Where should bug reports be submitted?

By hornsfan01, in The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth

Saw a typo in the app last night ( I distorted the text that someone might consider a spoiler, because you never know ):


If Lore is actually meant to increase by {0}.2, then my mistake. But assuming this is a typo, does anyone know where to submit this as a bug report in case the developer wants to clean it up?

[email protected]

That definitely looks like a config issue.

Edited by Uninvited Guest

Ok, thanks for the help. I submitted it to the email address above.

Edit: Completely re-writing this post. I originally received a reply from FFG support that directed me to Asmodee, but that was apparently incorrect so disregard.

The correct e-mail address to send bug reports and questions about the app are (either one should work):

Edited by Faranim
Original information was incorrect