses 2 nd shield to Beta 1, Alpha-2 misses, Turret 2 misses, and Alpha-1 just out of range.

Round 4) Gamma's interceptor elite shows up on the Hanger. Wilt plans a 2 left turn, same for Tin-bok, and Drogo plans a 4k.

Both fighters in Alpha do a 3 left bank, with Alpha-2 bumping into Tin-bok and Alpha-1 focusing. Beta-1 locks Tin-bok then straights 1 and focuses. Beta-2 re-locks Wilt, then banks into bumping him. Gamma 1 straights 3 and then barrel rolls right to get an arc on Wilt.

The rebels move, Drogo takes a stress, Wilt bumps Gamma-1 and Tin-bok locks Beta-2 hoping to damage it more. Wilt's shot gives 2 more hull to the hanger (now at 7), Drogo strips all three shields off the base shield generator, and Tin-bok adds a 2 nd hull to Beta-2.

Gamma 1's counter shot, ROCKS Tin-bok, taking his last shield, giving him one hull damage AND a damaged sensor array critical. Neither in Beta have shot, Alpha-1 then kills Tin-bok, while Alpha-2 misses Drogo. Turret-2 misses Wilt.

Round 5) Wilt plans a 2 straight hoping to finish off the hanger, while Drogo also does a 2 straight to clear his stress.

Both in alpha 4 straight and focus. Both bombers in Beta lock Wilt, Beta-1 then turns 3 right and focuses, Beta-2 does a 5k. Gamma 1 then does a 3k.

Drogo moves, clears his stress and boosts right. Wilt locks the hanger, and his advance torpedo kills it. This means Delta's advance prototypes will not show up, but Omega will still hyperspace in on turn 8. Drogo deals 2 hull to Alpha-2. Gamma-1 misses wilt, neither in Beta have a shot again, Alpha-1 misses, but Alpha-2 hits Drogo for 2 shields. Turret again misses.

Round 6) Wilt plans a 2 right turn, 3 right bank for Drogo, to take him towards turret 2.

Alpha-1 does a 4k, same for Alpha-2. Beta-1locks Drogo them 5ks, Beta too far to lock, so just straights 4 and focuses. Gamma 1 banks right 2 then focuses.

Wilt moves and bumps into Alpha-2. Drogo locks Beta-2. Wilt's shot takes out mine 1, while Drogo deals 2 more hull and a damaged cockpit to the bomber (now at 5 hull total and dropping its PS to 0). Beta-1 misses, Gamma-1 takes a 4 th shield off Wilt, Alpha-1 takes his last. Alpha-2 no shot. And Beta-2 no shot. Turret 2 misses Drogo.

Round 7) Wilt plans a 3 right bank and will stress. He plans on being out of the atmosphere next round so will try to hyper out. Drogo plans a 3 right bank, to try and finish off the last turret.

Alpha-1 does another 4k, but bumps into Gamma 1 before completing. Beta-2 bumps drogo (no shot), Beta-1 banks left and focuses, Alpha-2 turns 3 right.

Wilt stresses, has no action or shot. Drogo locks the 2 nd turret and takes it out.

No imperial has a shot..

Round 😎 Omega's Aggressor shows up all the way up in the top left (north-west) corner, far from the battle. Wilt plans a 2 straight, to both clear his stress and prep for hyperspace. Drogo a 3 left turn.

Beta-2 locks Drogo then 4ks. Alpha-1 turns 2 left and focuses, Alpha-2 does a 3k, Beta-1 locks Drogo as well and banks 1 left. Gamma 1 turns 2 right and boosts right. Omega-1 too far to lock so 3 banks right and focuses.

Wilt moves, clears his stress and focuses for his hypering out. Drogo moves and focuses. Wilt fails to enter hyperspace, while Drogo takes out the last mine.

Imperials counter fire deals 2 hull to Wilt, after stripping his remaining shields off.

Round 9, both Wilt and Drogo succeeds in entering hyperspace before the imperials can stop them..

Barely a rebel win..

Drogo would have earned 6xp, 5 on Wilt and only 1 on Tin-bok, who rolled 2 crits for his EVA roll, so would have totally been KIA...

2 wins vs 1 loss so far.. Biggest difference is how quickly can the rebels take out the hanger bay..

4 th running at 3 ships

Using B-wing Doc (PS5) and Y-wings Shunt (PS5, taking his plasma torpedo and proton bomb) and Dozer (also PS5, taking his plasma torpedo and seismic bomb). Both Y-wings line up in middle, while Doc lines up in the N/E corner facing towards Turret 2. SQL on Shunt.

Round 1) All rebels plan 3 straights.

Alpha squad does a 5 straight, both evade.

The rebels move. Doc and Dozer both lock onto Turret 2, while Shunt locks onto Alpha-1.

Shunt fires his first plasma torpedo (thanks to his having extra munitions) but totally whiffs his shot (maybe he should have had munitions failsafe!!). Doc then deals 3 hull to turret, 2, Dozer finishes it off, earning the first XP.

Alpha-1 fires and takes a shield (and the stealth device) of Shunt. Alpha-2 and turret 1 both miss.

Round 2) Beta squad shows up on the hanger. Doc plans 2 left bank, 3 right bank for both Dozer and Shunt.

Alpha squad both 4 straights. This causes Dozer to bump into Alpha-1. Both in Beta too far to lock, so both 4 straight and focus.

The Rebels move. Shunt locks Mine 3, Doc locks Beta-2. Shoots his ion torpedo and deals 2 ion tokens to both bombers. Shunt deals only 2 hull to the mine. Dozer misses shot.

Alpha 1 has no shot, but alpha-2 does and strips 2 shields off of Dozer. Beta-1 strips last 2 off of Shunt, while Beta-2 misses. Turret 1 hits Shunt for 1 hull. Still only 1xp Dozer, 0 doc 0 Shunt.

Round 3) Shunt plans 3 straight, 3 left bank Dozer and 2 right turn Doc.

Alpha squad both 2 straights, A1 evades, A2 bumps Dozer. Beta-1 locks Shunt then does 1 st white 1 straight, bleeding off one ion token and focuses. Beta-2 locks Dozer, then does same.

Rebels move. Doc barrel rolls after move to get out of Beta-2's firing arc. Shunt drops Proton bomb (first), dealing a Thrust control fire to Alpha-2 (was hoping mine was in range but just OUT... GRR). It takes 1 hull and 1 stress then discards the card. Then he locks Turret 1. Shunt now has 1xp. Dozer drops his seismic charge, giving a hull to mine 2, alpha-1 and a 2 nd to alpha 2. Then he locks Beta-2. Doc fires, dealing 3 hull to the bomber, Shunt whiffs shot. Now all 3 have an XP. Shunt deals 3 hull to turret 1.

Beta-1 hits taking the last 2 shields off of Doc, while Beta-2's cluster missile WHIFFS both shots (3 blanks vs 1 evade, 2 focuses and 1 blank vs 1 evade, but had to use its focus token defensively vs Dozer's shot). Neither in Alpha have shot. Turret 1 misses.

Round 4) Gamma shows up on the hanger. Shunt plans 2 left urn, Doc 2 left bank, 3 right bank Dozer.

Alpha-1 turns 1 right and barrel rolls right to keep Doc in arc. Alpha 2 does same move, but can't clear stress, so no action. Beta-1 locks doc, then bumps him doing 1 straight, so can't clear his 2 nd ion. Beta-2 locks Doc, does clear his ion and focuses. Gamma-1 turns 1 left and then boosts right to keep Shunt in arc.

Rebels move. ALL lock the Hanger bay. Shunt's 2 nd plasma torpedo deals a measly 1 hull.4 more comes from Dozer's torpedo, while Doc deals the same 1 damage Shunt did. NOT enough to destroy the hanger.

Gamma 1 rakes fire into Shunt killing him with more hull and 2 criticals (Damaged sensor array and minor explosion). OUCH. Turret misses Doc. No one else has shot.

Doc and Dozer at 2xp, 1 for shunt.

Round 5) Doc plans 2 left bank, 2 straight Dozer. Both intend to finish off hanger bay.

Alpha-1 banks 3 right and focuses. Alpha-2 straights 3 and bumps alpha-1. Still no clear stress. Beta-1 locks Doc then straights 1 bleeding off last ion token, and focuses. Beta-2 locks Dozer then does a 5k . Gamma1 also 5ks..

Rebels move. Dozer whiffs shot, Doc manages to destroy hanger. Doc at 3, Dozer still at 2.xp.

Alpha 1 only imperial with shot (all others out of range or arc), and deals 2 hull damage to Dozer. Turret 1 gives him a minor hull breach (now at 3 hull).

Round 6) Due to hanger being gone, Delta's advance-prototypes no show up. Doc plans 2 right turn, 2 left for Dozer.

Alpha-1 straights 5, then barrel rolls right to keep dozer in arc. Alpha-2 straights 3 again, finally clears stress and evades. Beta-1 locks Doc, then hard 2 left turns. Beta-2 too far to lock so straights 4 and focuses. Gamma-1 straights 5 and focuses.

The Rebels move, Doc barrel rolls to get in arc to shoot. Dozer locks Alpha-1. Doc takes the shield off Alpha-1 and gives him 1 hull damage, while Dozer kills the first fighter. Now at 4xp each. Gamma 1 then takes 3 shields off doc and his stealth device. Turret misses. No other shots.

Round 7) Doc plans a bank right 1, so can try and finish off the last turret. Dozer another 2 left turn.

The imperials move, and another fighter dies to Dozer (now at 6xp), while Doc finishes off the last turret (now at 5xp). However beta 1 and 2 hit him killing him off. Then Gamma 1 strips both remaining shields off of Doc..

Round 8, the Aggressor of Omega shows up on tick 3, right in the thick of things.

Doc plans a 2 right bank, hoping to get out of there.

The imperials kill off Doc before he can get out of the planet's atmosphere and enter hyperspace.

Rebel loss. 2 wins vs 2 losses..

I was real surprised how swiftly Shunt died.. Usually in past play testings, the Y-wings were the longer lasting ships..

5 th running at 3 ships

Will use B-wing Twitch (PS4), Y-wings Crack (PS5) and Cmoz (PS4). Crack takes his flechette torpedo and seismic bomb, Cmoz his proton torpedo and cluster mines. Crack has Squad leader.

Crack lines up on N/E corner, Cmoz and Twitch in Center. Charlie and Falcon squads should have shown up, BUT forgot to include them, again! (GRR).

Round 1) All rebels planned 3 straights.

Alpha both did a 5 straight and evaded.

The rebels move. Cmoz and Crack both lock onto Turret 1, Twitch locks Alpha 1, however his plasma torpedo gets wasted with 3 blanks and 1 crit (canceled out via accuracy corrector to 2 hits), vs 4 evades.. Crack then deals only 1 hull even with spending his lock on the turret, Cmoz flat out misses. No XP anyone.

Alpha-1 hits Twitch taking one shield and his stealth device. Alpha-2 just out of range. Turret 1 takes a 2 nd shield from twitch, while T2 misses crack.

Round 2) Beta squad shows up on Hanger. Crack 3 straight, 2 right bank Twitch 3 Cmoz.

Alpha both straights 5 again and both focus. This causes Twitch to bump into Alpha-1 as he can't clear Alpha-2. Both in Beta too far to lock, so Straight 2 and focus.

The rebels move. Crack locks Mine 2, Twitch bumps, Cmoz drops his cluster mine, hoping Alpha turns into it. Then Crack's shot deals 1 miserable hit to the mine (man were my dice hating the rebels). Twitch deals 2 to mine 3, and Cmoz destroys that mine.

Both in Beta each take 1 shield off of Cmoz. Alpha-1 no shot, but Alpha-2 takes a 3 rd shield Twitch. Both turrets miss. Cmoz now at 1xp, 0xp both Crack and Twitch.

Round 3) CHARLIE should have shown up, but I forgot (again). All rebels plan 3 straights.

Alpha both turns 3 left avoiding the mines, but getting dangerously close to the map edge, so both barrel roll to the left to get away from it. Both in Beta lock Cmoz then move 3 straight and focus.

The rebels move. Cmoz locks turret 1, Twitch and Crack both lock Beta-1. Twitch and Crack, both combine for 3 hull on the bomber, while Cmoz decides to shoot it, blinding the pilot and dealing a 5 th hull. This causes Beta-1 to auto-miss Twitch. Beta-2 misses Crack. No shots either of Alpha squad. Turret 1 and 2 each take 1 more shield from Twitch (man is he popular to shoot!), leaving him with 1 left. Cmoz now at 2xp, 1 ea for Crack and Twitch.

Round 4) Gamma's elite interceptor shows up on the hanger. Cmoz plans 2 left turn, 3 left bank Crack and 3 Straight for Twitch.

Both in Alpha squad turn 2 left and evade. Beta-1 locks Twitch then bumps into him doing a 1 straight. Beta-2 does same with Crack. Gamma 1 straights 3 and focuses.

The rebels move. Twitch shifts his lock to the interceptor, Crack drops seismic charge then bumps into the interceptor, Cmoz also locks it then uses his droid to boost forward so is at range 1. Due to Crack having intimidation, this drops Gamma's evade down to 2 dice.. Crack kills Beta-1 with his shot, now at 4xp. His bomb deals 1 hull to Beta-2, and unfortunately to each of Fuel tank 3 and 4, but also gives a 2 nd to Turret 2. Twitch's shot takes the shield off the elite interceptor and gives a stunned pilot critical, while Cmoz hits it for a 2 nd hull and a Weapons malfunction critical (leaving it at 1 hull left).

The elite interceptor's counter shot misses Twitch. No other imperials have shot. Turret 1 too close to everyone to shoot and turret 2 misses. Cmoz now at 3 hull, 2 for Twitch, and 4 for Crack.

Round 5) Cmoz plans a 3 right bank to put him right onto the hanger, 3 straight for the others.. All will lock the hanger.

Alpha both banks 3 left, with alpha-1 focusing, and alpha-2 bumping into his back. Beta-2 locks crack, then runs over the right most part of the cluster mine, luckily avoiding damage, doing a 5k. Gamma 1 straights 5, clears weapons malfunction critical.

The rebels move, and combine to deal 8 hull damage to the hanger.. No change to XP.

No imperials in range to shoot, and both turrets miss.

Round 6) Delta's advance prototypes show up. Both Y-wings plan 2 left turns, 2k for Twitch.

Both in Alpha straight 5, then barrel roll left. Alpha one barrel rolling slightly forward, to give clearance to Alpha-2.. Beta-1 too far to lock, So straights 4 and focuses. Both in Delta squad roll a 2 left turn. Delta one barrel rolls lef to get an arc on Twitch, but this causes Delta 2 to bump him. Gamma 1 rolls a 1 left turn, but has to shift it right to only run over one part of the cluster mine, however this is still enough to deal him 2 criticals, killing him. Cmoz gets the kill XP, while everyone gets 1 for it being an elite. Cmos now at 6xp, 4 for Twitch and 5 for Crack. The rebels move with Crack and Cmoz locking Delta-2, and Twitch stressing. Crack takes 1 shield, Cmoz the 2 nd . Twitch barely scores 1 hull damage on it. Now Cmoz is at 7xp, 5 for Twitch and 6 for Crack.

For the imperials, only Alpha-1 and 2 are able to shoot back, Alpha-2 missing, Alpha-1 taking Twitch's last shield. T1 then deals him 2 hull damage, and 2 is out of range.

Round 7) Twitch plans a 1 left bank to clear his stress, 3 left banks for both Y's.

Alpha both does a 5 straight, then focus, barely avoids bumping any of Delta. Beta-2 still too far to lock, so straights 3 and focuses. Delta-1 has no target to get his free barrel roll on, so straights 2 and focuses defensively. Delta-2 does a 4k, and had no ROOM to barrel roll.

Twitch bumps into Alpha-2, Cmoz locks Beta-2 then boosts left, while Crack locks Alpha-1. His shot gives it 1 hull. Cmoz gives a Munitions failure crit to the bomber, while Twitch kills off Delta 2. XP now at 7 for Crack, 8 for Cmoz and 8 for Twitch.

The imperial's counter shots kill Twitch and take 1 more shield off of Cmoz, leaving him shieldless, a

Round 😎 Omega shows up over on spot 6. Out of the fight for now.

Crack plans a 3 left bank, while Cmoz a 2 left turn.

Alpha 1 turns 1 left and focuses. Alpha-2 bumps him doing a 2 left turn. Beta-2 locks Cmoz and turns 3 left focusing. Delta-1 does a 4k, after declining to barrel roll. Omega-1 too far to lock so straights 4 and focuses.

The rebels move, with Cmoz locking Turret 1 and Crack turret 2. Crack's torpedo gives enough crits to kill the turret, while Cmoz deals only 4 to his. Crack now at 8xp with Cmoz.

Imperials counter fire takes Crack's stealth device and 1 shield, while he loses 2 more shields to the bomber. Then starts getting hull hits from both in Alpha, knocking him to 2 hull .. OUCH.

Round 9) Cmos plans a 3 straight hoping to get into the turret-1's face. While Crack plans a 2 left turn. Alpha 1 turns 3 left bumping into the bomber. Alpha-2 bumps Alpha-1 doing a 2 straight. No action either. Beta-2 re-locks Cmoz then does a 5k. Delta-1 straights 3 and boosts forward. Omega-1 still too far to lock, so straights 3 and focuses again.

Cmoz bumps into Delta-1, Crack locks the bomber, and kills it off. Now at 11xp, while Cmoz kills off his turret, so is now at 9xp.

Delta-1 misses, Omega gives Crack 2 more hull putting him at 4 of 5 damage. Both alpha's miss.. Luckily for Crack!!

Round 10) this is where Crack dies, to fire from both the tie fighters. Cmoz takes the shield off the last advance prototype.

Then HE gets hulled down to 4 hull from the counter fire.

Wizely he escapes to hyperspace in round 11 before any imperial can counter shoot...

Ending XP earned 11 for Crack, 10 for Cmoz and twitch ended up at 8. EVA rolls for Twitch would have ended him fully (2 crits and a focus), while Crack would have lost both his most expensive EPT and his most expensive upgrade..

3 rd rebel loss. 2 wins vs 3 losses.. One last running before I see if there needs to be any re-tooling..

6 th and last running at 3 ships (before checks if needs editing)

Using Y-wing Snoopy (PS5, will have squad leader, goes with proton torpedo and seismic bomb), and X-wings Shrek and Shatter (Both at PS4. Shatter goes with proton torpedo). Shrek lines up in the top/left corner, Snoopy lines up in center, Shatter in right corner facing the turret.

Round 1) Both X-wings plan 4 straights, 3 for Snoopy.

Alpha squad both 3 left banks and evades. The rebels move. Snoopy and Shrek locks onto Alpha-1, while Shatter locks onto Turret 2. Snoopy deals 1 hull, Shrek misses, Shatter deals 2 hull to the Turret (1xp snoopy 0 the others).

Only Alpha-1 has a counter shot and he misses Shrek. Turret 1 however, hits Snoopy, taking 1 shield and his stealth device, luckily turret 2 misses.

Round 2) Beta squad shows up on Hanger. All rebels plan the same move as last round.

Alpha-1 Straights 5 and barely misses bumping into Shrek. Alpha-2 straights 3, both focus. Beta both too far to lock, as usual, and straight 3 and focus.

The rebels move. Snoopy shifts his lock to Alpha-2, Shrek locks PM3 and Shatter locks Beta-2.

Snoopy's shot ions and deals 1 hull to Alpha-2, Shrek kills the mine and Shatter deals a hull damage and weapon's malfunction to Beta-2.

Its counter shot misses, while Beta-1 hits and takes a 2 nd shield off Snoopy. Neither Alpha has shot. Turret 1 takes 2 shields off Shrek, while Turret 2 misses. Shrek and Shatter at 1xp, 2 for Snoopy.

Round 3) Shrek and Snoopy plan same moves as last round, 3 left bank for Shatter.

Alpha-1 three k's, while Alpha-2 moves 1 forward, bleeds off its ion and evades. Beta-1 locks Snoopy and moves 2 straight and focuses. Beta-2 locks Shatter, moves 3 straight and clears crit (now at 2 hull).

The rebels move, all lock onto the Hanger bay. Snoopy's torpedo rolls 3 criticals, which equates to SIX HULL damage to it.. Shreks comes in and deals the final 3 hull, destroying the hanger, stopping both Gamma and Beta squads showing up. This puts him at 2xp, same as snoopy. However it denies a shot to Shatter.

No imperial ship has a shot. Turret 1 too close to shoot either Shrek or Snoopy, so shoots Shatter, taking a shield. Turret 2 misses.

Round 4) Snoopy plans 3 right bank, 4ks for both Shrek and Shatter. Alpha-1 banks left 2, and evades as can't barrel roll to his right to get arc/range on Shrek. Alpha-2 turns right 2, bumping Alpha-1. Beta-1 Re-locks onto Snoopy then turns 3 left and focuses. Beta-2 re-locks Shatter, then 5ks.

The rebels move, with Shatter and Shrek stressing, Snoopy gives action to Shatter via SQL, he uses to barrel roll to his left to get arc to shoot turret 1. Snoopy's shot gives it 1 hull, Shatter's shot gives it 3 more hull, Shrek gets in the kill, upping his XP to 3 (still 2 for Snoopy and 1 for Shatter.)

The imperials even the turrets have no shots as are either out of range or arc to shoot.

Round 5) Shatter plans a 2 straight to clear his stress, 1 right bank for Shrek (to do the same), 2 right turn for Snoopy.

Alpha-1 banks 3 right and focuses. Alpha2 tries another 2 right turn and evades. Beta-1 re-locks Snoopy then turns 3 left again and focuses. Beta-2 too far to lock so straights 4 and focuses.

The rebels move. Shrek boosts left to get arc to shoot Beta-1, Shatter barrel rolls again to get arc, while Snoopy uses SQL to give another action to Shatter, who uses it to Lock onto the bomber. His torpedo deals 3 hull and a Stunned pilot critical to the bomber, 1 more hull comes from Snoopy and a 5 th from Shrek.. DRAT, 1 away from killing it..

ITS counter shot with his cluster missiles, RIPS into Snoopy. The first attack steals his 2 remaining shields, while his 2 nd , tears 3 hull off of Snoopy.. OUCH! Beta-2 misses, Alpha-1 takes the last shield off of Shrek while Turret 2 and Alpha-2 miss. Xp 4 for Shrek, 3 for Snoopy and 2 for Shatter.

Round 6) Snoopy needs to get out of dodge, NOW.. So plans 2 straight so can hyper out. Shrek plans a 3 right turn, while Shatter plans a 3 right bank, so both can hopefully take out the last turret, and get out themselves..

Alpha-1 straights 2 and focuses. Alpha-2 straights 3, then barrel rolls right to get arc on Shrek. Beta-1 re-locks Snoopy then 5ks. RIGHT into prime position for Snoopy to use his Seismic bomb.. Beta-2 locks Shrek then turns 3 right bumping into Shrek.

The rebels move. Snoopy focuses, Shrek boosts forward hoping to get out of Alpha-2's firing arc (didn't make it unfortunately), Shatter bumps Beta-2 but still in range to hit the Turret.

Snoopy drops his seismic bomb, killing Beta-1, earning 3 xp (so 6 overall) then succeeds in hypering out. It also dealt one damage to mine 1. Shrek gives 2 more hull to Turret 2 while Shatter finishes it off, taking him to This takes Shatter to 3xp. Shrek still at 4.

Then Shrek dies to 3 crits from Alpha-2. Wha, wha, wha.. Shatter survives though.

Round 7, Shatter moves to where he is either out of range or arc from all the imperials, Then safely enters hyperspace in round 8, just as Omega squad's aggressor shows up on 'spot'8.

Barely a rebel win. Final Xp was 6 Snoopy, 3 Shatter and 4 Shrek. Shrek lucked out, rolling 3 blanks for his EVA roll, so would have lost nothing.. XP average would be 4 overall for this playing. The dice started in the rebels favor but turned against them in the 5th round..

3 rebel wins vs 3 losses at 3 ships. Seems good at this level. NOW to boost it up to 5 ships..

XP; 1 st run 3 overall, + 2 nd run at 4 overall, +3 rd run at 4xp overall, +4 th run also at 4xp overall, +5 th run at 10xp overall, and lastly +6 th run at 4xp overall. = 29 / 6 = 5xp overall for the mission average at 3 ships. If it keeps at this level through the 5 ship running, will award 5xp for everyone.

1 st running at 5 rebels

For this running I will use nothing but X-wings; Tin-bok, Drogo, Gruff, Squeaky and Jinn. Jinn is PS6, and has just the one ordinance, so has no choices to make. He has SQL. Squeaky and Gruff are both PS5, Gruff goes with his proton torpedo, while Squeaky has only his plasma torpedo. Tin-bok and Drogo are both PS4, and neither have any ordinance decisions to make.

At 5 rebels, our imperial forces shift up to

Alpha- 3 fighters, Beta- 2 regular and 1 elite bomber (round 2), Gamma- 2 elite interceptors (round 4), Delta – 2 regular and 1 elite advance-prototypes (round 6) along with Omega- 1 elite and 1 regular aggressor. Also have 4 proxi mines.

I do not need to worry about Charlie or Falcon squadrons.

There are 3 'cargo- quads', where one cargo container, 2 fuel tanks and 1 turret exist.

Hanger bay 1 is the central one, with Beta and Delta squads appearing on it, while Hanger 2, is the one in the bottom right (south/east) corner, angled, and Gamma squad is the only one appearing out of it. Omega's Tie aggressor and aggressor elite show up on turn 8 via the west/left side of the board. Each hanger has one shield generator atop, giving them each one evade die.

Jinn starts in the top right (N/E) corner, with Drogo next in line, then Squeaky and Tin bok, splitting either side of Proximity mine 2, while Gruff (with his Lone wolf EPT) is all on his own in the top left (NW) corner.

Round 1) Tin-bok, Squeaky and Drogo each plan 3 straights, 4 straight for Gruff, and 3 right bank for Jinn.

All in Alpha 3 straight and evade.

The rebels move, with Drogo, Jinn and Tin-bok locking Turret 2, Squeaky locks Turret 3 and Gruff locks Alpha-2. Jinn shoots destroying the turret with 3 straight crits, denying a shot to Tin-bok and Drogo, but Tin-bok has shot on Turret 3 instead then misses. Gruff also misses, and Squeaky gives Turret 3 two hull damage.

The imperial fighters have no return shots. Turret 1 misses Gruff, Turret 3 hits taking a shield off of Squeaky.

XP 1 for Jinn, 0 for all others.

Round 2) Beta squad shows up on Hanger 2. Gruff plans another 4 straight, same for Squeaky, Tin-bok and Drogo, while Jinn plans 3 straight.

All in Alpha turn 3 to the left and focus. All in Beta too far to lock, then Beta-1 and 2 roll a 3 turn right, Beta-1 focusing, Beta-2 barrel rolling to the left, to get away from the Map edge. The Elite bomber (beta-3) straights 2 and focuses. Now are separated.

The rebels move. Squeaky locks Beta-3, Drogo and Tin-bok lock Beta-1, while Jinn locks Turret 3, and Gruff locks Turret 1. Jinn adds a 3 rd hull to turret 3, Gruff kills his turret, and Squeaky misses with is torpedo. Tin bok then hits for one measly damage with his torpedo, while Drogo added a 2 nd hit and both Structural damage and a Damaged engine critical. All but Jinn have now used their torpedos.

1XP for all rebels but Squeaky so far.

Beta-3 hits and takes 1 shield off Tin-bok, Beta-2 has now shot, while Beta-1 takes a shield off Drogo. Alpha-1 and 2 no shot, while Alpha-3 hits taking 1 shield off Gruff. Turret 3 Smacks into Tin-bok taking his last two shields.

Round 3) Gruff plans a 3 left bank, 3 right bank for Tin-bok and Drogo, 3 straight again for Jinn and 4 straight for Squeaky.

All in Alpha squad roll a 2 left bank, but this will put them all too close to the map edge, so All shift to a 2 turn left, which causes Alpha-1 to bump into Gruff. Alpha-3 evades and 2 focuses.

Beta-1 locks Drogo then banks 1 right, then clears structural damage crit. Beta-2 does same move after also locking Drogo and focusing. Beta-3 locks Tin-bok then banks 3 right and activates Marksmanship.

The rebels move. All but Jinn lock onto the 1 st hanger bay, while Jinn focuses. He finishes off Turret 2, Gruff deals 3 damage, a 4 th comes from Squeaky, 5 th and 6 from Drogo, and 7 th and 8 th from Tin-bok. NOT enough to destroy it to deny entrance to Gamma squad's elite interceptors next round. Jinn now at 2xp, 1 for all others bar Squeaky.

No imperial ship has a shot, no turrets remain.

Round 4) Gamma squads two Elite Tie interceptors show up on Hanger 1. Gruff plans a 3 right turn, 4k for Squeaky, 3 right bank for Jinn (to take him towards Alpha), 2 right bank for both Drogo and Tin-bok (to do same).

All in Alpha bank 3 to the left, then Alpha-1 and 2 barrel rolls to the left to get an arc on Gruff, while 3 evades (even with a B-roll, wouldn't have gotten arc to shoot).

Beta-1 and 2 both lock Tin-bok then both perform a 5k. No action either. Beta-3 also locks Tin-bok then 3 left turns and bumps Jinn. Both in Gamma squad do a 5k.

The rebels move, Jinn locks Mine 3, Drogo locks Alpha-1, Tin-bok locks Gamma 1, Gruff focuses and Squeaky takes a stress. Jinn destroys his mine, Gruff finishes off the hanger bay, Delta squad now no show up in turn 6. Squeaky takes the shield of Gamma 1.

Gamma 1 barely misses his return fire on Tin-bok (rolled 2 hits and 2 focuses, vs 2 evades, but as K-turned had no focus tokens to spend). Gamma 2 however whiffs his shot totally vs Drogo.

Then Drogo returns fire giving 1 hull to Gamma 1, while Tin-bok gives one to Alpha-1. Jinn now at 3xp, 2 for Drogo, Gruff and Tin-bok, 1 for Squeaky.

Beta-1 and 2 are too far to shoot anyone, Beta-3 misses Jinn, Alpha 3 not in arc to shoot, Alpha-1 misses, while 2 takes a 2 nd shield off Gruff.

Round 5) Rebels now need to just kill the 2 nd hanger and both in Gamma, so they can then hyper out to win. Squeaky plans a 1 right bank to both regenerate a shield and clear his stress. Gruff a 3 left turn, 4k for Jinn, 2 right turn for Drogo and Tin-bok.

Alpha 1 turns 2 left and focuses, Alpha-2 banks 2 left and focuses, Alpha-3 turns 3 left and focuses. Beta 1 and 2 both too far to lock. Both 3 bank right and focus Beta-3 locks Jinn, then straights 3 and Barrel rolls left to get arc on him. Gamma 1 turns right 1 and evades (too congested to barrel roll), while Gamma 2 straights 2 and evades.

The rebels move, Jinn takes a stress, Squeaky regenerates his one lost shield, and clears his stress, so then locks onto Beta-1. Gruff locks Hanger 2, Drogo and Tin-bok both lock onto Beta-3. Jinn gives a Blinded pilot critical to Gamma 1, Gruff gives 2 hull damage to Hanger 2 and Squeaky misses.

Gamma-1 auto miss due to blinded pilot critical, and Gamma 2 hits squeaky taking his just regenerated shield.

Drogo then hits Beta-3 for two hull and a Console fire critical, and Tin-bok adds 2 more hull (5 total inc crit). Jinn at 4xp, 3 for Drogo and Tin-bok, 2 for Gruff and 1 for Squeaky.

The rest of the imperials counter shoot, with Beta-3 missing, Beta-1 taking a shield off of Drogo, Beta-2 takes the last shields of Drogo, Alpha-1 gives two hull to Tin-bok, while Alpha 2 and 3 strip the remaining shield off Gruff and give him 1 hull damage.

Round 6) Squeaky plans a 3 right turn, 2 right turn Drogo, 3 left bank Tin-bok, 4 straight Gruff and a 1 right bank for Jinn to clear his stress.

Alpha-1 rolls a 4k, but bumps into Drogo before completes. Alpha-2 turns right 1 and focuses, while Alpha-3 banks 2 right and focuses. Beta-1 locks onto Drogo and straights 2, focusing. Beta-2 too far to lock anyone, so Straights 3 and focuses. Beta-3 locks Drogo too, then bumps into Tin-bok turning right 3. This means he can't clear his Console fire critical. Gamma 1 does a 3k, while Gamma 2 straights 2 and evades.

The rebels move. Gruff, Drogo, Tin-bok and Jinn focus, while Squeaky locks Hanger 2. The Console fire critical destroys Beta-3, giving the Kill XP to Drogo (taking him to 6 +1 for him being an Elite). Jinn damages Alpha-2 for two hull (taking him to 6xp), Gruff adds 3 more hull damage to the hanger, which Squeaky then destroys (so he's now at 3xp).

Gamma 1 takes 1 shield off Jinn and neuters his stealth device, while Gamma 2 gives a Stunned pilot critical to Gruff.

Drogo then kills Beta-1 gaining 2 more XP, and Tin-bok has no shot. Jinn now at 6xp, 3 for Gruff and Squeaky (thanks to the elite's XP), 4 for Tin-bok and a massive 9 for Drogo.

Beta-2 then hits Drogo for one hull, Alpha-2 strips Jinn of his last 2 shields, Alpha-1 hits Drogo for a 2 nd hull, and Alpha-3 misses Gruff. The rebels can now hyper out, once they finish off the interceptors! Good luck!

Round 7) Gruff plans a 3 left turn, 4k for Squeaky, Jinn and Drogo, 2 straight for Tin-bok so he can hyper (down to 1 hull left).

Alpha-1 turns 1 left and focuses. Alpha-2 does a 4k, while Alpha-3 straights 5 and bumps into Gruff's back. Beta-2 r locks onto Drogo then straights 1 and focuses. Gamma 1 bumps into Jinn turning 1 left, while gamma 2 turns left 2, bumping into Alpha-3, before completing it.

The rebels move. Jinn, Drogo and Squeaky all stress, Tin-bok focuses for his hyperspace roll, and Gruff also focuses for defensive purposes.

Jinn then hits killing Gamma 1. This takes him from 6 to 9xp, +1 for the elite to all (10 for Drogo, 5 for Tin-bok, 4 ea for Squeaky and Gruff). Squeaky hits Gamma 2 taking his shield and giving a Minor hull breach critical (now at 5xp), Gruff hits Beta-2 for 3 hull.

Gamma-2's return fire misses Squeaky.

Tin-bok rolls two blanks, failing to enter hyperspace. Drogo gives 2 more hull to Beta-2 taking him to 11xp.

Beta-2 has no shot, all in Alpha miss.. (Man were the dice bad in that round for the imperials)..

Round 😎 Omega shows up on 'spot' 8, right in Tin-bok's face. Tin-bok plans a 1 straight so can try and re-enter hyperspace, Squeaky plans a 1 left bank to clear his stress, 2 straight for Drogo and 1 right bank for Jinn to do same. While Gruff plans a 3 left turn.

Alpha-1 does a 4k. Alpha-2 banks right 2 and evades, as can't barrel roll to get an arc on anyone. Alpha-3 does a turn 3 left, and focuses.

Beta-2 re-locks onto Drogo and 5ks. Omega 1 (the non-elite) locks onto Tin-bok and 4ks, while Omega 2 (the elite) also locks Bok, then turns 3 right and focuses. Gamma 2 banks 3 left bumping Alpha-3 again.

The rebels move. Tin-bok re-focuses, Drogo clears his stress then boosts right, Jinn locks onto Mine 3, Squeaky bumps into Alpha-3 as well, fails to Clear stress, and Gruff focuses. Jinn destroys his mine, taking him to 10xp, Squeaky kills the 2 nd interceptor elite (taking him to 8xp +1 for the elite), while Gruff kills Beta-2 (all bombers now gone, this takes Gruff to 8xp inc the bonus from the Elite, Drogo is now at 11, and Tin-bok is now at 6).

Omega-2 then kills Tin-bok before he can enter hyperspace, with 3 crits (a bit of overkill).

Drogo then finishes off killing Alpha-1, taking him to 12xp. The other rebels can now hyper out to escape.

Round 9) Jinn and Squeaky plan 4 straights, while Drogo and Gruff plan 3 turns.

Alpha-3 turns 3 left and focuses, while Alpha-2 turns 2 left and focuses. Omega-1 too far to lock, straights 1 and barrel rolls to get away from the map edge, while Omega-2 locks onto Jinn then banks 2 left and focuses.

The rebels move, with Jinn bumping Drogo, Drogo and Gruff focuses and Squeaky keeps his stress. Jinn then deals 1 hull to Mine 2, Squeaky misses Mine 1, and Drogo kills off mine 4, putting him at 13xp. Gruff has no shot.

Neither Omega's have a shot, same for Alpha-2, while Alpha-3 does, but misses.

Round 10), the imperials and rebels move. Jinn safely enters hyperspace, Squeaky gives 1 more hull to Mine 1, Gruff kills off Mine 2. Drogo fails to enter hyperspace after being missed by Omega-2, Gruff takes a minor hull breach from Alpha-3.

Round 11) Drogo dies to Omega-2 before entering hyperspace, but Gruff and Squeaky both do.

Barely a rebel win. 2 dead, 3 succeeded in entering hyperspace..

Overall xp earned, 13 for Drogo, 9 for Squeaky, 9 for Gruff, 6 for Tin-bok and 12 for Jinn. Drogo would have rolled 3 full hits, losing his most expensive upgrade, while Tin-bok would have lost ALL xp and his most expensive upgrade..

XP averages to 8.

2 nd running at 5 rebels

Will use nothing but Y-wings, Crack, Shunt, Dozer, Cmoz and Unca. Cmoz is only one at PS4, and will take Cluster mines and Proton torpedo, all others at PS5. Crack goes with Seismic bomb and Flechette torpedo, Unca just has 2 ordinance so has no choice to make, Dozer goes with his Seismic bomb and Plasma torpedo, while Shunt goes with his Proton bomb and Plasma torpedo.. Squad leader will be on Unca. Cmoz and Unca line up in right corner, near Turret 2, while all others are in the opposite corner, facing towards Turret 3/the 1 st hanger bay.

Round 1) All rebels plan a 3 straight.

Alpha squad all banks 3 left, and evades.

The rebels move, with Crack and Dozer both locking Alpha-2, and Shunt locking Alpha-1, while Cmoz locks onto mine 2 and Unca turret 2. Shunt, Dozer and Crack all launch torpedos, but all miss. Unca's torp however, slams into Turret 2, for 3 crits and 1 hit, destroying it in one pop. Cmoz hits mine 2 three times, destroying it.

Alpha-1 misses his return shot, but Alpha-2 scores a shield off Dozer. Alpha-3 too far to shoot. Turret 1 and 3 both miss Crack. 1XP Unca and Cmoz. 0 all others.

Round 2) Beta squad shows up on Hanger 2. Crack, Dozer and Shunt plan another 3 straight, while Cmoz and Unca plan 3 left banks.

All in Alpha 3 straight and focus. All in Beta too far to lock. Beta 1 and 2 turn right 3, but have to barrel roll left, so they can avoid the map edge next round. Beta-3 banks right 3 and activates marksmanship.

The rebels move, with Dozer bumping into Alpha-1, Crack locking Mine 3 and Shunt locking Turret 3, Unca and Cmoz both lock Beta-1, and Cmoz then uses his R7-T1 droid to boost right, this unfortunately bumps him into Beta-2. Both hit for 1 hull each on Beta-1. Shunt gives 3 hull to Turret 3, Crack gives 2 hull to mine 3, and Dozer uses his forward lasers to finish the mine off.

Beta-3 (the elite) takes 1 shield off Cmoz, in return fire, Beta-2 misses, while Beta-1 strips a 2 nd shield off of Cmoz. Alpha-1 and 2 no shot. Alpha-3 takes a 2 nd shield from Dozer. Turret 1 misses, Turret 3 hits Shunt for 2 shields and neuters his stealth device. Unca and Cmoz now at 2xp ea, 1 for Dozer, 0 for Crack and Shunt.

Round 3) Straight 3 for Shunt, Crack and Dozer again, 3 right bank for Unca, 2 right turn for Cmoz.

All in Alpha perform a 3k. Beta squad now rolling individually. Beta-1 locks Cmoz then bumps into Beta-2 going 1 straight. Beta-2 also locks Cmoz and turns 3 left and focuses. Beta-3 also locks Cmoz (a popular guy) and 4 straights bumping into Beta-1, gaining no action (he'd have just gone beyond him, was it not for Unca being in the way).

The rebels move. Dozer and Crack each drop their seismic charges, giving in total 2 hull damage to both Alpha-1 and 3, and 1 hull to Alpha-2. Both then lock Turret 1. Shunt too close to the fuel tanks to risk dropping his proton bomb, so just moves and focuses (still has lock on Turret 3). Unca and Cmoz shift their locks to Beta-3. Shunt finishes off his turret (now at 1xp), Crack and Dozer each give 2 hull to Turret 1 (not enough to kill it, but each did gain 1xp for their bombs, so Dozer's now at 2xp and 1 for Crack). Unca gives 2 hull damage to Beta-3, while Cmoz misses (Unca is now at 3xp, Cmoz still at 2).

The imperials return fire, with no one in Beta having a shot, Alpha-2 and 3 miss Dozer, while Alpha-1 hits him for a 3 rd shield. Turret 1 hits Crack for one shield and takes his stealth device.

Round 4) Gamma squad shows up on Hanger 1 (the two elite interceptors). Cmoz plans a 2 left turn, 3 straight for Unca, Crack and Shunt, and Dozer plans a 3 left bank.

Alpha-1 straights 4 and focuses. Alpha-2 does same, but Alpha-3 straights 3, though he focuses too.

Beta-1 shifts his lock to Unca, then rolls a 1 right bank. This puts him too close to the edge, so he shifts it to a left bank instead, and then focuses. Beta-2 re-locks Cmoz then turns 3 left again, and barrel rolls left afterwards to get an arc to fire. Beta-3 locks Unca, then banks 1 right and activates marksmanship.

Both in Gamma straight 5. Gamma-1 focuses, while Gamma-2 barrel rolls to his right (and rear) to get an arc to shoot at Cmoz.

The rebels move. Unca drops his Seismic charge, giving a 3 rd hull hit to both Beta-1 and 3. Shunt bumps into Gamma-1, Cmoz and Crack shift locks to Hanger 1, and Dozer focuses. Unca gives the Hanger bay 1 two hull, then it takes 2 more from both Shunt and Crack. Cmoz's torpedo finishes it off. Dozer's shot kills turret 1. Unca now at 4xp, Cmoz now at 3, Dozer at 3, Crack at 1 and Shunt at 1. Delta squad's Advance-prototypes now no show up in round 6.

Neither in Gamma have targets in arc to shoot, Same for Beta-1 and 3. Beta-1 takes only a third shield off Cmoz with his Cluster missile (the first shot whiffed, the 2 nd only had 1 hit). Alpha-1 and 2 miss, while Alpha-2 takes Dozer's last shield and gives him a hull damage. All turrets now gone.

Round 5), Unca plans a 3 right bank, 3 left bank for Cmoz and Crack, 3 right bank for Dozer and 3 straight for Shunt.

Alpha-1 turns 3 left and focuses. Alpha 2 banks 3 left and focuses. While Alpha-3 straights 3, has to evade as a barrel roll won't work to get an arc on anyone. Beta-1 re-locks Cmoz then 5ks. Beta-2 locks Shunt then straights 1 and focuses. Beta-3 re-locks Unca then hard left turns 2. No action. Both in Gamma 3k.

The rebels move. Cmoz locks Hanger 2 then boosts left to get his turret in range 1. Crack locks Hanger 2 as well, Unca locks Alpha-1 hoping to finish him off, and Dozer and Shunt both lock Beta-2. Shunt gives it 2 hull damage, Dozer misses. Unca also misses. Crack gives 2 hull to hanger 2. It takes 2 more from Cmoz.

Shunt now at 2xp. Unca still at 5, Cmoz still at 3, Dozer still at 3, and Crack now at 2..

Gamma-1 takes last 2 shields from Shunt, while Gamma-2 misses. Beta-3 no shot, Beta-1 also no shot, Beta-2 however hits Shunt for 2 hull damage.

Alpha-3 no shot, Alpha-1 misses, but Alpha-2 hits Shunt for 2 more hull (ouch!).

Round 6) Cmoz plans a 2 left bank, 3 left for Dozer and Shunt, 2 right turn for Unca, and 2 left turn for Crack.

Alpha-1 turns 3 right and focuses. Alpha-2 straight 2, bumping into Alpha-1, While Alpha-3 turns left 3 and focuses. Beta-1 too far to lock, so straights 2 and focuses. Beta-2 re-locks Shunt, then hard turns 2 left and bumps into Gamma-2. Beta-3 also locks Shunt then turns 3 left, bumping into him. Both no action. Gamma 1 banks 3 left bumping Beta-2, while Gamma 2 straights 5 and focuses.

The rebels move, Shunt still too close to one of the Fuel tank zones, so still can't drop his bomb. Grrr. Cmoz locks hanger then boosts left again, Unca locks Gamma 1 along with Crack, and Shunt and Dozer lock the hanger. Dozer hits the Hanger for 4 more hull, while Shunt destroys it. Shunt now at 3xp. Unca's shot takes the shield off Gamma 1, while it takes a hull from Crack.

Gamma-2 hits and kills of Dozer with 4 straight hull. Gamma 1 hits and takes both shields off Crack.

Cmoz hits and takes Gamma-2's shield.

Cmoz now at 4xp, Unca now at 6, Dozer destroyed but earned 3, Shunt now at 3, and Crack now at 3.

Beta-3 has no shot. Beta-2 misses, and Beta-1 takes the last shield of Cmoz and gives him 1 hull. Alpha-1 hits Unca taking 2 of his shields and neuters his stealth device. Alpha-2 takes his last shield, and Alpha-3 smacks into him for 3 hull.

Round 7) Cmoz and Crack both plans a 2 left bank, 2 left turn for Shunt, and 3 straight for Unca.

Alpha-1 straights 2 bumping into Unca. Alpha-2 does a 4k, and Alpha-3 banks right 2, bumping into Alpha 1. No actions for any. Beta-1 re-locks Cmoz then straights 4 and focuses. Beta-2 locks Crack then 5ks, while Beta-3 locks Crack as well then hard 2 turns to the left (no action again). Gamma 1 5ks, and Gamma 2 turns 1 left bumping into Gamma-1.

The rebels move. Cmoz locks Beta-3, then boosts left. Crack bumps into Beta-3, Unca moves and gives an action to Crack who locks onto Beta-1. And Shunt finally is in the clear to drop his first Proton bomb. This gives Gamma 1 a Console fire crit, Gamma 2 a Damaged Sensor array, a Direct hit to Beta-2 (now at 4 hull) and a Damaged Cockpit to Alpha-2. This takes him to 4xp. He then focuses, as he still has his lock on Gamma 1.

Unca shoots killing off Alpha-2, Shunt kills Gamma-1, earning 3 more XP, one for the kill, one for it being an interceptor and 1 for it being elite. This also adds 1 to everyone else's XP total. Crack gives 2 more hull damage to Beta-1.

Gamma-2 has no shot.

Cmoz kills off Beta-1.

Unca now at 9xp. Cmoz now up to 8, Dozer now at 4. Shunt now at 6 and Crack now at 5.

Alpha-1 and 3 no shot, Beta-3 misses, and Beta-2 hits Crack for 2 hull.

Round 😎 Omega squad shows up on 'spot' 1 (down in the south west corner). The rebels just need to kill off Gamma 2, so they can then flee. Both Crack and Cmoz plan 2 left turns, 3 left bank for Shunt and 3 right bank for Unca.

Alpha-1 does a 3k, while Alpha-3 does a left 1 turn, and focuses. Beta-2 locks Shunt then turns right 3 and focuses. Both of Omega are too far to lock. Omega-1 straights 2 and focuses. Beta 3 locks Crack then turns 3 right and activates marksmanship. Gamma-2 turns 3 left bumping Shunt. Omega-2 also 4 straights and focuses.

The rebels move, with Cmoz bumping Crack (no action), Crack locking Beta-3, Unca locking Alpha-3 and Shunt dropping his 2 nd proton bomb then locks Gamma-2. His bomb destroys Beta-2, upping his XP to 9 (1 for the damage, 1 for the kill, 1 for it being a bomber), and Injures the pilot of Gamma-2. His shot then kills Gama-2, adding in 3 more XP (one for the kill, one for it being an interceptor and one for it being an Elite). This takes Unca to 10xp, Cmoz to 9, Dozer to 5, Shunt 13 and Crack to 6. Then Unca misses both his shots from his TLT on Alpha-3 (dam those evade dice! Even if he spent his lock, he;d have still missed his first shot). Crack then kills the Elite Bomber (Beta-3) taking him to 10xp (+1 for damage, +1 for a kill, +1 for it being a bomber, +1 for it being Elite). This also bumps Dozer to 6, Cmoz now to 10, Unca to 11 and Shunt to 14!!!

Omega-2 too far to shoot anyone.

Cmoz now has no shot.

Alpha-1 no shot. Alpha-3 gives another hull and injures the pilot of Crack.

Round 9) The rebels can now start making their escape. Cmoz plans a 2 right turn, so does Crack, Unca plans a 3 left bank, and 3 right for Shunt.

Alpha-1 straights 3 bumping into Alpha-3. Alpha-2 then banks 2 left, bumping Crack. Both no action.

Both in Omega too far to lock, Omega rolls a 4 straight and focuses. Omega 2 does likewise.

The rebels move. Cmoz locks Alpha-3, Shunt locks Mine 4, Unca focuses, and Crack locks Alpha-1.

Crack and Unca miss, Shunt destroys his mine.

Omega 2 misses Cmoz.

Cmoz then kills Alpha-3. Rebels now at 11xp Cmoz, Unca still at 11, Shunt now at 15!, Dozer still at 6, and Crack still at 10.

Omega 1 and Alpha-1 miss.

Round 10) the rebels continue their escape (have to clear the atmosphere to enter hyperspace). So Unca now plans a 1 left bank, 1 straight for Crack, and 2 straights for Cmoz and Shunt.

Alpha-1 straights 2 and focuses. Omega 1 locks Crack then banks 2 left bumping Alpha-1. Omega 2 does same and bumps Crack.

The Rebels move. Crack and Unca succeed in entering hyperspace. Shunt fails.

Omega-2 then gives Cmoz a damaged engine crit.

Cmoz rolls two blanks failing to enter hyperspace. Takes 2 more hull from Omega-1 and last hull from Alpha-1, and dies..

Round 11) Shunt enters hyperspace before Omega-2 can shoot him.

Another close rebel victory. Major XP earned for Unca, Cmoz and Shunt (11, 11 and 15 respectively), 10 for Crack and 6 for Dozer.

Dozer would have lost his most expensive upgrade only. Cmoz though rolled two focuses which would have lost him all xp, and a crit which would have taken his most expensive upgrade...

10xp average for this running..

2 nd win, out of 2 runnings.

3 rd running at 5 ships

Ok. So after getting back from Origins and giving myself a little break, i got back into testing this 3rd mission out.. This was the FIRST of the tests that will have the added threat of Charlie and Falcon squads.. And man did it hurt!!!

So i was using the B-wing Spot (PS5), Y-wings Snoopy (PS5, takes his Ion bomb and proton torpedo, and still has his Ion turret) and Imo-thep (PS3), and X-wings Shatter (PS4, takes his proton torpedo), and Shrek (PS4 also). Averages out to a PS4.

Imperial forces are; Alpha squad- starting out, 3 tie fighters in the patrol box on the left of the planet, but in attack AI.

Beta squad- 2 tie bomber regulars out of hanger 1 on round 2.

Charlie squad- 3 tie interceptor regulars, hanger 2, on round 3.

Gamma squad- round 4, two Elite tie interceptors also out of hanger 2.

Falcon squad- 2 tie defender elites, showing up on the left side of the board (out of hyperspace), on turn 5.

Delta squad- 2 tie advance prototypes, out of hanger 1 on turn 6.

And lastly, coming out of hyperspace on turn 8, Omega squad has 1 tie aggressor elite.

So as you can see, the # of enemies was a lot more than before....!!

FALCON and CHARLIE squad are showing up for this running, due to in mission 2, for this 3 rd running at 5 ships, the rebels FAILED to stop any imperials escaping to alert the base. There will also be all 4 proximity mines. There are 3 “fuel tank-cargo-turret groupings”. The turrets are Regular ones.

Squad leader will be on Snoopy. Shatter, Shrek and Spot line up in the middle, to try and take them as quickly as possible to the Hanger bay 1, to eliminate it, and the threat of Delta squad. While Snoopy and Imo-thep line up on the 'east side' to run at the northern most turret, before heading at hanger 2 to do the same (Hopefully) for Gamma squad) while eliminating the northern most turret as they head in.

Goals are still the same. if the rebels can eliminate both hangers before the end of round 4, Omega squad won't show up.. If after, they do. I did NOT bother shifting either Gamma or Charlie over to being Strikers for this running, but will in the 4th.

Round 1) All rebels plan 3 straights.

Alpha squad all 4 straight and evade.

The rebels move. Both Imo-thep and Snoopy lock onto Turret 2, while Spot locks mine 4, and Shatter & Shrek lock turret 3.

Snoopy gives 1 hull to turret 1, 3 more come from Imo-thep, not enough to destroy it. Spot destroys mine 4, Shatter deals 2 hull to turret 3, while 2 crits and a hit come from Shrek, killing that turret. 1 down, 2 more to go.

Alpha-1 and 2 are in range to shoot, Alpha-1 misses shatter, but Alpha-2 hits him for 2 shields, Neutering his stealth device. Both turrets miss.

1xp both Spot and Shrek, 0 for the others.

Round 2) Beta squad shows up on Hanger 1 (2 regular bombers).

Imo-thep plans a 1 straight, to hopefully finish off the turret, 3 bank right for Snoopy, 2 right bank all others.

All in Alpha straight 4 again and focus. Both in Beta too far to lock, so straight 4 and focus.

The rebels move. Imo-thep focuses, Snoopy locks Beta-2, Shrek locks Alpha-1, and Spot/Shatter bump into one another. Snoopy fires his torpedo, but hits for only 1 hull. Spot misses Alpha-1, Shrek deals blinded pilot crit to Alpha-2, and Shatter kills Alpha-3. Imo-thep then destroys turret 2.

The imperials return fire, Beta-2 takes 2 shields off Shrek, all others miss.

Snoopy now at 1xp, Shatter at 2, Shrek also at 2, Spot still at 1, and Imo-thep now at 1.

Round 3), Charlie's 3 interceptor regulars show up on Hanger 2.

Shrek and Shatter plan 3 left turns, 2 straight for Spot, 3 left bank for Snoopy and 3 straight for Imo-thep.

Alpha 1 does a 3k, while Alpha-2 turns right 3 and focuses.

All in Charlie turn 3 right, Charlie-1 and 2 can boost left to avoid the map edge, Charlie-3 has to barrel roll to do same. Both Beta-1 and 2 lock onto Shrek, then Beta-1 does a 5k bumping Spot. Beta-2 straights 1 and focuses.

The rebels move. Imo-thep locks onto Charlie-3 then boosts forward. Spot locks Mine-3, Shrek bumps into Beta-2, Shatter locks Beta-2, Snoopy locks Alpha-1. His shot with his forward guns then kills the tie fighter. Spot only deals 2 hull to the middle mine, and will not be able to avoid running over it next turn. Shrek misses the hanger while Shatter Misses Beta-2. Imo-thep deals 1 hull to Charlie 3.

Shatter and Shrek at 2xp ea, 1 still for Spot, 2 now for Imo-thep and 3 for Snoopy.

Neither bombers in Beta, nor anyone in Charlie have arc/range to shoot. Alpha1 shoots but misses, so does turret 1.

Round 4) Gamma's two elite interceptors show up on Hanger 2.

Spot plans a 2 left bank, can't avoid mine so just hopes for the best. 3 right bank Shrek, 2 right bank Shatter, 2 straight for both Snoopy and Imo-thep.

Alpha 1 straights 4 and evades as has no arc. Charlie-1 and 2 both turn left 1. Charlie-2 bumps into 3 so gets no action, but 1 boosts left. Charlie-2 turns 2 left and focuses.

Beta-1 locks Shatter then 5ks, Beta-2 re-locks Shrek and turns 3 left and focuses.

Imo-thep moves and locks hanger 1 after dropping his Seismic charge.

Both in Gamma then 5k. Gamma 1 bumps into Snoopy, so can't complete it. Gamma 2 goes ok.

The rest of the rebels move. Shrek and Shatter lock onto the hanger, Spot lucks out taking NO damage from the mine, and puts himself in great spot to shoot turret 1. Snoopy also locks the hanger, after dropping his ion mine.

His ion mine does 2 ion tokens to both in Gamma, and Both Charlie 1 and 3. The Seismic bomb of Imo-thep deals a 2 nd hull to Charlie-3, a 1 st to Charlie 1 and 2, and 1 to gamma 1. (taking him to 3xp).

Spot then shoots the turret, but deals it only 3 damage. Snoopy misses the Hanger.

Gamma-1 has no shot. Gamma 2 strips 2 shields off Snoopy and neuters his stealth device.

Shrek fires his torpedo, giving 3 hull to the hanger, 4 more come from Shatter, while Imo-thep gets the kill shot in. Delta squad now no show up, Falcon and Omega still will though.

Neither Beta has a shot, Alpha-1 misses spot. None in Charlie has shot.

Imo-thep now at 4xp, 3 still for Snoopy, 2 still for Shatter and Shrek and still 1 for Spot.

Round 5) Falcon's defender elites show up on the west side, mid map, on 'range ruler spot 5'.

Spot plans a 2 left bank, 3 left turn for Shatter, 2 left turn for Shrek, and Snoopy, while Imo-thep plans a 3 right bank.

Alpha-1 banks 3 left bumping Spot. Charlie-1 and 3 both straight 1 to bleed off ion. Charlie-1 focuses, Charlie-3 boosts left. Charlie-2 moves and focuses (Forgot what move). Beta-1 too far to lock, so rushes 4 straight and bumps into Beta-2. Beta-2 relocks Shatter and banks 3 left, has no arc, can't barrel roll, so just focuses.

Falcon1 and 2 both lock spot then straight 5. Both bumping into Alpha-1 so get no action.

Imo-thep moves and locks Turret-1 boosting forward.

Gamma 1 and 2 both move 1 fwd (ioned), Gamma 2 goes ok, so evades as has no arc. Gamma-1 bumps into Charlie 1 so doesn't bleed off his first ion token.

Shrek and Shatter move, locking onto Hanger 2. Spot moves and locks Gamma 2, while Snoopy moves, using SQL to give a focus to Spot.

Snoopy then misses his ion turret's shot. Spot fires his proton torpedo killing off the first of the two elite interceptors. This brings him up from 1 to 4xp (1 for the damage 1 for a kill, 1 for it being an interceptor) and he gains a 5 th for it being elite. This shifts Snoopy to 4xp, 5 for Imo-thep and 3 ea for Shatter and Shrek.

Gamma 1 shoots Spot taking off one of his shields, while Gamma 2 has no shot, same with Charlies 2 and 3, Beta-1 and 2 and Falcon 2).

Shatter deals 4 hull to Hanger 2, Shrek misses even with spending his lock (dam those blanks!). Imo-thep finishes off turret 1, so is now at 6xp.

Alpha-1 misses Spot, Charlie-1 misses also.

Round 6) Shrek and Shatter both plan 2 straights, 3 straight for Spot, 2 right turn for Imo-thep and 2 right bank for Snoopy.

Alpha-1 re-bumps into Spot banking 3 left. No action. Charlie-1 and 3 each bleed off their last ion tokens moving 1 straight. Charlie-1 focuses, while Charlie-3 boosts left to get an arc to shoot. Charlie-2 turns 1 left the boosts left to get a shot.

Beta-1 still too far to lock, so straights 2 and focuses. Beta-2 re-locks onto Spot and turns 3 left. Both Falcon also re-lock Spot and Bank 3 right and focus.

Imo-thep bumps into Spot getting no action.

Gamma 1 moves 1 fwd, bleeding off his first ion token successfully, then evades.

The rest of the rebels move. Shrek and Shatter focus, Spot locks the hanger, Snoopy focuses for defensive purposes. His forward guns kill off Charlie-3, taking him to 7xp. Spot adds a 5 th hull to the hanger.

Gamma-1 no shot.

Shrek adds 3 more hull to the hanger bay, while Shatter gets in the kill on it, taking him to 4xp. (Shrek still at 3, Spot still at 5, and Imo-thep still at 5 also).

Falcon-1 rakes Snoopy at range 1 taking his last 2 shields, while Falcon-2 smacks him for 3 hull AND a thrust control fire.

Imo-thep them misses Alpha-1.

Beta-1 then kills Snoopy with 2 more crits (damaged cockpit and munitions failure).

Beta-2 then hits Spot for 1 more shield, Charlie-2 rattles and kills Shatter , while Charlie-1 takes 1 more shield off of Spot.

The rebels need now to finish off Gamma-1 before they can try and escape.. EEK.

Round 7) Imo-thep plans a 3 right bank, 2 left turns for Spot and Shrek.

Alpha-1 straights 2, bumping yet again. Charlie-1 turns 2 left and focuses. Charlie-2 straights 1 and focuses. Beta-1 locks Imo-thep, straights 1 and focuses. Beta-2 also locks him, banks 1 left bumping into Alpha-1. No action. Both in Falcon Re-lock onto Spot then straight 3 and focus.

Imo-thep them bumps moving.. No action.

Gamma 1 bleeds his last ion token, and evades again.

Shrek moves, boosting left to get an arc on Gamma 1. Spot moves, and barrel rolls to the right, to put more range between him and those in Falcon, taking an evade in the process from his Intensity EPT.

Shrek misses, Spot has no shot.

Gamma-1 no shot.

Falcon-1 strips 2 more shields off Spot, while Falcon-2 strips his last shield.

Imo-thep shoots dealing 2 more hull to Beta-1. Then the return fire strips all of his shields, and 1 hull damage. Charlie-2 no shot, Charlie-1 gives 2 hull to Spot. Alpha-1 misses.

Imo-thep now at 6xp, Spot still 5, 7 for Snoopy (who's Eva), Shatter still is at 4 (and eva), while Shrek is still at 3.

Round 😎 Forgot Omega squad showed up. OOPS. Imo-thep plans 3 left bank, 4 straight for Shrek, and 2 left bank for Spot.

After the imperials move, the rebels do. Imo-thep and Shrek both miss. Spot dies to Falcon-1 and 2. All other imperials miss or too far to shoot/out of arc.

Round 9, The rebels move, Shrek deals 2 hull, and then Imo-thep kills Gamma-1, but then dies to Beta-2's cluster missile. Shrek survives. Xp shifts up to 5 for Shrek, 5 for shatter, 8 for snoopy, 6 for Spot and 10 for Imo-thep.

Round 10) Shrek tries but fails to enter hyperspace... Then dies to the imperial fire.. All thanks to rolling a pair of blanks for his hyperspace roll.. Had the roll been different, it would have BARELY been a win.

Barely a loss for the rebels, but as predicted, VERY MUCH HARDER, due to the showing up of Charlie and Falcon squads.

Imo-thep earned 10xp, but would have lost it all from his EVA roll. 8 for Snoopy who'd have halved it from his EVA roll. 5 for Spot, who would have lost half and his most expensive EPT. 5 for Shrek, who'd have lost only his most expensive upgrade, and 5 for Shatter, who'd have lost an EPT.

4 th running at 5 ships.

Will be going with the B-wing Wilt (PS5), X-wings Jinn (PS6) and Gruff (PS5, will go with his proton torpedo), and the Y-wings Dozer (PS5, will go with plasma torpedo and seismic charge) and Shunt (also PS5, will go with plasma torpedo and proton bomb).

Both Charlie and Falcon show up again. Gamma squad shifts to Striker elites vice interceptor elites.

1 of the bombers in Beta is shifted up to an Elite. Same for Delta, where one of the advance-prototypes shift to an elite. And the lone Aggressor in Omega also shifts to an elite. So there are 6 elite ships!!

Jinn has squad leader. Wilt, Gruff and Jinn line up in the middle, then Shunt and Dozer split either side of mine 2 as they run towards Turret 2.

Round 1) Dozer plans 3 straight, same for Wilt, 4 Straights for Jinn and Gruff, and 3 left bank Shunt.

All in Alpha straight 5, and evade.

Rebels move. Wilt locks mine 4, Jinn locks Alpha-1, Gruff locks Turret 3, Dozer and Shunt lock Turret 2. Shunt deals it 2 hull, Dozer gets the kill in. Jinn gives a Console fire crit to Alpha-1 using his torpedo. Gruff eliminates Turret 3 with a trio of criticals. And Wilt pops his mine. XP 1 ea to Jinn, Dozer and Wilt.

Imperials return fire. Alpha 1 and 3 both miss, while 2 hits Gruff taking a shield. Turret 1 misses.

Round 2) Beta shows up (1 regular and 1 elite bomber) on hanger 1. Jinn and Gruff plan another 4 straight (though I buggered up my eye-ball measurement, as Gruff landed on a mine.. OOPS). Wilt plans another 3 straight, Same for Dozer, and a 2 turn right for Shunt.

Alpha-2 and 3 both do a 4k. Alpha-1 straights 2 and clears crit. Beta-1 straights 2 and focuses (too far to get free lock). Beta-2 also too far to lock, so straights 4 and focuses.

The rebels move. Wilt bumps into Alpha-2. No action. Shunt locks Alpha-2, Dozer locks Beta 2, Gruff trips mine 3, taking last shield and 1 hull (BOOO), but then locks onto Beta-1. Jinn Locks Turret 1, and gives it only 2 hull damage. Shunt deals 2 hull to Alpha-3, Dozer deals 1 to Beta-2. Gruff and Wilt miss (wilt misses Badly, with 3 blanks vs 3 evades!!)

Beta-2's return shot takes Shunt's stealth device and 1 shield. Beta-1's shot on Gruff, deals him 2 more hull damage (good thing he has a hull upgrade!). Alpha-1 misses Wilt, Alpha-2 misses Jinn, but Gruff dies to Alpha-3, taking 2 more hull damage. Turret 1 then smacks into Jinn taking 2 of his shields and his stealth device.. OUCH!

Shunt now at 1xp, Wilt still at 1, same with Jinn, Dozer now at 1xp, and Gruff at 0 still.

Round 3) Charlie squad shows up on Hanger 2 (two regular and 1 elite interceptor).

Jinn plans a 2 bank left, 3 straight again for Wilt, 3 left bank for Shunt, and another 3 straight for Dozer.

As Alpha is all now separated they roll individually. A1 banks right 2 bumping into Wilt. A2 does a 3k, and A3 does a 4k. No action any of them.

Charlie-1 and 2 both straight 3 and focus. Beta-1 locks Jinn then 5ks, no action. Charlie-3 banks 3 right and focuses (has arc on Dozer). And lastly Beta-2 lock Shunt then 2 banks right and activates marksmanship.

The rebels move. Wilt again bumps (dam all those imperials in the way!) Dozer re-locks Beta-2, Shunt Locks him as well, Jinn focuses. Deals 1 more measly hull to the turret (man its a tough bugger).

Beta-2 out of arc to return fire.

Wilt misses Alpha-2. Shunt misses Beta-2, but Dozer smacks for 3 criticals (munitions failure, removing his cluster missile, gives him a damaged cockpit AND damaged sensor array, dropping his PS to 0).

Shunt, Wilt, Jinn still both at 1xp, Gruff still at 0, Dozer now at 2.

Charlie-3 strips 2 shields of Dozer, Beta-1 then kills Jinn with his cluster missile, 1 st of two shots taking his last shield and criting him (thrust console fire), 2 nd shot giving him 2 more hull. Charlie-1 misses Shunt, Charlie-2 takes 1 shield off him. Alpha-1 misses Wilt, Alpha-1 no shot, Alpha-3 hits taking 1 shield and Wilt's stealth device. Turret-1 misses again.

Wow. 2 dead, before round 4. I will keep going to see if they can destroy the hangers or not.. If no luck by round 6, will have them flee..

Round 4), Gamma squad's 2 elite strikers show up on Hanger 2.

Wilt will straight 3 again, hoping to clear everyone in his path and shoot hanger 1. Dozer banks 3 right and Shunt straights 3. All will hope to destroy the first hanger.

Beta-2 does a 5k, so can't clear any critical. Alpha-1 does a 4k. Alpha-2 straights 2 bumping into Beta-1, Alpha-3 tries a 4k bumping Alpha-2. Charlie-1 and 2 then turn 2 right. Charlie-1 evades while Charlie-2 focuses. Beta-1 locks Shunt then 5ks behind him. Charlie-3 banks 3 right, then boosts to the left.

The rebels move. Wilt clears the bombers in his path, then locks the Hanger. Shunt also locks it. Dozer drops his Seismic bomb, then locks the hanger. Deals 1 hull to all 3 interceptors in Charlie (now at 3xp). His plasma torpedo deals the hanger 3 hull. 4 more come from Wilt's Plasma torpedo, then Shunt gets in the kill shot with the first of his torpedos. Now he's at 2xp. Wilt still at 1.

Omega and Delta now no show up. Falcon still will though in round 5.

The imperials return fire. Neither Striker in Gamma has arc to shoot. Same for those in Charlie. And of those in Alpha and Beta, only Alpha-1 and Beta-1 have shots. Both connect on Wilt, taking 1 shield each. Turret -1 misses Shunt.

Round 5) Falcon's defender elites show up way up on marker 7. Will be out of it for a while.

Wilt plans a 'red' 3 bank left to get in range to shoot hanger 2, while Dozer plans 2 left turn and 2 left bank for Shunt (too few imperials close to him, and Wilt's in his back side, so can't still use his bombs).

Beta-2 straights 4, and clears his damaged sensor array critical. Now at 3 hull and a damaged cockpit crit. Alpha-1 straights 3 then barrel rolls left to get arc to shoot. Alpha-2 turns right 1 and also barrel rolls. Alpha-3 does a 3k. Charlie is now broken apart and rolls individually. C1 turns 2 right then boosts right to get away from map edge. C2 turns 1 right then barrel rolls to get arc to shoot. Beta-1 re-locks Wilt then straights 1, barely missing bumping him, and focuses. Charlie-3 turns 2 left then boosts left. Both in Falcon too far to lock, so Straight 3 and Evade. Both Strikers in Gamma turn 1 lft. As a barrel roll won't get either in to an arc to shoot, they just evade.

The rebels move. Wilt takes his stress, while Dozer and Shunt both lock the hanger. Wilt's main guns deal only 1 hull to the hanger, Dozer's turret though smacks it for 4 hull (2 criticals), while Shunt's second plasma torpedo deals it 3 more hull.. 1 off destroying it.. Yuck.

The imperials return fire. Alpha-2 misses, Charlie-1 smacks off the last shields of Dozer, Charlie 2 hits him for 2 hull. Beta-1 misses. No others have shot. Turret-1 misses again.

XP no change for any rebels.

Round 6) Dozer and shunt plan 2 left turns, and a 1 bank left for Wilt to clear his stress.

Beta-2 re-locks Wilt then straights 3 and focuses. Alpha-1 banks left 3, then he barrel rolls left to get arc to shoot. Alpha-2 banks 2 right, bumping into Beta-1. Alpha-3 banks 2 left, bumps Alpha-2. No action either. C1 banks 3 right and focuses, C2 turns 1 right and focuses, Beta-1 re-locks Wilt, then turns 3 right and focuses (no arc to shoot). C3 turns 3 left so focuses. Both Strikers in Gamma turn 1 left and focus. Both defenders of Falcon, Still too far to lock, so 4 straight, running into Alpha-3's back. Man a nice conga line there!

The rebels move. Wilt clears stress and Locks Charlie-1. Shunt locks Charlie-2, and Dozer re-locks the hanger. Destroys it, taking him to 4xp. Wilt and Shunt however miss their shots.

Then Dozer dies to the fire of Charlie-1 and 2. Charlie-3 misses. Alpha-1 takes Wilt's last shield and criticals him with a Stunned pilot crit. Both A2 and 3 miss, so does turret 1.

The rebels realize they won't get over to Turret 1 to kill it before both die, so plan to flee.

Round 7, Wilt unfortunately dies due to his stunned pilot critical, bumping into Gamma-2. Shunt kills off Charlie-2, taking 3 more XP.

Round 8, Shunt kills Charlie-3, earning himself 4 more XP as he was an elite, and +1 to everyone else. Then kills one of the Strikers in Round 9, earning himself 4 more XP and +1 to everyone else, before dying himself.

Solid rebel loss again. 2 Wins vs 2 losses so far, both came with the increased imperial presence due to the base being alerted.

Dozer earned a net of 6xp, before halving it for going Eva. Shunt got 13 before going eva, and his roll was paired crits, so he would have completely died. Jinn only earned 3 (due to the Elites helping out), but would have lost it all due to 2 focuses for his eva roll. Wilt also earned 3 due to the elites helping out, would have lost ½ and his most expensive upgrade. And Gruff earned a whapping 2 from the elites helping out. And would have only lost an EPT.. Man that was a sucky running....

5 th running at 5 ships

Using B-wing Grood (PS5), X-wings Chaka (also PS5) and Squeaky (Also PS5) and the 2 Y-wings Crack (also PS5, goes with Flechette torp and Seismic bomb) and Cmoz (PS4, goes with Cluster mine and proton torp). Averages (as it rounds down) to PS4. So NO elite bomber shows up in Beta squad. NO CHARLIE OR FALCON Squads. Gamma is still two Elites, both interceptors. Delta still two Advance prototypes, both regulars (not yet to where one's an elite), and Omega is still one elite Aggressor.

Squad leader will be on Chaka. Both Chaka and Squeaky line up on East side, lined up towards Turret 2. Crack and Cmoz in middle with Grood.

Round 1). All rebels plan 3 straights.

Alpha squad as is in patrol, only 4 straights and evades.

The rebels move. Cmoz locks onto Turret 3, Grood focuses, Squeaky focuses, Chaka locks Turret 2 and crack locks mine 3. Chaka deals the turret 3 hull, Squeaky has no shot. Grood destroys turret 3 with his heavy laser. Crack destroys the mine. Cmoz misses.

Grood and Crack 1xp, 0 for the others.

All imperials now in Attack AI. Turret 1 misses Crack and Turret 2 barely misses Grood.

Round 2) Beta squad shows up on Hanger 1.

Chaka and Squeaky plan 4 straights, 2 left turn for Grood, 3 right banks for Crack and Cmoz.

Alpha squad all straight 3 and focus. This causes Cmoz to bump into Alpha-2. Both in Beta too far to lock anyone. Both straight 4 forward, beta 1 then focuses, Beta-2 activates Marksmanship.

The rebels move. Cmoz bumps, no action. Chaka and Squeaky have no shots, so just focuses, Grood focuses Defensively and Crack locks Alpha-1. Deals it two hull with his turret. Grood finishes off Turret 2, both now at 2xp. Cmoz misses his shot on Alpha-3.

Beta-2 shoots Cmoz taking 2 of his shields, Beta-1 takes a 3 rd and Alpha 1 takes his last. Alpha-2 smacks Grood in the back taking a shield, and Alpha-3 shreds 3 hull of Cmoz. OUCH! Turret 1 misses him though.

Round 3) With being badly injured Cmoz plans a 2 right turn, so can try to hyper out next round. BUT I forgot he moves BEFORE Crack, and thus bumps into him... OOPS. Crack plans 3 left bank, barely will avoid running over mine 4. Grood plans a 2 right turn, and 4 straights again for both Chaka and Squeaky.

Alpha-1 banks 2 left and evades. Alpha-2 and 3 turn 3 left and evade. Beta-1 locks Crack then banks 1 left and focuses. Beta-2 locks Grood and straights 3, has to barrel roll right to get arc to shoot him.

The rebels move. Cmoz bumps, no action. Chaka and Squeaky both lock Hanger 2, Grood moves then barrel rolls to his left and slightly forward to snub Beta-2 a shot at him. This however means he has no shot in return. Crack locks Turret 1, then deals it 4 hull with his turret (I love the 2 hull per crit on terrain features like turrets and such!). Chaka deals 6 hull with his proton torpedo, while Squeaky's plasma torpedo deals a measly 7 th .. What a waste. Cmoz misses a snap shot on Alpha-1.

Beta-2 no shot, All in Alpha no shot, Beta-1 however wastes Cmoz with 3 straight criticals. Turret 1 misses his shot on Chaka (Crack too close to shoot).

Grood and Crack still at 2xp, 0 for the others.

Round 4) Gamma squad's two elite interceptors show up on hanger 2. Grood plans a 3 straight, hopes to close in and finish off that hanger, while Chaka and Squeaky plan a 3 right turn, to head towards Hanger 1 to destroy it! 3 left bank for Crack.

Alpha 1 does a 3k. Alpha-2 and 3 also do a 3k. Beta-1 re-locks Crack then does a hard two left turn (red). Beta-2 re-locks Grood then hard turns 2 right. Neither can act. Gamma 1 and 2 bank right 2. Gamma 2 bumps into Squeaky so gets no action, Gamma 1 focuses.

The rebels move. Crack BARELY (as in by a millimeter) misses touching mine 1's template. So focuses. Chaka and Squeaky lock Hanger 1, while Grood moves, then barrel rolls right to get out of the arcs of both interceptors. Then he WHIFFS his shot on the hanger bay.. Squeaky and Chaka combine for only 5 hull on hanger 1. Turret 1 dies to Crack (now at 3xp), 2 still for Grood, 0 for everyone else).

Of the imperials NONE have a shot, either being out of arc, or for those in alpha too far.

Round 5) Crack plans another 3 left bank, 3 straights for both Chaka and Squeaky and 2 left bank Grood.

Alpha-1 straights 3 and evades (too far to shoot anyone right now). Alpha-2 and 3 also straight 3 and evade. Beta-1 again re-locks Crack and again does a hard left 2 turn. Beta-2 re-locks Grood, then Banks 1 right, and has to barrel roll right to try and get him in arc to shoot.

Gamma-1 and 2 left turn 2, with Gamma-1 bumping into Grood, and Gamma-2 bumping into 1.

The rebels move. Grood, Squeaky and Chaka all focus. Crack locks onto Gamma-1. Squeaky deals 3 more hull to hanger 1, prompting Chaka to have to shoot it vice trying to take out Mine 1. He's now at 1xp. Grood finishes off Hanger 2. Now Delta squad no show up, but Omega still will.. Just have to kill off Gamma squad before they can escape. Crack deals a Blinded pilot critical to Gamma-1. This causes his return shot to auto-miss. Gamma-2 misses his shot (thanks to Crack's Stealth device). Beta-2 however smacks Grood for 2 shields. No one else has a shot.

Crack now at 4xp, 3 for Grood, 1 for Chaka, 0 still for Squeaky and Cmoz.

Round 6) Grood plans a 2k, 4k for Crack, and 3 right turns for both Chaka and Squeaky.

Alpha-1 straights 5 and focuses. Both Alpha-2 and 3 straight 33, then barrel roll to the right and slightly forward to get arc to shoot Squeaky. Beta-1 locks Chaka, then banks 1 right, and has to barrel roll to get arc to shoot. Beta-2 re-locks Grood then performs a 5k, no action.

Gamma 1 Turns 2 left and focuses. Gamma 2 turns 1 left and also focuses.

The rebels move. Grood and Crack each take a stress, Squeaky bumps into Beta-1, and Chaka locks Alpha-3, but rather than shooting it, shoots at mine 2, giving it just 2 hull. Squeaky finishes the mine off, so both are now at 1xp. Grood gives a damaged engine critical to Gamma 1 (now at 4xp), while Crack misses his shot. Grood uses his Fire control system to gain a free lock on Gamma-1.

The imperials return fire. Gamma 1, Alpha-2 and Beta 1 all have no shot. Beta-2 misses Crack with a range 3 shot. Gamma-2 takes last 2 shields off Groof, while Alpha-3 takes 1 shield and the stealth device off of Crack. Alpha-1 misses.

Crack and Grood at 4xp, Squeaky and Chaka at 1. Mines 3 and 4 (the 2 in the center) now destroyed.

Round 7) Chaka plans a 3 right turn, 2 right turn for Squeaky, 1 left bank for Grood to clear his stress, and 2 straight for Crack to do same.

Alpha-1 does a 4k. Alpha-2 and 3 turn right 3. Alpha-2 focuses, while Alpha-3 bumps into Beta-1. Beta-1 locks Chaka, then turns 3 right and as is very close to the map edge, barrel rolls inward to get away from it. No shot anyway. Beta-2 locks Crack then does a 5k again. Gamma-1 does a 3k, while Gamma 2 turns left 1. Has no arc to shoot, so barrel rolls out of Grood's arc.

The rebels move. Grood focuses after clearing his stress. Chaka bumps Alpha-2, Squeaky focuses, and Crack drops his seismic charge, dealing 1 hull to Gamma 2 and Beta-2 (now at 5xp), then Shifts his lock to Gamma-2 after clearing his stress. Grood's advance torpedo kills Gamma 1, netting him 4 total XP (3 for the kill, 1 for it being an elite, putting him at 8xp). This takes Chaka and Squeaky to 2, 1 for Cmoz, and 6 for Crack. Crack's turret then deals a 2 nd hull to the other interceptor. Chaka deals only 2 nd hull to Beta-2 (though it was a range 3 shot), while Squeaky and Alpha-2 both trade focus tokens as he misses his shot.

Alpha-2 and 3, Beta-1 and Gamma-2 all have no shot. Beta-2 takes the last shield off Crack with his Cluster missile (the first shot missed, the 2 nd barely hit).

Round 😎 Omega 1 shows up over on the middle of the west side (spot 5). Grood plans a 2 right turn, 3 bank left for Crack, 2 straight for Chaka and 3 right bank for Squeaky.

Alpha-1 does a 4k again. Alpha-2 and 3 both 3k. Beta-1 locks Squeaky then hard 2 turns right. Beta-2 re-locks Crack then does a THIRD 5k. Man the dice were strange for this guys move! However he bumps into Gamma-2 before completing. Gamma-2 then turns 3 left, and has to boost to the left to get both in range to shoot AND an arc to shoot. This is lucky for Chaka later, cause he had no focus token to spend on his attack! YEA . Omega-1 locks Chaka, then straights 3 and focuses.

The rebels move. Chaka bumps into Alpha-1, Grood locks onto Alpha-1, Squeaky locks Gamma-2, and Crack locks Alpha-3. His shot deals the fighter a weapons malfunction critical. Squeaky kills the 2 nd interceptor netting him 4xp (now is at 6xp and shifts Chaka up to 3xp Cmoz to 2xp, Crack to 8xp and Grood to 9xp). Grood kills Alpha-1 (now sits at 11xp). Chaka misses his shot on Beta-1.

Beta-2 has no shot. Omega 1 shoots his concussion missile into Chaka, stripping off 2 of his shields and neutering his stealth device. Alpha 2 strips off the last one, and Alpha-3 takes one off Crack.

Round 9) The rebels can now try and escape, via map edge A (the one they entered by) OR via hypering out, and the terrain shifts to Neutral. Grood plans a straight 3, same for Crack, while Squeaky and Chaka plan 3 left turns.

Alpha- 2 turns right 1 and focuses. Alpha-3 banks 2 right, bumping Alpha-1. Beta-1 locks Crack then turns 3 right and focuses. Beta-2 locks Grood then turns 3 right and barrel rolls right, to get away from map edge. Omega-1 re-locks Chaka, then 4 straights, bumping into him. Can't take a focus now.

The rbels move. Chaka and Grood both focus Defensively, Squeaky barrel rolls right and forward to put more space between him and the imperials, while Crack focuses offensively as he still has a lock on Alpha-3. However even IF he spent it AND the TL, the 3 evades of the fighter meant nothing he shot with would have done diddly squat. Squeaky then shoots mine 2, giving it 2 hull, Chaka finishes it off, taking him now to 4xp. No other rebels shoot. Still 8 for Crack, 6 for Squeaky and 11 for Grood.

The imperials return fire, killing Chaka. No other damage dealt out.

Round 10) Squeaky plans a 4 straight, 3 straight again for Grood and 2 straight for Crack, so he can focus and try to hyper out. He fails to escape this round, but as long as he gets 1 hit next he will escape. No imps have shot after they move..

Round 11) Squeaky escapes via his map side, Grood and Crack both hyper out before any imperials can shoot.

Solid rebel win again, 3 victories, 2 losses.

Overall XP earned, 11 Grood, 6 Squeaky, 8 Crack, 2 Cmoz and 4xp for Chaka. Chaka rolled a pair of focuses, so would have earned 0xp, while Cmoz rolled a crit AND a hit which would have caused him to lose both his most expensive upgrade AND his most expensive EPT... OUCH. Averages to 6xp

Not seeming to be hard enough BEFORE the addition of Charlie and Falcon, but maybe TOO hard with their addition. Will see after Sixth running, using all 5 B-wings i have..

So far averaging out to 10xp for the 1st run, 10xp also for the 2nd run, 6xp for the 3rd (my first loss), 5xp for the 4th, also a loss, and 6th for the 5th...

One thing i am contemplating as a change, is to shift Charlie to being part of the Initial squad list for the imps, base NOT alerted. Base Alerted, shift Beta to Starting (vice R2 turn up), Shift Charlie down from R3 to R2 start. Once i complete the 6th running (which is the third where the base was alerted), i will REDO all runnings with the above shift, and see how that works.

6 th and last (Hopefully) running at 5 ships

Will use all 5 B-wings. Grood, Spot, Twitch, Doc and Wilt. All but Twitch are PS5, Twitch is still PS4. Spot and Wilt have Sensor jammer systems and Ion cannons, Doc has a mangler cannon but no system, Twitch has no cannon but has an Accuracy corrector system, and Grood has a Fire control system and heavy laser cannon.

This is the LAST running of the 3, which will have Charlie and Falcon squads show up.

Since the average is 4 (rounding down as per the rules), Beta is not going to have an elite bomber. This time, Charlie squad will be the Strikers, having 3 regular strikers. Gamma squad will instead be the two Elite interceptors.. Delta has 2 regular advance-prototypes, Falcon has 2 elite defenders, and Omega has 1 elite Aggressor. Falcon squad still is two elite Defenders.

Grood lines up to left (east) towards hanger 2, Doc and Twitch in middle, Spot and Wilt to west. Squad leader on Wilt.

Round 1) All rebels plan 3 straights.

Alpha all 3 banks left and evades.

Rebels move. Spot locks Alpha-1, Wilt locks Alpha-2, Doc focuses, so does Grood and Twitch locks Turret 3. Grood shoots and eliminates Mine 3. Doc totally whiffs shot vs Turret 2, and declines to spend focus token. Wilt's Plasma torpedo misses Alpha-1, while Spot's proton torpedo misses Alpha-2 (Man the evades hated me!). Twitch gives 3 hull to turret 3. Grood only one with an XP..

Alpha-1 misses counter shot on Spot due to his sensor jammer, and Alpha-2 and 3 also miss. Turret 3 hits and takes 1 shield off Twitch and neuters his stealth device, while Turret 1 misses, and Turret 2 misses Grood after rotating west ward.

Round 2) Beta squad shows up on Hanger 1. Wilt, Doc and Spot plan 3 straights, 2 right banks Grood and Twitch.

All in Alpha 3 straight, then focus. Both in Beta too far to lock, so straight 4 and focus.

The rebels move. Wilt locks Alpha-3, Spot bumps into Alpha-1, Doc focuses, Twitch and Grood both barrel roll left. Wilt's advanced torpedo kills off Alpha-3 (Yay 5 dice!!). Twitch Deals 1 hull to Alpha 2, Spot misses Beta-1, Grood's heavy laser cannon kills Alpha-1 and Doc has no shot.

Beta-1 misses counter shot on Grood, Beta-2 however hits for 2 shields. Alpha-1 has no shot. All 3 turrets miss.

Round 3) Charlie's strikers show up on Hanger 2. Wilt, and Spot plan 2 left banks, Grood and Twitch 2 left turns, and Doc a 2 right turn.

Alpha-2 does a 3k. No action. Charlie 1 and 2 both bank 3 right and focus. Beta-1 and 2 both lock onto Grood then straight 3 and focus. Charlie-3 turns 2 right, and barrel rolls to the left to get an arc on Doc to shoot.

The rebels move. Twitch locks Turret 3, Grood bumps into Beta-1, Doc barrel rolls right to get more range on Charlie-1 and 2, Wilt locks Turret 1 and Spot locks mine 4. However he deals it only 2 hull damage. Wilt's shot finishes it off. Grood deals 4 hull to Turret 1 while Doc finishes it off. Twitch then kills turret 3. Turrets 1 and 3 now gone. Mine 3 and 4 now gone. XP 3 for both Wilt and Grood, 2 for Twitch, 1 for Doc and 0 for Spot.

Charlie-3, Beta-1 and 2 all have no shot. Charlie-2 hits taking a shield and the stealth device from Doc, while Charlie-1 misses. Alpha-2 takes one shield off Spot. Turret 2 misses.

Round 4) Gamma's elite interceptors show up Hanger 2. Wilt, Spot and Twitch all plan 3 straights, so can get in range and shoot hanger 1. Doc and Grood plan 2ks.

Alpha-2 straights 5 and focuses. Charlie-1 and 2 both Serngor loops right. Beta-1 re-locks Grood, then 5ks. Beta-2 Also locks Grood then banks left 1 and focuses. Charlie-3 turns 1 left and focuses.

Gamma 1 and 2 both straight 3 and focuses.

The rebels move. Twitch, Spot and Wilt all lock Hanger 1. Grood and Doc both take a stress. Doc then shoots and dives 1 hull and a Damaged engine critical to Charlie-1, while Grood deals 1 hull to Beta-2. Wilt then hits the hanger for 4 hull, while Spot's plasma torpedo smacks it for 3 criticals (=6 hull), finishing it off.

Gamma 1 takes 2 shields off Twitch, Gamma 2 misses. Charlie-3 takes another shield off of Grood.

Twitch misses Counter shot. Beta-2, no shot, Charlie-1 misses, Charlie-2 takes another (now down by 4). Alpha-2 misses, and Turret-2 smacks 2 more shields off Doc.

Delta squad now no show up (no hanger!)

Grood now @ 4xp, Doc now at 2xp. Spot now @ 1xp. Wilt stays at 3, Twitch at 2.

Round 5) Falcon's elite defenders show up on the west edge, spot 3. Wilt and Spot both plan 2 left banks, 2 left turn for Twitch. Doc plans a 1 right bank to clear his stress, 1 left bank for Grood.

Alpha-2 straights 3 and focuses. Charlie-1 straights 3 and focuses. Charlie-2 banks 3 right and focuses. Beta-1 locks Doc, then straights 4 and focuses. Beta-2 also locks Doc then 5ks. Falcon-1 and 2 both Straight 5. Falcon-1 barrels left to get out of Wilt's fire arc, after going in front of him. Falcon-2 bumps into Wilt. Charlie-3 straights 2, bumps into Charlie-1. Gamma 1 and 2 both Straight 5, after locking Wilt. Both bump into Wilt. (Man he's popular).

The rebels move. Wilt moves, then barrel rolls right to get out of Falcon-2's firing arc. Spot also barrel rolls right and uses intensity to assign himself an evade token. Grood also barrel rolls, after clearing his stress, to get out of Beta-2's firing arc, while Doc locks Charlie-3 and Twitch bumps into Gamma-1. Wilt has no shot, same with Grood. Doc kills Charlie-3 (+1xp to all for him being an elite). This pushes him to 6xp (1 for damage, 1 for kill, 1 for it being a striker and 1 for it being an elite). Spot now at 2xp, Wilt now at 4, Grood now at 5 and Twitch now at 3. Spot then gives 2 hull to Hanger 2.

Gamma-1 misses his shot on Grood, while Gamma 2 takes 1 off of Doc.

Twitch then gives a Stunned pilot critical to Gamma 2 after taking his shield as well.. Twitch now up to 4xp.

Beta-1 hits, taking 2 shields off Twitch, while Beta-2 misses. Alpha-2 misses Grood, Turret 2 misses Spot. Twitch then loses his last shields and takes 2 hull from Charlie-1 and 2.. Now down to 1 hull.. EEK!!

Round 6) Delta Would have shown up, but hanger 1 is gone! YAY.. Twitch needs to bugger out, so plans a 3 left bank, which will stress him. Grood plans a 3 left turn, while Doc, Wilt and Spot all plan 3 straights.

Alpha-2 banks left 2 and focuses. Charlie-1 tries a 2 left Serngor's loop and barely gets past Spot. Charlie-1 banks 2 right and focuses. Beta-1 re-locks onto Grood, then tries a 5k, bumping into Charlie-1 before he finishes. Beta-2 also locks, then bumps into him doing a 4 straight.

Both in Falcon squad Lock onto Twitch then straight 5. Falcon-1 bumps into Beta-1, while Falcon-2 bumps into Charlie-1. Gamma 1 then straights 5, and has no arc, so evades, while Gamma 2 turns left 1 and focuses.

The rebels move. Wilt and Doc lock onto Hanger 2, Spot focuses, Grood Barrel rolls left to get just out of Gamma 1's firing arc, and Twitch takes a stress. Grood's shot then finishes off Alpha-2. Doc's plasma torpedo misses the hanger (darn the die). Wilt deals it 2 more hull (so its now at 4), while Spot destroys it with 3 criticals!.

Gamma 1 then has no shot, and Gamma-2 hits, taking Wilt's stealth device and 2 of his shields.

Twitch then deals 2 hull to Turret 2.

Grood now at 7xp, 6 for Doc, 4 for both Twitch and Wilt, and 3 for Spot.

Both Falcon-1 and 2 miss their shots. So does Beta 1 and 2. Charlie 2 however, takes Grood's last shield, and gives him 2 hull damage. Charlie-1 has no shot. Turret 2 thankfully misses Twitch.

Round 7) Grood is too damaged to continue, so plans a 1 straight to hyper out. 2 Straight for Twitch to clear stress, 2 left turns for Wilt, Spot and Doc.

Charlie-1 hard turns 1 right. Charlie-2 tries a Left Serngor's loop and bumps into Gamma-1. Beta-1 locks onto Wilt then straights 3 and barrel rolls to the left, so he gets more distance from the map edge. Beta-2 then locks Grood again, and then banks 3 right and focuses. Falcon-1 and 2 both lock Twitch, then barrel roll 3 left. Falcon-1 focuses, while Falcon-2 bumps Gamma-2. Gamma-1 then 5ks, while Gamma 2 banks 3 left and focuses.

The rebels move. Twitch focuses defensively, Spot Barrel rolls right, Wilt locks onto Charlie-1, Grood focuses for his hypering out, and Doc barrel rolls. Grood safely enters hyperspace. Doc and Spot have no shot. Wilt kills Charlie-1.

Neither Interceptor in Gamma have shots.

Twitch adds 2 more hull damage to Turret 2. XP now 7 for Wilt and Grood 6 for Doc, 4 for Twitch and still 3 for Spot.

Falcon-1 then kills Twitch. Falcon-2 then takes the last shield off of Doc. Wilt loses a 3 rd shield to Beta-1. Beta-2 and Charlie-2 have no shots. Turret-2 barely misses Doc.

Round 😎 Omega's aggressor shows up down on spot 2. Doc plans a 2 left bank, 2 left turns for Wilt and Spot.

Charlie-2 does another 2 left Serngor's loop. Beta-1 re-locks onto Wilt then banks 1 left bumping Gamma-1. Beta-2 locks Doc then hard turns left 2 bumping into Falcon-1. Falcon-1 also locks Doc then straights 3 and focuses. Falcon-2 locks Wilt then 4ks and focuses (**** the white 4k for defenders!!). Gamma-1 straights 3 and evades as again has no shot, and neither a boost or barrel roll would give him one. Gamma-2 bumps into Wilt, taking a 2 nd hull damage (thanks to the Stunned pilot critical Twitch gave him).

The rebels move. Wilt and Spot focus defensively, while Doc barrel rolls close IN on Falcon-1, so can't be shot by his missile (maybe he should have stayed where he was and focused??)

He then finishes the last turret off, ALL rebels can now safely flee! Spot then misses a shot, while Wilt takes out Mine 1. Now at 8xp for Wilt, still 7 on Grood, 7 for Doc, 4 for Twitch and 4 for Spot.

Wilt then loses 2 more shields to the missile of Falcon-2, Gamma 2 misses, Gamma 1, Charlie-2 and Omega 1 have no shots. Doc then dies to Falcon-1's main guns.. OUCH.

Round 9), Wilt plans a 3 straight, so does Spot.

The imperials move.

Wilt then takes the shield and gives a Console fire critical to Omega 1, while Spot takes 1 shield and gives 1 ion to Gamma-1. The counter fire takes the last shields off of Wilt, and Spot loses all 5 of his from the others.. OUCH, that round hurt!

Round 10) Wilt safely enters hyperspace before any one shoots him. Gamma 2 kills Self from his stunned pilot critical, giving the Kill xp to Twitch, and +1xp from it being an elite to everyone.

Spot gets dropped to 1 hull remaining from the imperial counter fire.

Round 11) Spot manages to safely make it into hyperspace before any imperials kill him...

Wow. A tough but hard fought rebel victory, showing the harder version of this mission CAN be won. 3 rebels hypered out, 2 died.

XP total earned, 10 for Wilt, 7 for Doc, 7 for Twitch, 7 for Spot, 8 for Grood.

Doc would have halved his earned XP and lost his EPT. Twitch would have just lost his most expensive upgrade...

XP average of 8.

So for 5 player, we are at 4 wins to 2 losses overall, 1 win vs 2 loss for the “Hard” version due to the base being alerted.

Will go back and re-do the 3 player and 5 player runnings for when there is NO BASE alerting, and add IN Charlie squad as one of their regular units. Falcon still stays as the base alert, Extra reinforcement group.

For when it shifts to being Base alerted, Beta will be shifted to starting OUT, while Charlie drops to round 2 show up, vice round 3.

For the redo at 3 players

Running, 1, 2, 3 and 6 will be redone with the following Changes.

A) Delta/Gamma had their squadron names switched, so the Interceptors/Strikers for Round 4, are now the Delta Squad. The Advance-prototypes in round 6, are now Gamma squad.

B) Charlie is now a base line squad, showing up in round 3. IF THEY are strikers (via a roll of 1-4 on a d6), then DELTA will be interceptors. If the roll is 5 or 6, Charlie are interceptors, and Delta is the strikers.

For the Runnings at 3 ships..

1 st will go with the B-wing Spot, and the X-wings Gruff and Squeaky

2 nd will go with the B-wing Grood, and X-wings Chaka and Jinn.

3 rd will go with the B-wing Wilt, and the X-wings Drogo and Tin-bok.

And the 6 th run will use the Y-wing Snoopy, and X-wings Shrek and Shatter.

1 st redo post changes

Using X-wing Gruff (PS5, will go with his Proton torpedo), and Squeaky (also PS5), and B-wing Spot (PS5 also).

Enemy forces are: Alpha (starting out), 2 Tie fighters.

Beta (Turn 2) 2 Tie bombers

Charlie (Turn 3), 2 Interceptors OR 2 Strikers

Delta (Turn 4), 1 Tie striker (or interceptor) Elite

Gamma (Turn 6) 1 Advance prototype

Omega (Turn 😎 1 Aggressor.

1 Hanger will be in use.

All rebels will line up on the side Alpha starts at, and will run at them, hoping once eliminated, they can swiftly move in onto the Hanger bay.

Squad leader will be on Squeaky. All rebels line up facing Alpha's starting spot. Squeaky on the map edge side, then Gruff, and lastly Spot on the inside.

If the lone hanger can be taken out before the end of the 3 rd round, Delta and Gamma are denied entrance, thus meeting the 3 rd primary mission goal. Omega still will show up in round 8.

Round 1) Gruff and Squeaky both plan 4 straights, 3 for Spot.

Alpha squad both banks 3 left then evades, as still is in patrol AI.

The rebels move. Gruff and Squeaky both lock onto Alpha-2, while Spot locks Alpha-1. Spot's ion cannon whiffs, and he declines to waste the lock (with 4 evades there was no reason to waste it). Gruff's torpedo also misses, but due to him having munitions failsafe, is not wasted. Squeaky's guns then also miss.

Alpha-1 mises his return shot on Spot due to him having a Sensor jammer. Alpha-2 misses Gruff. Turret 1 also misses, while turret 2 is just beyond range to shoot spot.

Round 2) Beta shows up on the hanger. Squeaky plans a 3 left bank, same with Gruff, and 2 bank for Spot.

Alpha squad both straights 5 and alpha-1 focuses, while Alpha-2 bumps into Gruff. Both in Beta too far to lock, so Beta-1 banks 2 left, the elite Beta-2 banks 3 left. Both focus.

The rebels move. Spot shifts his lock to Beta-2, Gruff also locks onto him. Squeaky locks Turret 1. His shot deals it only 2 hull though. Gruff re-shoots his torpedo into the elite bomber, dealing it a weapons malfunction critical and 2 hull. Spot kills it with his plasma torpedo. XP 1 for Squeaky, 2 for Gruff and 4 for Spot.

Beta-1 then returns shot, but misses, while Alpha-1 and 2 have a shot. Turret 1 hits Gruff taking 1 shield, while Turret 2 still just out of range.

Round 3) Charlie squad shows up. Gruff and Squeaky both plan 4 straights, while Spot plans a 2 right bank.

Alpha squad both 4ks. Both in Charlie bank 2 left, with Charlie-1 bumping Beta-1, and Charlie 2 focusing. Beta-1 then locks onto Gruff, and 3 straights and focuses.

The rebels move, with Gruff and Squeaky locking the hanger, while Spot has to barrel roll to get an arc/range to shoot. Spot's shot hits nicely, doing it 3 hull, Gruff gets 1 more hit and 2 criticals, taking it to 8 of 9 hull, Squeaky gets in the kill. Now both Delta and Gamma can't come in. And the rebels can escape once they take out the two turrets. Xp now 2 for Squeaky, 2 for Gruff and 4 still for Spot.

Beta-1, and both Alpha's have no shot (they are just out of range). Charlie-1 smacks Gruff taking his last shields and giving him 1 hull, while Charlie-2 takes a shield off Spot. Turret 1 too close to shoot anyone, Turret 2 hits and takes a 2 nd shield off of Spot.

Round 4) Squeaky plans a 4k, 2 right bank spot, and 3 right turn Gruff.

Alpha squad both 5 straights, then Barrel rolls left to get an arc. Charlie-1 and 2 both straight 1, Charlie 1 focuses, while Charlie-2 barrel rolls right to get out of the Arc of Spot. Beta-1 locks Squeaky, then turns 3 left, and has to barrel roll left to get further away from the map edge.

The rebels move. Spot focuses, Gruff bumps into Charlie-2, Neither have shot. Squeaky takes his stress, and gives turret 1 two more hull.

Beta-1 and neither in Charlie have a shot, same with Alpha-1. Alpha-2 however does but misses. Turret-1 again too close to shoot anyone in his arc, and Turret 2 hits giving Gruff a 2 nd hull damage.

Round 5) Squeaky plans a 1 straight to clear stress, 2 left turn for Spot and 4 straight for Gruff.

Alpha squad both banks 2 left. Alpha-2 bumps while Alpha-1 focuses. Both in Charlie 2k. Beta-1 re-locks Squeaky then hard turns 2 left. No action.

Squeaky moves and focuses. Spot barrel rolls to get further away from the strikers, while Gruff locks onto Turret 2. Squeaky finishes his turret off, so is now at 3xp. Spot no shot, Gruff gives 2 hull to turret 2. Still at 2xp, while Spot is still at 4.

Beta-1 fires Cluster missile taking 2 shields off Squeaky. Charlie-1 takes his last, while Charlie-2 crits Gruff with a minor hull explosion, Putting him now at 3 of 4 hull damage. Alpha-1 has no shot, but Alpha-2 gives 1 hull to Squeaky. Turret 2 misses Gruff.

Round 6) Squeaky plans a bank 1 left to regen a shield, Spot 2 bank left and 3 straight for Gruff.

Alpha-1 and 2 both straight 2. Both barrel roll left to get better arc to shoot. Charlie-1 is now split up (too much distance between them). Charlie-1 turns 2 right and evades, as can't get out of Squeaky's fire arc, while Charlie-2 banks 2 left and barrel rolls to rear and to the left, to get a better arc on Gruff.

Beta-1 re locks onto Squeaky then turns 3 left bumping into him.

The rebels move, with Squeaky being unable to clear Charlie-1, so fails to regen a shield. Spot and Gruff both focus. Gruff destroys turret 2, now at 3xp. The rebels can now escape to hyperspace. Squeaky destroys mine 1, but Spot too far to shoot mine 2.

Beta-1 and Charlie-1 both have no shot. Charlie-2 gives 2 more hull damage, killing Gruff, and Alpha-1 and 2 each take a shield off Spot (his 3 rd and 4 th ).

Round 7) Spot plans a 2 left turn, hoping to get past the imps, while Squeaky plans a 2 straight, hoping this time he will complete and regen a shield.

Both in Alpha turn 3 left, with Alpha-2 bumping 1 again, while 1 focuses. Charlie-1 turns left 2 and evades as has no shot, Charlie-2 banks 2 right and focuses. Beta-1 re-locks Squeaky then 5ks.

Spot bumps into Charlie-1, Squeaky moves, regenerates a shield, and focuses for hypering out, but rolls two blanks. Spot has no shot. Beta-1 misses Squeaky, Charlie 1 and 2, and Alpha-1 both no shot. Alpha-2 takes a 5 th shield off Spot.

Round 😎 Omega shows up all the way up on 'spot' 7. Squeaky plans a 1 right bank, to regen a 2 nd shield, Spot a 3 straight.

The imperials do their moves. Spot gives 2 hull damage to Mine 3, while Squeaky safely enters hyperspace before getting shot at. Spot loses his last shield to Charlie-2.

Round 9) Spot safely enters hyperspace. Only 4xp earned by him, 3 by both Squeaky and Gruff.

Still relatively easy, but this time they did have it a little harder. Now onto the 2 nd of the 4 re-dos.

Like last time, both X-wings plan 4 straight, 3 for the B-wing.

Alpha straights 3 and evades.

The rebels move. All lock onto Alpha-1 (only one they can fire on due to range). Jinn misses, declines to waste his lock. Chaka causes it 1 hull, and Grood kills it.

Alpha-2 too far to return fire. Turret 2 misses, Turret 1 too far to shoot.

XP 1 Chaka, 0 Jinn, 2 Grood.

Round 2) Beta squad shows up on the hanger. Jinn and Chaka plan 3 left banks, 3 straight for Grood.

Alpha-2 banks 3 left and focuses. Both in Beta too far to lock, Beta-1 banks 3 left, then barrel rols forward and right, while Beta-2 does the same.

The rebels move. Grood then barrel rolls right and rearward to get out of Alpha-2's arc. Jinn and Chaka lock Beta-2. Jinn's torpedo causes 1 hull and gives the elite bomber, a damaged sensor array.

Beta-2 shoots and takes a shield off Chaka and neuters his stealth device.

Chaka's torpedo, gives it 2 more criticals, a Console fire, and a weapons malfunction. Grood misses.

Beta-1 then misses, while Alpha-2 has no shot. Turret 1 still too far to shoot, while Turret 2 misses.

XP, now 2 for Chaka, 2 for Grood and 1 for Jinn.

Round 3), Charlie squad's interceptor regulars show up on the Hanger. Jinn and Chaka plan 4 straights, 2 left bank for Grood.

Alpha-2 turns left 2 and evades as has no arc to shoot anyone. Both in Charlie bank 2 left. Charlie-1 bumps into Beta-1, Charlie-2 focuses. Beta-1 then locks Chaka and Straights 1 and focuses. Beta-2 can't lock as he has the damaged sensor array. Straights 1, and ops to clear his Console fire first, which he does successfully.

The rebels move. Grood focuses, Chaka bumps into Beta-2 and Jinn locks the Hanger. His shot, even after spending his lock, deals a measly 1 hull.

Beta-2 misses his shot on Grood.

Chaka hits causing 3 more hull to the hanger. Grood causes 2 hull to Beta-1, and uses his FCS to re-lock him. Now Grood's at 3xp, 1 still for Jinn and 2 for Chaka.

Beta-1 then misses. Charlie-1 rakes Jinn of all 3 of his shields, while Charlie 2 gives him a minor hull breach critical. Alpha-2 no shot. Turret 2 hits taking 2 shields of Grood. Turret 1 still too far to shoot.

Round 4) Delta's elite Striker shows up. Jinn and Chaka both plan another 4 straight, 2 for Grood.

Alpha-2 turns left 2 again, then barrel rolls inward to get an arc on Grood. Charlie both banks 2 right. Charlie-1 bumps Beta-2 again, then Charlie-2 evades as has no arc to shoot. Beta-1 locks Grood, then 5k's in behind him. Beta-2 still can't lock, then tries his own 5k, but can't get anywhere due to all the ships in his path. As such he can't clear his damaged sensor array critical. Delta 1 then banks left 1 and focuses.

The rebels move. Chaka bumps into Delta-1, while Jinn relocks the Hanger, and Grood bumps into Jinn's butt before he moved (DOH!).

Jinn then deals 3 more damage to the hanger..

Delta-1 then shoots Grood taking his last 3 shields. Beta-2 hits Grood for 2 hull.

Beta-1 fires his Cluster missile into Grood, killing him on the 2 nd roll. Grood died at 3xp, Booo.

Neither in Charlie have shot, and both Alpha-2 and Turret 2 miss, Turret 1 still too far to shoot.

Round 5) Chaka plans 2 straight, 3 left turn for Jinn (perhaps should have thought that one through more!!)

Alpha-2 banks 2 left and focuses. Charlie-1 and 2 both 3k. Beta-1 too far to re-lock anyone, so straights 3 and focuses. Beta-2 straights 4, bumping into Alpha-2, so can't clear crit again. Then Delta 1 tries a 1 turn right, but can't clear Chaka. No action.

Chaka makes it past Delta-1, and locks the Hanger, while Jinn moves, and has no arc to shoot, uses SQL to give Chaka a focus action.

Delta-1 no shot, and Beta-2 misses.

Chaka then finishes off the Hanger bay. Now at 3xp. Still only 1 for Jinn.. YEOWSA.

Gamma now won't show up. The rebels must kill Delta 1, and the two turrets before they can escape.

Charlie-1 and Beta-1 miss, Alpha-2 just out of arc to shoot, and Charlie-2 no shot. Both turrets miss.

Round 6) Chaka plans a 3 left turn, 2 left turn for Jinn.

Alpha-2 straights 4, bumping into Delta 1. Both in Charlie 5 straight. Charlie-1 then boosts left taking him away from the map edge. Charlie 2 bumps into Alpha-2. Beta-1 still too far to lock anyone, so straights 4, and likewise bumps Alpha-2. Beta-2 bumps Beta-1 doing a 3 straight. STILL can't clear any of his crits. Delta-1 rolls a 2 right Serngor's loop, can't complete as too many ships in his path.

The rebels move. Chaka focuses, while Jinn locks Beta-2, hoping to kill him off, but deals the elite bomber only a 3 rd hull (5 now with his criticals).

Delta 1 no shot. Beta-2 returns fire on Jinn but misses. Chaka no shot. Beta-1 and Alpha-2 miss. Charlie-1 takes the last 2 shields of Chaka, while Charlie-2 gives him 1 hull. Turret 1 and 2 both miss again.

Round 7) Chaka plans a 3 left bank, 3 right for Jinn. Both hope to evade the enemy's arc as there are bottle necks like crazy.

The imperials move, then the rebels do. Both focus defensively as there are some imperials with shots... Jinn shoots the top turret, dealing 2 hull, Chaka deals it 2 more.

Both imperial elites have no shot, same for Beta-1. Charlie-2 and 1 do however. Charlie-2 rakes fire killing Chaka, while Charlie-1 deals another critical (Injured pilot) to Jinn. He then dies to Turret 1 and 2 giving him 2 more criticals..

Wow, Semi-swift rebel loss..

1 win, vs 1 loss after changes made. Now onto the 3 rd redo. Going with B-wing Doc, and the Y-wings Shunt and Dozer

3 rd redo after making changes. (Mirror of 4 th running)

Using B-wing Doc (PS5, Ion torp and plasma torp), and Y-wings Shunt (PS5 also, goes with Ion torp and proton bomb), and Dozer (also PS5, goes with Plasma torp and seismic bomb). Charlie is back to being 2 strikers, Delta is 1 elite interceptor, and Omega is 1 elite aggressor.

Wilt will carry Squad leader). Like before, all rebels line up facing Alpha squad. Dozer to the outside, then Shunt, then Doc. Delta's Interceptor and Omega's Aggressor are PS4, but Beta's elite is PS5.

Round 1) As all rebels are lined up off 'kilter (more facing into the middle than straight down the line)< Doc ops to perform a 2 bank right, while both Y-wings plan a 3 bank right.

Alpha squad both turns 3 left, and both evade.

The rebels move, all locking Alpha-1. Doc misses with his ion torpedo, however Shunt hits with his, causing both fighters to take 1 ion token. Then Dozer hits with his turret, causing a damaged cockpit and 1 hull to Alpha-1. Alpha-1 misses his return shot on Dozer, while Alpha-2 hits him for 1 shield. Turret-1 too far to shoot Doc, Turret 2 hits taking 2 shields and the stealth device of Shunt.

Dozer 1xp, 0 Shunt and Doc.

Round 2) Beta shows up on the Hanger bay. All rebels plan 2 left turns.

Alpha-1 straights 1, bleeds off his ion token, then barrel rolls right to get away from map edge. Alpha-2 does same. Beta squad are both too far to lock. Beta-1 straights 4 and focuses. Beta-2 turns 3 left and also focuses as has no shot.

The rebels move. Both Shunt and Doc lock onto Beta-2, while Dozer bumps. Dozer misses his shot on Alpha-1 (still has his lock though). Shunt fires his 2 nd ion torpedo, (thanks to having extra munitions), and hits Beta-1 dealing both him and Beta-2 an ion token. Doc hits with his Plasma torpedo, dealing 2 hull to Beta-2. Dozer still at 1xp, Doc now at 1xp, and Shunt still at 0.

Alpha-1 and Beta-2 both have no shots. Alpha-2 hits Dozer, taking another shield. Beta-1 misses. Turret 2 then takes a 3 rd shield off Shunt, while Turret 1 still too far to shoot.

Round 3) Charlie's Strikers show up on the Hanger. Dozer plans a 3 right bank, 2 bank right for Shunt and Doc.

Alpha-1 turns 3 right and barely survives not going off the map (the movement ruler was BARELY still on the map by maybe 3 mm), then he evades. Alpha-2 turns 3 left, after initially rolling a 3k. Also evades. Both in Charlie straight 3. Charlie-1 bumps into the side of Beta-2, while Charlie-2 evades as is too far to shoot. Beta-1 then locks onto Doc and straights 1 and focuses, after bleeding off his ion token. Beta-2 locks Shunt, moves 1 fwd after bleeding his ion token, and can't shoot as has no one in arc, so focuses defensively.

The rebels move. Dozer drops his Proton bomb, killing off Alpha-1, and giving a weapons malfunction critical to Alpha-2, then locks Beta-2. Doc focuses and Shunt locks Turret 2. Doc deals 2 criticals to Beta-1 (Munitions failure and Damaged Sensor array), Shunt destroys the Turrets. Dozer's shot then gives a Structural damage critical and 2 more hull to Beta-2 Now at 1xp Shunt, 3 XP Dozer, 2xp Doc.

Beta-1 has no shot, Same for Alpha-2. Beta-1 takes 1 shield and neuters Doc's Stealth device. Now both Shunt and Doc are without their Stealth devices. Charlie-1 strikes Doc for 1 more shield, 2 more are taken by Charlie-2. Egads 4 gone in 1 round. Turret 1 misses Doc thankfully.

Round 4) Delta's Elite interceptor shows up. Dozer plans a 2 left turn, 3 straights for both Doc and Shunt.

Alpha-2 turns right 1, and fails to clear his Damaged weapon critical. Charlie-1 and 2 both Bank 1 right and focus. Beta-1 turns 3 left, and clears damaged Sensor array critical. Delta-2 banks 2 left and activates Expose EPT (adds 1 attack, loses 1 defense die). Beta-2 locks Shunt, then Turns 3 right but fails to clear his structural damage critical.

The rebels move. Dozer focuses (as still has lock), Doc bumps into Charle-1, while Shunt locks onto Delta-1. Doc takes the elite interceptor's shield off with his Mangler cannon, and gives him 2 hull. Shunt then gets the kill. Man did that guy go out quickly.. Dozer then adds 2 more hull to Beta-2, putting him at 4 hull and 1 critical.. Just off killing the bloomin thing. Dozer now at 4xp, Shunt at 5 thanks to killing the interceptor, and Doc at 4.

Beta-1, Alpha-2 and Charlie-2 each have no shot. Beta-2 misses Doc, but Charlie-1 hits Dozer taking his last 2 shields. Turret 1 misses again.

Round 5) Last round for the rebels to take out the hanger, before Gamma squad shows up. Shunt plans a 2 straight, 2 right turn Dozer, and 2 left bank Doc.

Alpha-2 turns 3 right and bumps into Beta-1, so Still can't clear his critical. Charlie-1 are now separate due to Doc bumping into one. Charlie-1 turns 2 left bumping Dozer. Charlie-2 also turns 2 left, but doesn't bump so focuses. Beta-1 locks Dozer, then hard turns 2 left, no action. Beta-2 also locks dozer, then turns 3 right and clears his damaged structure (now @ 5 hull).

The rebels move. All lock onto the Hanger. Dozer causes it 4 hull, Doc then hits for 3 criticals, taking it out of action.. Unfortunately this gives Shunt no shot. Doc and Shunt now both on 5xp, 4 still for Dozer.

Beta-1 then hits Dozer for 2 hull damage. He dies from Charlie-2 hitting him for 3 more hull and a critical (injured pilot). Beta-2, Alpha-2 and Charlie-1 no shots. Turret-1 just out of range again, to shoot.

Gamma now will be a no show.

Round 6) Doc plans a 2 left turn, 3 left bank Shunt.

Alpha-2 straights 5, ramming into Beta-2. Can't clear his critical again. Both Strikers Bank 2 left, then barrel roll left. Beta-1 not in range again, to lock, so just banks 3 left and focuses. Beta-2 locks Doc then turns 3 right and activates marksmanship.

Shunt focuses, Doc Barrel rolls right, out of the Arc of Beta-2. Neither have shot.

Beta-2 is only imperial in arc or range to shoot, and he takes Shunt's last shield. Turret 1 can shoot but misses.

Round 7) Doc plans a 2 left bank, 2 left turn Shunt.

Alpha-2 tries a 5 straight again, bumping this time into Charlie-2. STILL can't clear his critical (poor tie fighter). Charlie-1 turns 1 left, while Charlie-2 turns 2 left. Both focus. Beta-1 again too far to lock, Straights 4 and has to barrel roll right to try and get an arc to shoot (just barely still out of arc but hopes to be in arc once rebels move). Beta-2 re locks onto Doc and banks 3 left and re-activates marksmanship.

The Rebels move. Doc locks Turret 1 while Shunt locks Beta-2. Then he takes a Console fire critical from the bomber, before getting off his own shot, killing the elite bomber. This shifts him up to 9xp, Dozer to 5 and Doc to 6. Doc deals only 2 hull to the turret. No other imp has a shot, and Turret-1 takes Doc's last shield.

Round 😎 Omega hypers in on tab 3. Doc plans a 3 straight, same for Shunt.

Alpha-2 banks 3 left and manages to finally clear his weapons malfunction. Yay! Charlie-1 straights 3, and focuses. Charlie-2 however bumps into Shunt doing his 5 straight. Beta-1 locks Shunt, then hard turns 2 right. No action. Omega-1 too far to lock, so straights 4 and focuses.

The rebels move. Shunt clears his Console fire critical, and Doc focuses. He destroys Turret 1. Now at 7xp. Shunt tries to shoot Mine-2 with his main guns, but whiffs.

No imperial has shot (Both in Charlie JUST out of arc!).

Round 9) After moving, Shunt kills Mine 2, but dies from the imperial's counter fire.

Upped him to 10xp.

Round 10) Doc escapes via the rebel entrance map edge before any imperial can shoot him...

Barely a rebel victory. 2 wins and 1 loss since edit. XP 10 Shunt/7 Doc/5 Dozer. 7Xp average.

4 th redo after making changes. (Mirrors of 6 th running)

Using Y-wing Snoopy (PS5, goes with ion bomb and proton torpedo), and X-wings Shatter (PS4, goes with proton torpedo) and Shrek (also PS4). Averages to PS4, so Omega's aggressor is shifted to an elite. Charlie shifts back to being two regular interceptors and Delta shifts back to being one elite striker. Squad leader on Snoopy. Shatter lines up on the east side, running towards Turret 1. On the west side, its Shrek, with Snoopy on his inside, facing Alpha squad.

Round 1) Both Shatter and Snoopy plan 3 straights, 4 for Shrek.

Alpha squad both banks 2 left and evades.

The rebels move. Shrek and Snoopy both lock onto Alpha-1, while Shatter locks Turret 1. Snoopy fires his Proton torpedo at the fighter, causing it to use his evade token, thus only taking 1 damage. Shrek deals a 2 nd , and declines to waste his lock. Shatter deals 3 hull to the turret. XP 1 ea Shrek and Snoopy, 0 Shatter.

Alpha-1 then hits Shrek for 2 of his shields, while Alpha-2 misses. Turret 1 too close to shoot Shatter, and too Far to shoot Snoopy. Turret 2 however is in range, and poor Snoopy takes 2 shields damage and loses his stealth device.

Round 2) Beta squad shows up on the hanger. Shrek and Snoopy both plan 3 left banks, 4 straight for Shatter.

Alpha-1 straights 1 and focuses. Alpha-2 turns 3 left, and elects to barrel roll left and rearward, to avoid the map edge. Beta-1 and 2 too far to lock. Beta-1 straights 3 and focuses, then Beta-2 banks 3 right and focuses (out of range for activating marksmanship).

Shrek bumps Alpha-1, Snoopy locks him and Shatter locks Beta-2. Shatter's torpedo misses. Snoopy has to spend his lock to kill the fighter, now at 3xp. And Shrek misses.

Beta-2 misses return shot on Shatter, while Beta-1 takes the last 2 shields off Snoopy. Turret 1 then hits him for 1 hull, Turret 2 misses, and Alpha-2 has no shot.

Round 3) Charlie's interceptors show up. Shatter plans another 4 straight, 3 right bank Shrek and Snoopy.

Alpha-2 turns right 2 and barrel rolls right. Both in Charlie squad straight 3. Charlie-1 bumps into Beta-1, Charlie-2 Focuses. Beta-1 locks Snoopy then banks 1 right away from him, and focuses defensively. Beta-2 locks Shatter, then Straights 1 and activates marksmanship.

The rebels move. Both Shrek and Shatter lock Charlie-1, while Shatter barrel rolls left to get out of Beta-2's arc.. Then his shot on the hanger misses, wildly (2 focuses and a blank vs 2 evades, 1 from range 3 and 1 for the shield generator). Snoopy's ion turret takes the stealth device, causes 1 hull and 1 ion to the interceptor, which then takes a 2 nd hull from Shrek's torpedo (what a poor roll). Shrek now @ 3xp, 4 Snoopy, still 0 Shatter.

Alpha-2, Charlie-2, and both in Beta have no shot. Charlie-1 hits giving 2 more hull to Snoopy, and luckily Turret 2 is too close to them to shoot, and too far to shoot Shatter, though turret 1 is in range, but misses.

Round 4) Delta's elite striker shows up. Both Shrek and Shatter plan 4 straights, 3 for Snoopy.

Alpha-2 does a 3k. Charlie-1 fails to clear his ion token bumping Beta-1 in the rear. Charlie-2 turns right 2 and bumps into Beta-2. Beta-1 re-locks Snoopy then 5ks. Beta-2 re-locks Shatter then turns 3 right and focuses defensively. Lastly Delta-1 turns 2 right and activates marksmanship.

The rebels move. All lock the hanger bay, and Snoopy drops his Ion bomb before moving, causing 2 ion tokens to Beta-1 and 2 more to Charlie-1. Snoopy's main guns then give 2 hull to the hanger, 3 more come from Shatter, and 2 more from Shrek. Not enough to destroy it.

No imperials have shots, and Turret-1 too far to shoot. Turret 2 misses Shatter.

Round 5) Shatter plans 3 right turn, 2 left turn for Snoopy and 1 left bank Shrek.

Alpha-2 banks 3 left and focuses. Charlie-1 bumps Beta-2 again, failing once more to clear any ion tokens. Charlie-2 turns 3 right then boosts right barely getting an arc. Beta-1 re-locks Snoopy then straights 1, bleeding the first of his ion tokens and focuses. Beta-2 re-locks Shatter, then turns 3 right, this time activating marksmanship. Lastly, Delta-1 turns 1 right has no shot, so evades.

The rebels move. Shatter locks Turret-2, Snoopy shifts his lock to Delta-1, and Shrek focuses. His shot finishes off the hanger. Now at 4xp along with Snoopy. Snoopy then hits Delta 1, taking its stealth device, giving it 1 Ion and 1 hull. Now at 5xp. Shatter deals 3 hull to turret 2. STILL at 0 xp (****).

Beta-2 then kills Snoopy with 2 more hull and a critical. Charlie-1 misses Shrek, while Alpha-1, Beta-1, Charlie-1 and Delta-1 all have no shot. Turret 1 too far to shoot, Turret 2 too close to shoot.

Round 6) Gamma would have come in, but the hanger's gone. 1 Straight for Shrek, 1 bank right for Shatter.

Alpha-2 straights 5 and focuses, Charlie-1 finally bleeds off his first ion token, and boosts forward to get a little more space on Shatter. Charlie-2 banks 1 right and focuses, Beta-1 bleeds off 2 nd ion token, straighting 1, then focuses, though was too far to lock anyone. Beta-2 locks Shrek then bumps into Delta-1 doing a 2 bank right. No action. Then Delta-1 bleeds its ion, moving past Beta-2 and barrel rolling left.

The rebels move, Shatter bumps Alpha-2, while Shrek boosts forward out of Beta-2's guns. His shot then kills the Elite Striker, shifting himself up from 4 to 8xp, giving Shatter his first, and a 5 th to Snoopy. Shatter rolls real poorly giving only a 4 th hull to the turret. Beta-2 then misses Shatter, Charlie-2 takes the stealth device and the first shield off Shatter, Alpha-2 takes Shrek's last shield and gives him 1 hull. All other shots miss.

Round 7), Shrek plans a 3 left turn, 4k for Shatter.

Alpha-2 turns 1 left, has no arc to shoot, so evades. Charlie-1 bleeds his 2 nd ion token, and then evades. Charlie-2 does a 3k. Beta-1 does a 5k, while Beta-2 re-locks Shrek and 5ks, bumping into Charlie-2.

The rebels move, Shrek finishes off Turret 1, now at 9xp, while Shatter finally kills the 2 nd turret, now at 2xp.

All can now escape. Beta-1 gives a 2 nd hull to Shrek, all other imps no shot or miss.

Round 😎 Omega 1 shows up mid west edge, spot 5.

The rebels move, with Shatter regenerating a shield, clearing his stress and prepping for hyperspace with a focus. Shrek boosts past Beta-1's arc, and kills Charlie-1 earning himself 3 more XP. Omega 1 takes the newly regenerated shield off Shatter, and his other shield as well as hulling him once, but fails to stop him entering hyperspace and fleeing. No one can shoot Shrek.

Round 9 Shrek escapes into Hyperspace after barely being missed by Omega-1.

6xp average for this run, though Shatter did real poorly. It sucks only getting to shoot the terrain (only earn XP for destroying it, not damaging).. BUT he at least survived..

Still a 3 rd rebel win, but all 3 wins were tough fights. Had die rolls gone worse for them or better for the imperials, it would easily have gone the other way.

Consider mission 3 good at 3 players. Now to re-do the 3 runs at 5 players with out the base being alerted.

Redo for 5 player level

Alpha squad shifts to 3 fighters

Beta squad stays 2 bombers, 1 elite

Charlie squad shifts to 3 interceptors (OR strikers), at PS6+ one is elite.

Delta shifts to 2 elite Strikers (Or interceptors). Nothing PS dependent.

Gamma shifts to 3 Advance prototypes, with one being elite at PS5+ (Use an advance ship figure for this one, but with the AP base card)

Omega shifts stays 1 aggressor, adding elite at PS4+ adding a 2 nd elite at PS 6+.

# of turrets shifts back up to 3, and 4 mines.

Will do runnings, 1, 2 and 5 again. Running 1 is with all X-wings (Jinn, Gruff, Squeaky, Tin-bok and Drogo). Running 2 is All Y-wings (Crack, Unca, Cmoz, Shunt and Dozer. ALL average out (due to rounding down) their PS to 4. So Omega has 2 aggressors, 1 regular and 1 aggressor which is elite. Gamma's APs are not shifted to elite. And Charlie has none shifted to elite.

1 st redo at 5 players

Using all 5 X-wings, Gruff (PS5, ops to go with proton torpedo), Jinn (PS6, has squad leader), Squeaky, (PS5), Drogo (PS4) and Tin-bok (Also PS4). Averages out to a PS of 4, rounded down. So Charlie squad does not get an elite, while Omega only has the 1 elite aggressor. Delta squad stays interceptors, Charlie is the strikers. Drogo and Tin-bok line up in middle, Jinn towards Alpha, and Squeaky/Gruff over on east side heading towards hanger 2.

Round 1) Squeaky and Gruff plan 3 straights, 4 straights the other 3.

Alpha squad all turns 3 left, then all barrel roll right and to the rear, to avoid map edge.

The rebels move. Drogo and Tin-bok focus, Squeaky and Gruff lock turret 1, Jinn locks Alpha-1. Jinn's torpedo deals it a hull and a thrust control fire critical. Squeaky destroys turret 1, Gruff now has no shot. Tin-bok gives 1 hull damage to mine 3, while Drogo finishes it off.

Alpha-1 and 3 no shot, Alpha-2 misses Jinn. Turret 2 & 3 both miss.

XP 1 Drogo, Squeaky and Jinn.

Round 2) Beta squad shows up on hanger 1. Jinn plans another 4 straight, 3 right bank Drogo and Tin-bok, 4 straight Squeaky and Gruff.

Alpha-1 initially rolls a 4k, but would take it off the map, so shifts to a 1 right turn, unfortunately this does not clear its stress. Alpha-2 and 3 both roll a 2 right bank, causing Alpha-2 to bump Alpha-1, and Alpha 3 focuses. Both in Beta too far to lock. Beta-1 straights 3 and focuses, while Beta-2 straights 4 and activates marksmanship (is in range of Drogo).

The rebels move. Jinn focuses, Gruff has no shot so declines to act, Squeaky barrel rolls to the right to get an arc to shoot at Beta-2, Tin-bok locks Turret 2, while Drogo joins Squeaky in locking the Elite bomber.

Jinn's shot destroys mine 4. Squeaky misses. Drogo's torpedo gives a hull and an injured pilot critical to the bomber and Tin-bok's torpedo gives 3 hull to turret 2.

Alpha-1 through 3 all no shot, Beta-1 takes a shield off Drogo, Beta-2 misses. Turret 2 takes a shield off Tin-bok, and Turret 3 misses Gruff.

XP Jinn 2, Squeaky 1, Gruff 0, Drogo 1, Tin-bok 0.

Round 3) Charlie's Strikers show up on hanger 2. Another 4 straight planned for Jinn, Squeaky and Gruff. 2 left turn Tin-bok, 3 left turn Drogo.

Alpha-1 banks 3 right, again failing to clear his stress. Alpha-2 and 3 turn 1 right, then both barrel roll to the right. All in Charlie bank 3 right and focus. Beta-1 locks Drogo then straights 1 and focuses. Beta-2 locks Squeaky, then banks 1 right and due to critical, can't activate marksmanship, and CAN'T focus as marksmanship replaces it.

The rebels move. Tin-bok focuses, Jinn locks hanger 1, Squeaky and Gruff lock Hanger 2, while Drogo bumps into Beta-1. Jinn deals 4 hull to hanger 1, Squeaky deals only 1 damage to hanger 2, while Gruff's torpedo deals 2 more. Man some weak torps there!.. Drogo destroys mine 1, while Drogo finishes off Turret 2. Beta-2 had no shot, and due to bumping neither does Beta-1, along with Alpha-1 and both Charlie-1 and 2. Charlie-3 however does, smacking Gruff for 1 shield, while Alpha-2 and 3 both shoot but miss Drogo. Turret 3 misses Squeaky again.

XP now 2 Jinn, 1 Squeaky, 0 Gruff, 2 Drogo and 1 Tin-bok.

Round 4) Delta squad shows up on hanger 2. 3 bank left planned for Jinn and Tin-bok, 4 straight for Drogo, 2 right turn for Squeaky and 3 right turn for Gruff.

Alpha-1 turns 3 right and still fails to clear stress. Alpha-2 and 3 also turn 3 right and both focus. All in Charlie do a 2k. Beta-1 locks Jinn (as he can't lock Drogo as they are bumping), then 5ks. Beta-2 re-locks Squeaky then also 5ks. Both in Delta also 5k. However, Delta-1 winds up bumping into Squeaky, while Delta-2 moves ok.

The rebels move. Gruff, Squeaky and Tin-bok lock onto Hanger 1, while Jinn and Drogo lock Hanger 2.

Jinn deals 3 more damage to hanger 2 (now at 6 hull), Drogo gets in the kill shot. Squeaky adds 3 more damage to hanger 1, Gruff kills. This leaves Tin-bok with no shot. XP now 1 for Gruff, 3 for Drogo, 2 still for Jinn, 1 for Squeaky, and 1 for Tin-bok.

Both Delta's miss their shots. Beta-1 and 2, along with Alpha-1 and Charlie-2 all have no shots.

Charlie-1 and 3 miss their shots on Gruff, Alpha-2 and 3 each hit Drogo for 1 shield. Turret 3 then hulls him twice..

Gamma squad now no show up. Omega still will.

Round 5) 2 right turn planned for Gruff, 3 for Squeaky. 2 left bank for Jinn, 4k for Drogo and 3 left bank for Tin-bok.

Alpha-1 straights 5 and STILL no clears his stress. Alpha-2 and 3 both straight 4, both focus. All in Charlie squad straight 3, C-1 bumps into Delta-1, C2 and 3 focus. Beta-1 straights 2 and focus, after being too far to lock. Beta-2 also too far to lock, so straights 3. Delta-1 does a 5k, bumping into Alpha-1, while Delta-2 banks right 3 and bumps into Gruff. Neither get action.

The rebels move. Tin-bok locks Beta-2, Drogo has no action after bumping, Gruff locks Beta-1, Jinn locks Delta-2, while Squeaky bumps Alpha-2. Jinn's shot takes both the shield and stealth device of the interceptor, and gives it 1 hull damage. Squeaky misses Alpha-1 (man just 1 hull needed to kill the bugger, couldn't even do that). Gruff strips the shield, stealth device and gives 1 hull to Delta-1.

Xp now 3 Jinn, 1 still for Squeaky, 2 now for Gruff.

Delta-1 has no shot, while Delta-2 misses Tin-bok. 3 Still for Drogo and 1 for Bok.

Then Tin-bok whiffs with his torpedo vs Delta-2 (man those evade dice were hot). Drogo has no shot.

Beta-2 misses Gruff, Beta-1 kills Drogo with 2 straight criticals (Blinded pilot and damaged cockpit).

Charlie-1 hits Gruff, taking his last shield and damaging his engine, while Charlie-2 gives him 2 more hull (good thing he has a hull upgrade) Charlie-3 hits Jinn, taking 2 of his shields and his stealth device.

Alpha-1 then kills Gruff, while Alpha-2 takes 2 shields of Tin-bok,. Turret 3 and Alpha-3 miss.

Round 6) Both Jinn and Tin-bok plan 4ks, 2 right bank for Squeaky.

Alpha-1 straights 2 finally clearing its stress. Alpha-3 3ks, while Alpha-3 banks left 1, bumping Squeaky. All in Charlie squad do a right Serngoor's loop. Beta-1 locks Squeaky then 4 straights and focuses. Beta-2 locks Jinn, then turns 3 left. Delta-1 and 2 both 3k.

The rebels move. Jinn and Bok both stress, while Squeaky bumps Beta-1. His shot then misses Delta-1. Jinn then gives a 2 nd hull and stunned pilot critical to Delta-2.

Delta-1 takes a shield off Squeaky, while Delta-2 takes the last off Bok.

Bok then whiff's his shot. XP now 2 Gruff, 3 Drogo, 4 Jinn, 1 Squeaky and Bok.

Beta-2 then takes the last shield off of Jinn with his cluster missile's first shot. Beta-1 has no shot, same with Alpha-3. Charlie-1 and 2 miss, same with Alpha-2. Turret 3 also misses. Charlie-3 had no shot.

Things not looking so good for our rebels..

Round 7) Squeaky plans a 2 straight to regenerate a shield, 1 bank right both for Tin-bok and Jinn to clear stress.

Alpha-1 straights 2 and focuses, while Alpha-2 does a 5, and Alpha-3 tries a 4k. Alpha-2 bumped Squeaky. All in Charlie try a turn 2 right, Charlie-1 is ok and focuses, Charlie-2 bumps one, and Charlie-3 bumps Bok. Beta-1 has no one to lock (is touching Squeaky and is just out of range of Jinn and Bok). So 5ks. Beta-2 re-locks Jinn then banks 1 right. Delta-1 turns right 2 and activates Expose, while Delta-2 tries a 5k bumping into Charlie-1. Due to his stunned pilot critical, this causes him to die, giving Jinn the Kill XP (now at 7 for Jinn, 2ea for Squeaky and Bok, 3 for Gruff and 4 for Drogo, due to him being an elite).

The rebels move, Jinn bumps into Charlie-1. No action. Bok focuses and Squeaky bumps Delta-1. Jinn deals a blinded pilot critical and 2 nd hull to Beta-2, while Squeaky's shot gives 2 hull to turret 3.

Delta-1 no shot.

Bok then kills Alpha-1, taking him to 4xp.

Beta-2 auto-misses due to his critical, Beta-1 takes another shield off Squeaky. Jinn takes a damaged engine critical from Charlie-2. Alpha-2 takes the last shield off Squeaky. All other shots miss.

Round 😎 Omega showed up right in the bottom corner, on spot 1.

Jinn plans 2 straight, 1 bank for Squeaky and 4 straight for Bok.

After all the imperials move, the rebels did, and Jinn deals 2 criticals more and a 2 nd hull to Beta-1 (minor hull breach and structural damage), while Squeaky misses, then Bok gives a weapons malfunction critical to Beta-1 (wow 3 crits on the bomber).

For the imperials counters, Jinn dies to fire from many ways.. Bok and Squeaky survive.. For now. XP now at 8 for Jinn, 3 still for Drogo and Gruff, 2 still for Squeaky, and 3 for Bok.

Round 9). Both rebels realize they won't survive unless they get out of dodge. They both move. Squeaky kills Alpha-2 finally, taking him to 4xp. Bok finishes off Beta-1, taking him up to 6xp. Then both die in a blaze of glory....

Solid rebel loss... Mostly due to sucky rolls more than anything else.

Now at 4 wins vs 3 losses for 5 players.

Xp averages out to 5 for this running, and only 1 mine remained.

2 nd redo at 5 players

Using all 5 Y-wings, Dozer (PS5, ops to go with seismic bomb and plasma torpedo), Crack (PS5 also, ops to go with Flechette torpedo and seismic bomb), Cmoz (PS4, ops to go with Cluster mine and proton torpedo), Unca (PS5, has proton torp and seismic bomb), and Shunt also PS5, ops to go with Plasma torp and Seismic bomb [with extra munitions). Also averages out to PS4. So Charlie squad does not get an elite. Squad leader will be on Unca. Delta shifts to being Strikers, Charlie is the interceptors. The two aggressors for Omega, the regular one uses AI Pilot card #1, the elite uses AI pilot card #4.

All rebels line up facing towards hanger 2.

Round 1) All rebels plan 3 straight.

Alpha squad all 3 straights and evades.

The rebels move. Cmoz locks mine 2, Dozer locks mine 4, Shunt and Crack lock Turret 2, and Unca focuses. Dozer destroys his mine. Unca deals only 1 hull to mine 2, which Cmoz then finishes off, Shunt destroys turret 2, after Crack deals it 3 hull.

XP 1 ea for Shunt, Dozer and Cmoz. 0 Crack and Unca.

None in Alpha close enough to shoot. Turret 1 takes 2 shields off Dozer, Turret 3 takes a 3 rd .

Round 2) Beta squad shows up on Hanger 1. Unca, Crack and Shunt plan 3 banks right, 2 Straights Dozer and Cmoz.

Alpha squad all 3 straights again, and focuses. Both in Beta too far to lock. Beta-1 straights 4 and focuses defensively (is not in range yet to shoot anyone). Beta-2 does same move, but as is not in range to shoot, can't activate marksmanship.

The rebels move. Crack and Shunt lock Beta-2, Unca and Cmoz lock Turret 3, while Dozer barrel rolls left, getting out of Alpha 1 and 2's firing arc. Unca then deals two hull to the turret, Shunt whiffs with his first plasma torpedo. Crack's Flechette torpedo also misses. Dozer has no shot, and Cmoz finishes off the turret. Now at 2xp, 1 still for Dozer and Shunt, 0 still for Unca and Crack.

Beta-2 takes a shield off Cmoz, Beta-1 misses Dozer. Alpha-1 and 2 both have no shot, while Alpha-3 misses. Turret 1 then misses Cmoz.

Round 3) Charlie squad (all 3 regular interceptors) show up on Hanger 2. Unca, Crack and Shunt plan 3 left banks, 3 straight for Cmos, and 3 right bank Dozer.

Alpha squad again 3 straights forward (darn rolling that 1 on the die), and all evade. All in Charlie 3 straight and focus. Beta-1 locks Cmoz then banks 1 right and focuses. Beta-2 locks onto him also, and does the same move, then activates marksmanship.

The rebels move. Crack bumps into Cmoz, who bumped into Charlie-2. Neither get an action. Unca locks Hanger 2, Crack locks Turret 1, and Shunt bumps into Beta-2. Crack then deals 2 hull to the turret. Shunt misses a snap shot on Beta-1, Unca's torpedo deals 4 hull to the hanger, and both Crack and Cmoz miss. Wow, no new XP.

Beta-2 shoots Crack taking his stealth device and a shield with his main guns (didn't have a shot on Cmoz to use his missile). Beta-1 then misses Shunt. Charlie-1 smacks Dozer giving him 3 hull, Charlie-2 takes a second shield off of Cmoz, while Charlie-1 takes a second shield from Crack. Turret 1 criticals Dozer with a Damaged Cockpit (so his PS is now 0!)

Round 4) Delta squad shows up on Hanger 2. Shunt plans 3 left banks, 3 right banks for Crack and Cmoz, 2 straight for Unca.

Dozer then moves 3 bank left, then locks Hanger 1.

Alpha squad all turns 1 right. All focus. Charlie 1 and 3 both turn 2 right. Charlie-1 bumps into Crack, while C3 bumps into Cmoz. Charlie-2 then does the same move, and evades as is beyond the rebels. Beta-1 locks Shunt, then turns 3 right, bumping into him. No action. Beta-2 then locks Crack, also turns 3 right bumping him too.. Man, lots of bumping!.. Both strikers in Delta, turn 2 right, and both have to barrel roll left to get space on the map edge.

The rebels move. Unca and Crack drop their Seismic bombs as are far enough away from any fuel tank, none will take damage. Shunt unfortunately, is in range and doesn't wish to risk blowing them up.

Cmoz locks Hanger 2, then boosts right via his droid. Shunt also locks onto Hanger 1. Crack does likewise, while Unca bumps into Delta-1.

Crack's bomb deals 1 hull to Beta-1 and 2, as well as Charlie-1 and 2, taking each of their stealth devices. Then Unca's bomb goes off, dealing a 2 nd hull to Beta-1, Charlie 1 and 2, and deals 1 hull to Delta-2. Unforunately due to his bumping, he is in range of his own bomb, losing 1 shield and his stealth device (RATS!). Unca's TLT then gives only a 5 th hull to hanger 2. Dozer gives 2 hull to hanger 1, Shunt adds 2 more after shooting his 2 nd torpedo. Crack makes it only a 5 th with his turret, even with spending his lock..

Neither striker in Delta have a shot.

Cmoz then shoots and finishes off Hanger 2, earning himself a 3 rd XP. Shunt, Dozer, Crack and Unca all at 1 now.

Beta-2 misses a shot on Unca, and Beta-1 takes his last 2 shields. Then Charlie-3 hulls him once. Charlie-1 and 2 no shots. Alpha squad are all just out of range to shoot. Turret 1 then takes Crack's last shield. Man this was a sucky round for the rebels..

At least Gamma now won't show up.

Round 5) Shunt plans a 2 right turn, 2 straight for Crack, 3 right bank for Unca, and Cmoz.

Then Dozer does a 2 right turns, and re-locks the 1 st hanger.

Alpha squad all turns 3 right, Alpha-1 and 2 both bump into Beta-1, on different facings. While Alpha-3 bumps into Alpha-1's back. All get no action. Charlie-1 turns right 2 and focuses. Charlie-2 does a 3k, while Charlie-3 straights 2 and bumps into Charlie-1. Beta-1 then locks Unca, and straights 4 bumping into Charlie-3. Beta-2 also locks onto Unca, then banks 1 right bumping into Beta-1. ( Conga line!). Delta 1 and 2 both roll the same move, a 1 right turn. Delta-2 shifts it left then evades, while Delta-1 does the move, then barrel rolls to the right, away from the map edge.

The rest of the rebels move, Cmoz re-locking hanger 1 along with Dozer. Crack locks Delta 1, Uncal locks Charlie-1 and Shunt focuses. His shot destroys the last hanger. Unca then kills the first interceptor, earning himself a cool 3xp. Crack then deals 3 hull to Delta-1, barely avoids destroying it.

Neither Striker in Delta have a shot.

Cmoz deals 3 more hull to hanger 1. Now at 3xp, while Unca's at 4, 2 for Crack and Shunt, while Dozer's still at 1.

Neither bomber has a shot, same for Charlie 2 and 3, and Alpha 1 and 3, who are just out of arc. Alpha-2 gives Unca a 2 nd hull damage.

Dozer then finishes off the last hanger, taking him up to 2xp. Now all they need to do is finish off both strikers and they can then escape.

Round 6) Shunt plans a 2 right turn, 2 right bank for both Unca and Crack, 3 straight for Cmoz. Dozer then performs a 3 right bank and locks Mine 1..

Alpha-1 and 2 then bank 3 left. Alpha-1 focusing, Alpha-2 bumping into Alpha-1. Alpha-3 straights 3 and focuses due to him not facing the same way as the other 2 were. Charlie-2 straights 4 bumping into Beta-1. Charlie-3 does a 3k. Beta-1 locks Unca again, then hard 2 turns right, getting no action. Beta-2 also re-locks Unca, then turns 3 and bumps into Beta-1. Delta-1 performs a right Serngor's loop, while Delta-2 straights 2 and evades.

The rebels move. Cmoz locks Mine 1. Shunt and Crack lock Alpha-1, and Unca locks Delta-1. He then kills it, earning himself 4xp (3 for the kill, 1 for it being an elite). Cmoz misses. Crack deals 1 hull to mine 4, Shunt kills Alpha-1 earning himself 2xp.

Delta-2, Beta-2, Alpha-3 and Charlie-3 all no shots. Beta-1 shoots his Cluster missile into Unca killing him with 2 more hull and 2 crits (one being a direct hit, a little overkill there). This denies both Alpha-2 and Charlie-2 shots, as he was the only one in their range to shoot.

Dozer then finishes off Mine 1.

XP now 4 for Cmoz, 4 for Dozer, 5 for Shunt, 8 for Unca (EVA) and 3 for Crack.

Round 7) Shunt, Cmoz and Crack all plan 3 banks right, while Dozer performs a 2 straight so he can hyper out.

Alpha-2 does a 4k. Alpha-3 turns right 1 and focuses. Charlie-2 straights 5 bumping into Alpha-2, Charlie-3 also straights 5 and bumps into Beta-2. Beta-1 locks Crack then banks 3 right and bumps Alpha-2. Beta-2 also locks Crack, then banks 3 right and activates marksmanship. Delta-3 straights 3 and evades.

The rebels move. Cmoz locks the last mine and boosts forward, while Crack and Shunt focus. Shunt is barely out of arc to shoot Delta-2, while Shunt misses him.

Delta-2 no shot.

Cmoz finishes off the last mine, taking him to 5xp, 4 still for Dozer, 5 for Shunt, 8 for Unca and 3 for Crack.

Charlie-3 and Beta-2 no shots. Beta-1 shoots Crack but thanks to his Focus, its a miss. Alpha-3 misses Shunt (thanks to him still having his stealth device), while Alpha-2 and Charlie-3 take out Dozer before he can try to exit into hyperspace. 2 rebels down...

Round 😎 Omega squad shows up on spot 1, right behind our rebels.. Well not exactly right behind.

Shunt plans a 3 left bank, while Crack and Cmoz plan 3 right banks.

Alpha-2 turns 3 left and focuses. Alpha 3 does a 4k. Charlie-2 turns right 2 bumping into Alpha-2. Beta-1 and 2 both lock Shunt, with Beta-1 then banking 2 and focusing. Beta-2 then turns 3 and activates marksmanship again. Delta-2 turns 1 left and focuses. Omega 1 locks Cmoz then straights 4 and focuses. Omega 2 just out of range to lock, but only straights 3 and focuses.

The rebels move. Cmoz uses his action to drop his proximity mine behind him. Shunt and Crack both lock onto Delta-2. Shunt's shot gives it a minor hull breech critical, while Crack kills it off. XP now 7 Shunt, 6 dozer, 5 Cmoz, 7 Crack and 9 Unca.

Omega-2 too far to shoot.

Cmoz now no shot as no one in range for his turret.

Beta-2 no shot. Omega-1 hits Cmoz taking his last 2 shields. The rest of the imperials either miss or are too far to shoot except for Charlie-2 who gives a 3 rd hull to Crack.

Round 9, Crack and Cmoz both safely enter hyperspace before any imperial can shoot them. Shunt however fails (rolled 2 blanks). Then gets smacked for all 4 of his shields, his stealth device and 2 hull, from the imperials fire..

However, he safely enters hyperspace in the 10 th round, before any imperial can shoot him.

Solid rebel win with 2 losses. Unca's eva would have cost him both his EPT and his most expensive upgrade, while Dozer's EVA roll would have cost him all his XP. The Average was 7xp.

1 out of 2 runnings at the new level, is a win. Making 5 wins overall vs 3 losses overall at 5 players..

3 rd and last redo at 5 players

Using B-wing Grood (PS5), X-wings Chaka (PS5) and Squeaky (also PS5), and Y-wings of Imo-thep (PS3, plasma torp and Seismic bomb) and Crack (sticks with seismic bomb and flechette torp). Also averages out to PS4. So Charlie squad does not get an elite, while Omega only has the 1 elite aggressor. Squad leader will be on Grood. Delta shifts back to interceptors, Charlie back to strikers.

Grood lines up in middle. Both Y-wings to west, facing Alpha (Imo-thep more inside near Grood), and both X-wings to east, heading towards hanger 2.

Round 1) Both Y-wings and the B-wing plan a 3 straight, 4 for both X-wings.

Alpha squad all banks 3 left and evades.

The rebels move. Chaka and Squeaky have no shots, so focus defensively. Imo-thep and Crack lock onto Alpha-1, while Grood locks onto Turret 3. His shot deals it 3 hull. Both Y-wings waste their torpedos missing the fighter. No XP anyone.

Alpha-3 is too far to shoot. Alpha-1 and 2 miss. Turret 2 misses, but Turret 1 and 3 each shoot Grood taking a shield.

Round 2) Beta squad shows up on the hanger. Grood plans a 2 right bank, to take him into the side of the fighters. 3 straight both Y-s, and 4 straight again for both X-wings.

Alpha squad all straights 4 and focuses. Both in Beta too far to lock, Both straight 4 and as neither are in range to shoot, only Beta-1 focuses, as Beta-2's focus was replaced with his Marksmanship EPT.

The Rebels move. Crack re-locks Alpha-1, while Imo-thep locks Alpha-1 and boosts forward. Grood barrel rolls to get in arc of Alpha-2, and both Chaka and Squeaky lock onto Hanger 2. Chaka's torpedo deals it 3 hull, while Squeaky's torpedo whiffs.

Grood then deals 1 measly hull damage with his advance torpedo (darn all those evade die of the fighter!!. GRR). Crack deals 2 hull to Alpha-1.

Beta-2 then misses a shot on Grood.

Imo-thep then decides to shoot Alpha-2, and kills it. Now @ 2xp for him, 1 for both Grood and Crack.

Beta-1 then takes 2 more shields off Grood, Turret 3 takes his last, and Turret 1 hulls him once. Neither of the 2 remaining tie fighters have a shot, and Turret 1 and 2 both miss.

Round 3) Charlie squad shows up on hanger 2. 3 straights planned for Grood, Imo-thep and Crack, 4 straights both X-wings again.

Alpha-1 initially rolls a 5k, but the map edge is there, so its shifted to a 3 right turn and evades. Alpha-3 does a 4k. All in Charlie squad straight 3 and barrel roll right. Beta-1 then locks onto Grood and banks 1 left and focuses. Beta-2 locks onto Squeaky then turns 3 right and activates marksmanship.

The rebels move. Imo-thep locks turret 1, then boosts left. Grood barrel rolls left to get out of Beta-1's arc, while Crack locks Mine 1. Both Chaka and Squeaky re-lock the hanger. Squeaky's shot deals it 4 more hull, Chaka gets in the kill shot. Now Delta squad won't show up (and is considered a mission kill for the primary objectives). Crack deals a measly 1 hull to the mine, even with spending his lock. Grood finishes it off, now at 2xp.

Beta-2 just out of arc to shoot.

Imo-thep then deals 1 hull to the turret.

Alpha-1, and Beta-1 no shot. Alpha-3 deals a 2 nd hull to Grood, who then dies to Turret 1 critting him twice (console fire and thrust control fire). Turret 2 misses Squeaky, while Turret 3 misses Imo-thep. None in Charlie had a shot.

Round 4), Both X-wings plan 3 right turns, 3 left bank Crack and 3 straight for Imo-thep.

Alpha-1 turns 3 right again and focuses. Alpha-3 straights 5 and focuses. Charlie squad all 2ks. Charlie-1 bumps into Beta-2, while Charlie-3 bumps 1. Charlie-2 goes ok.

Beta-1 locks Crack then 5ks. Beta-2 re-locks Squeaky then straights 2, and barrel rolls right to get him in arc.

The rebels move, with Imo-thep focusing, All others locking the hanger.

Chaka deals it 4 hull, 4 more come from Crack, the kill goes to Squeaky. XP now 2 Grood, 1 Squeaky, 1 still for Crack and Chaka. Now Gamma won't show up. All mission goals but destroying the turrets met.

Beta-2 no shot.

Imo-thep then finishes off the turret, now # 3xp.

Only Alpha-3 has shot for the rest of the imperials but both he and the two remaining turrets miss.

Round 5) Imo-thep plans a 2 left turn, 2 right for Chaka, 3 right bank for Squeaky and 4k for Crack.

Alpha-1 straights 4 and focuses. Alpha-3 straights 5, almost slamming into Crack's back, then focuses. Charlie-1 and 3 both turn 1 left, Charlie-1 barrel rolls right to give space for Charlie-3. Charlie-2 then banks right 1, bumping into Beta-2. Beta-1 too far to lock anyone, so banks 2 right and focuses. Beta-2 locks Chaka again, then hard 2 turns right. No action.

The rebels move. Chaka and Imo-thep lock Charlie-3, Crack drops his seismic bomb, dealing 1 hull to Alpha-3, then takes his stress and Squeaky barrel rolls to the left. After Imo-thep locks, he boosts forward. Crack's main guns miss the fighter, Squeaky whiffs his shot vs Mine 4, and Chaka deals 1 hull to the striker. Now at 2xp him, 1 still Squeaky, and Crack, and 2 Grood.

Beta-2 no shot again.

Imo-thep then gives a minor hull explosion critical, giving 2 more hull to the striker, taking him to 4xp.

Beta-1 then misses Squeaky, so does Alpah-1, while Alpha-3 has no shot. Charlie-1 takes 2 shields off Squeaky, while Charlie-2 hits taking 2 shields and the stealth device of Imo-thep. Charlie-3 takes his last, while giving him 1 hull damage. Turret 2 misses, while Turret 3 gives him a munitions failure, causing him to loose his seismic bomb.

Round 6) Crack plans a 2 straight to clear his stress. 3 left bank for Imo-thep, 4 straight for Chaka and 3 right bank for Squeaky.

Alpha-1 straights 5 and focuses. Alpha-3 banks 2 left and focuses. Charlie-1 turns 2 left and focuses. Charlie-2 Serngor's loops left, while Charlie-3 does it right. Beta-1 locks Squeaky then straights 2 and focuses. While Beta-2 re-locks Chaka, and turns 3 right activating marksmanship.

The rebels move. Imo-thep locks turret 2 and boosts right, getting it in range 1 of his dorsal turret. Chaka focuses, Crack bumps into Alpha-3 failing to clear his stress, and Squeaky barrel rolls right. His shot kills off the damaged striker, taking him up to 4xp. Crack takes a pot shot at Beta-1 dealing it 1 hull. Chaka kills Turret 3. Now at 3xp for Chaka. 4 Squeaky, still 2 Grood and 2 Crack.

Beta-2 misses a shot on Squeaky.

Imo-thep deals 3 hull to turret 2.

Beta-1 hits Crack back taking 1 shield and his stealth device. Neither Charlie-1 or Alpha-3 have shots. Charlie-3 misses while Alpha-1 takes Crack's last two shields.

Round 7) Imo-thep plans a bank 1 left, 4 straight again Chaka, 2 straight again for Crack, and 3 left turn Squeaky.

Alpha-1 banks 2 right bumping Crack. Alpha-3 turns 3 left and focuses. Charlie-1 left turns 1 and barrel rolls left to get arc. Charlie-3 straights 3 and focuses. Beta-1 re-locks Crack and focuses after going 1 straight. Beta-2 locks Squeaky then straights 4 and activates marksmanship.

The rebels move. Crack bumps into the bomber. Will have no action OR shot. Squeaky locks mine 4, killing it, taking him to 5xp. Imo-thep focuses, and Chaka locks mine 2. his shot deals it only 2 hull.

Beta-2 then hulls Crack twice.

Imo-thep finishes off his mine. Now at 5xp too. Chaka finishes with only 3xp, 2 for Crack and Grood.

Alpha-1 and Beta 1 no shot. Charlie-1 finally hits Chaka taking 2 shields and his stealth device. Alpha-3 misses.

Round 😎 Omega shows up on spot 2. After the rebels move, Crack gets destroyed by both Omega's after he fails to enter hyperspace.. Chaka managed to exit the map, and Squeaky entered hyperspace safely. Unfortunately, Imo-thep also dies to raking fire from both Charlie-1 and 3. OUCH.

So even though it was a rebel win, 3 of 5 ships died.. Imo-Thep got 1 focus so would have lost half the 5xp he earned. Grood rolled Double crits so technically would be dead permanently, and Crack rolled lucky with 2 blanks (hey same as his hyperspace entrance roll!)...

Another rebel win, making 2 out of 3 wins for the re-do. 6 wins 3 losses overall at 5 players, but a LOT DEPENDS on how quickly the rebels can get in and destroy both hanger bays.

So for Xp overall, we have

3 player runnings;

1st had 3xp average

2nd had 4, so did the 3rd, 4th and 6th.

the 5th had a whapping 10xp.

For the four re-dos after i made the change it was 3xp, 2xp, 7xp and 6xp. For a grand total of 47xp out of 10 runs. 4.7xp average overall.

At 5 players, the 1st earned 10xp, 11 in the 2nd running, 6 in both the 3rd and 5th, 5 for the 4th, and 8xp in the 6th running. For the 3 re-do runs, we had 5xp, 7xp and 4xp. Giving me a 62xp grand total, out of 9 runs. 6.8xp overall ave. adding both together, i got 5.75xp averaging for all runnings. So i am awarding 6xp (rounding up) to every ship.

Crack, Unca, and Dozer just upgraded their PS to 6. Squeaky also upgraded to PS6, but also purchased the modification of Munitions failsafe.

Tin-bok and Cmoz all upgraded to PS5.

Drogo upgraded from an X-wing to a Y-wing. Selling back his R5-K6 astromech, his Engine boost and his Proton torpedo netted him the 5xp needed for doing the switch over (1/2 xp value of the stuff sold back). Used the 13xp he had remaining to purchase his 2nd EPT (as A_wings can have 1 starting, +1 from PS3) of Outmaneuver, the Shield upgrade, and the missile of Ion pulse.

Doc purchased a sensor jammer system and the crew slot of Sabine Wren, so he can now use his proton bomb.

Wilt and Spot banked all of theirs.

Grood purchased the named pilot of Nera Dantels (allowing him to now fire torpedos at anyone in range).

Chaka purchased the engine upgrade so can now boosts, while Jinn got a Hull upgrade.

And lastly Shunt purchased the named pilot of Etahn Abaht.

Edited by LTuser