Leg Enhancements and Tech-Required Units

By gforce200, in StarCraft

Good morning,

I have the leg enhancements card and am thinking of using it against another player's Archon. The Archon costs two gas plus two units.

Would I just need to bring 3 Zealots to overcome the Archons' cost of 2 gas or more to overcome the total cost which includes the cost of the sacrificed units?


from the FAQ:

Technology Cards
Q: How does the “Leg Enhancement” Technology card work
with a unit whose cost includes destroying friendly units (for
example an Archon or Lurker)?
A: The cost of the unit (for the purposes of this card’s
ability) includes the cost of all units required to build it. For
example, the cost of an Archon would be 4; 2 for the Archon
and a total of 2 for the High Templars.

So, you need 5 Zealots!

Thanks, I better start building!

if 5 zeolot vs 1 zergling with leg enchancements,

the zerg player can draw combat cards?as he unit already kill before skrmishes.Or the battle sequence must continue,so we must resolve all the battle step?

WYO said:

if 5 zeolot vs 1 zergling with leg enchancements,

the zerg player can draw combat cards?as he unit already kill before skrmishes.Or the battle sequence must continue,so we must resolve all the battle step?

Here's the answer:


BTW: Even 5 Zealots don't guarantee that Archon / Ultralisk / etc. will be destroyed. The defender may choose to destroy even High Templar or Zergling (if any are present in the battle).