Variable players

By wmsouthpaw1981, in The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth

Hello all,

I keep eyeballing this game for after my buds and I finish up IA. Something I didn't care for on the IA app (at least as far as I know) is you can't add or subtract a player easily.

If I have two players week one, three players week two, and two players week three, so this easy to moderate on the JiME app?

I'm scared to buy. We went diceless recently with Gloomhaven and HATED it. Don't know if that's Gloomhaven specifically or not, but god that game requires too much fiddling to play. Encouraged by the ease of use comments I'm seeing here.

You cannot add or subtract players after starting a campaign in the app.

If you have less players, some people will have to use two heroes. Considering the game isn’t too “heavy,” that shouldn’t really be a problem.

So I would recommend starting a campaign with 4-5 players and seeing how it goes with your group from there.

Having somebody simply play an extra character is an option, but something FFG has advertised for this game is that in your situation, you could have a completely separate campaign for the 2 players, if you wanted to. If you only have your third friend every so often, you could have a separate campaign that he's a part of, and then he's not missing out on things.