Tournament Software

By wildkatze69, in X-Wing Organized Play

What tournament software or system are being seen from people at both regular local or larger OP like System Opens or Hyperspace Qualifiers?

Personally I love playing on Tabletop TO organised events. All online via browser interface. List pre submission, provide results from the       gaming table, see new pairings and table number, current standings, all what you want to keep the crowd from running around for screens and result submissions.

I used TOME. Once. What c.f. Crashed and I had to re-enter everything manually, and that lead to a mistake in the pairings that saw a MASSIVE effect on the final standings.

Using TTO now, and am pretty happy with it. Simple interface, seems robust. I haven't run anything bigger than ten people with it, though. More than that might be challenging on my phone, but my FLGS doesn't have wifi....

I know the guy who developed TTO (we played at the same store), so Im highly biased in recommending it to everyone.

We use TTO for our local X-Wing and Legion events and are using it for our upcoming Hyperspace Trial in June.

I like that I can run a series of events, helped a lot with the Wave Championship stuff recently. I also like that it's web-based so I can have it up on multiple computers in our play area for reporting, time-clock, and pairings. They also allow direct exporting to ListFortress for X-Wing.

BCP (Best Coast Pairings) seems to have a lot of followers but it isn't implemented as fully on Android as it is on iOS, it doesn't work on a PC, and you can't do a direct-export to ListFortress. The app on Android has yet to impress me.

Edited by NeonWolf

Anyone have a link for TTO?

23 hours ago, Croste said:

Anyone have a link for TTO?

I am not sure of the details, but there was a major problem with Best Coast Pairing st the Atlanta System Open that caused major delays. I have used BCP in the past and did not like it. TableTop TO seemed to be good at the recent Hyperspace Trial I attended.

I can say that there have been some issues with BCP in larger 40k tournaments too, though these seem to be fixed now. TTO seems like the best software for X-Wing judging by all the tournaments I've attended that have used it without problems.


Had the pleasure of playing in a Regional with the organizer using this.

Made life sooooo much easier.

No one using Cryodex anymore?

Update: Cryodex has a picture on their Facebook page of FFG using it for, I think, Gencon

Edited by B3AST

TTO seems like the best, but Cryodex doesn't need an internet connection.