I was doing some back-of-the-envelope calculations to see what happens to a body dumped from Challenger, and discovered that the Memorial Shuttle's travel times are way off.
See, it turns out that a counterweight at 70,000 km whipping around once every 24 hours (tangent speed 5.6 km/s) is in fact well above escape velocity (3.2 km/s). So while corpses will fly out into solar orbit just fine, a "slow boat" simply letting go at the right time will have you on Luna in about a day. For that matter, Mars is only 3.6 km/s away, so you don't even need to use any fuel for that until you arrive (excepting course correction maneuvers.)
And that's not even taking advantage of the Beanstalk as a magnetic accelerator, which could put you on course at a scorching 32 km/s without exceeding 1.5 g! That is frankly way too fast for anything local, considering you have to stop at the other end. It's nearly solar escape velocity, and ten times the velocity necessary to reach Mars!
Er... Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.