Pathfinder 8 Ambush

By Thaeggan, in The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth

Never Mind, I figured it out. Discard the card to add X hits the the attack.

Unsure how to play the Ambush card in the Pathfinder class (as an example)

Do I have a permanent Strike 2 when the skill is prepared until it is discarded?

"When an enemy moves into a space, you may discard this skill to attack that enemy, if possible, add 1 success to the test.

Strike 2 "

Edited by Thaeggan

The key point is that you can't discard a card twice, so you have to choose which ability to use, such as the printed discard ability, or one keyword. One thing I like about this is for characters with the bow, being able to hit them from safety (and for free). Any high damage character would be great with this too I think.

The experienced cards have the clarifying text in brackets after the keywords removed.

the keywords still work the same way, and require discarding.